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Everything posted by WesternZypher

  1. I just listened to this right after "Test of Island Courage" and it made me soooooooooooo happy
  2. Riproarin fun? Yes, yes it is. I hope to hear more from the good doctor, cuz this shot a' cactus-tonic's just what he prescribed.
  3. It's a word that gets overused so much, but this was, and still is, epic. Gonna get me a horse and ride across the plains to this music.
  4. I love OA's analogy up there about how the song transforms from a flower to an oak- delicate to resounding strength perfectly describes in my head, too. A lovely piece.
  5. Though I had both games, I enjoyed the first more than the second, but the gameplay made me feel like I was waaay too old for it - everything from the aesthetic to the enemies just screamed "6 yrs and under". Still, I remember liking the music fr. the 1st one (the second's score was much less memorable, imo) - La Saia's Resting Place still has a regular spot on my playlist. This track is very good, too.
  6. Thanks to Yoshmaster for mentioning Makke's other songs on kwed. This remix is kinna' nutty - it's just short enough to be enjoyable, but I'd probably start to get that special kinna' happy-insane-grinny-grin if it went on much longer than it actually does...
  7. This is enjoyable in it's own right, despite how it compares to judges' standards. It is regrettable the remixer has not submitted anything since.
  8. Agreed w/ Turkaholic - instrumentation quality issues asides, this is an enjoyable piece, and if a song or tune brings you joy, well, then that's all it has to do. Happy to know this'll stay up on the site for posterity.
  9. When the world has me down, I listen to this. Doesn't make me happier exactly, but makes me feel like I can deal with it. A great mix.
  10. I listen to OCR at work, and though there's nothing terribly unique I have to say about this awesome background-but-foreground-of-your-mind music, this post will help me find it so I can download it at home later : )
  11. This gets alot of play on my "summertime" list, especially at dusk and in the evenings. Very cool.
  12. Completely agreed with EmpyClaw - these are some funktastic demonic vampire space aliens who break into dance as they funkily slink around and bite people. Who then get up, all vampiri-zombified, and start shuffling around all funkily, too.
  13. Thank goodness for the pieces djp posted on his own in the site's early years - this would be sorely missed.
  14. Loving the 6 minute length on this song - so many songs get me in, start to feel like they're transporting me somewhere - and then they're already over. This does not fail to deliver on that feeling.
  15. A smooth way to kick off the new year - zircon's been a favorite artist, and anything his name qualifies as an insta-download. Just wish it was longer, as it feels over too soon, but this is still no exception.
  16. Another oldie but a goodie - retro, bouncy, a little so much so I wouldn't call it chill - it's enthusiastic and bubbly, like, uh, a happy little volcano...
  17. Morse always makes the smoothest mixes - must be, um, slow churned or something? Serve yourself up two scoops of this.
  18. I love Stephen Rippy's music from the AoE series - they're evocative, jammy, and great for laying waste to your enemy's cities to. Protricity has made a fine mix, but it does sound more Asian than African.
  19. Oldschool OCR is da best. Break out the steel drums and piña colada!
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