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Everything posted by Broken

  1. I hope you make your game freeze up.....
  2. If you go to anime dreamer and download the DDR Videogames mixes, there are plenty of OCR tracks with stepfiles made for them. Lots of DJ P's stuff is covered and there are some songs from Rayza as well. Oh, and Trash Man, major props for making your own DDR mat. I've played on a pair of homemade pads before and it's great fun. It's a project I'd like to try myslef someday. I need to focus on making my arcade stick first, though.
  3. My point is that I'm more worried about how things like the gameplay and the online service pan out more than how anything looks. And in the realm of graphics, I'm more worried about how the characters and backdrops look than any item or items.
  4. Well, counting the Sonic Mega Collection, I own two versions of sonic 1, 2, and 3, oh and Sonic and Knuckles also. I own: Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PSX) Street Fighter Alpha 3 upper (GBA) .....That's all I can think of at the moment. And those are just re-hashes or remakes. I have plenty of games and their sequels.
  5. But what? It's a pokeball. It releaeses pokemon. Who cares what it looks like? I'm sure the game will look much better in action than any single screenshot can show anyway.
  6. Double jump canceling characters win, hard. I always lol at those people (or maybe it's just one guy) on smashboards with the "Ness is top tier" sigs.
  7. Happy birthday you pre-calculus tutoring mod, you.
  8. I think Smashboards is migrating to another server, actually.
  9. I played Melty Blood: Re Act for the first time yesterday. It was great fun. It's got the style and flash of Guilty Gear, but it plays more like Street Fighter (A much faster, crazier Street Fighter.) The music is nice as well. My only gripe is not being able to understand anything because of all the Japanese text.
  10. I was wondering when that was going to happen.
  11. Speaking of defelecting attacks; Powershielding, yea or nea? I thought it was a nice addition to Melee that added an extra level of skill (and sometimes luck) to defensive play.
  12. And you wonder why I hate you....
  13. It certainly was fun, my good friend. If anyone else wants some free points, I'll try to be on AIM this evening.
  14. Haha, the last couple of pages on this thread look like a judges decision panel. All it needs is a NO OVERRIDE! Like where you're going with this idea, btw. I'll definitely take some of your opinions into account when I next shop for games.
  15. Welcome to all newcomers! Seems we've been graced with a very diverse bunch.
  16. NAHHH! DUDE! I was just being facetious. The only reason I'm not buying Diamond/ Pearl is because I don't have a DS right now.
  17. Awww, that's one of my favorites. That's it! I'm not buying Pearl or Diamond!
  18. I hope this stays out of America. It smells of bad marketing schemes. In other news, Brawl has been reconfirmed for 2007. So, I guess we can expect it sometime in the next 7 months.......
  19. Hey, ya'll. I don't own Diamond or Pearl or I wouldn't be asking this but do any of the glitches that have been discovered in the original pokemon/ gold and silver still work in the newest games? The glitches I'm referring to are: 1. The long-ranged trainer glitch (first available in Ceurelean City) 2. The box glitch (this just abuses a glitch in coding and can be used anytime) 3. Anything else that is of note (missingno. etc.)
  20. That guy was amazing. Major props.
  21. I'm sorry, but Craven The Hunter is the best villan ever. His animal hide jacket is so FABULOUS! Shocker comes in a very close second, though.
  22. Man, button mashing on GG is the way to go because everything you do seems to create a large splash of blood or giant explosion. My friends and I took some time away from our button mashing-fest to just watch me do every character's insta-kills. Faust and Zappa's insta-kills are classic. Faust's was remeniscent of Smoke's "blow up the whole freaking world" fatality in UMK3. Edit: found this on SRK as I was looking for good pad-hacking sites They have your pad in here, Citris
  23. Voted. And yes, ArmCannon is a great band.
  24. So, does that mean we have factual evidence that the game will be coming out for the Wii? Last I heard, the only info we had about Accent Core on the Wii was some sketchy japanese website's blog or something.
  25. Great interview, Dain. Best of luck with your future endeavors. I can't wait to play your song on the next DDR!
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