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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Those rhythm guitars are taking up some much room in the soundfield, it's near impossible to hear anything else, dude. You'll want to bring them way back. Once they are gone, it's easier to hear things, but the section immediately afterward has no anchor. It gets a little better, but still things are really unevenly balanced. Sometimes the synths are too loud, sometimes, the guitars are, or sometimes nothing is taking charge, and there are 4 parts vying for space, some of which don;t even sound like they belong in the same song. The source itself is a medley, so this specific medley worked ok for me, but the production aspects of most of this drag it down into resub territory. Some of the transitions are really cool, like the one 2/3 through, and the ending was really nice; i liked the flute and vocals quite a bit. The guitar playing was solid, and the leads sounded really good. It was all just balance and mixing issues. No, please resubmit
  2. Great feel, and a good length makes this a pretty great and breezy track; OCR could definitely use some more Afro-Cuban. I was a little underwhelmed by the guitar solos, but in the melody parts, they were pretty on. The rhythm section was solid all the way through, however. Nice work, comrades! Production is clean and balanced, and the entire live feel really helps this feel like I am enjoying some sort of delicious beverage at Club OCR, down on the beach. The arrangement is conservative, but there are enough difference in tone, and performance to get this over the bar. I enjoyed it a lot. Yes
  3. I gotta go with the majority here, I am hearing early references to ice cap and lava reef, but beyond that, it takes a pretty big stretch to get the references. Production in the strings is weak, as mentioned, and the acoustic guitar sample is way loud. I dig the feel of this one, but the lack of source, production and mixing issues, and generally aimless arrangement aren't doing it for me. Sorry. No
  4. the main riff synth is pretty good, but i am not feeling the bass, drum, or piano samples, and the balance is pretty off. The synth trumpet is also pretty weird. It sounds like the samples are all stacked on top of each other instead of occupying a space. Things are pretty clear sounding, but in a very general midi way. One thing that really jumps out to me here is that the samples all sound like they are set to maximum velocity all the time. This really could use some humanization. This is very very noticeable in the piano ascending run. The good news is that the arrangement is pretty good, and I like the original touches. This only needs better production and humanization to get my vote. No, please resubmit
  5. Another agreement that the balance is way off here, but thankfully, with the exception of the mechanical piano, it's just a matter of adjusting the levels as far as production is concerned. The guitar and bass tones are good, and the drums sound fine, it just needs to be sitting better. The arrangement is decent, but could use a little more expansion to make it an easier call. even a little piano solo section where there's a lisght break in the action would be cool. Main issues here is the mixing, tune it up and send it back, i'm excited to hear the revisions. No, please resubmit.
  6. I think these drums are actually working way better than your normal semi-real sound you use. Definitely something you may want to explore further, because it is definitely working for you. The source is very prominent, with the exception of some really nice breaks and transition sections. Drums solo was cool and unexpected, and of course the synth solo was badass. I would actually demand my money back if a Willrock track didn't have a great solo, but so far it's always been there. Ending ramped up the excitement really well into a great finish. Classy stuff dude, I think you've started to step it up. Yes
  7. This vote will be as short as the song itself. I initially thought that the mix was too short, but considering the expansion on the theme (which itself is super short), it's good. This would be a fantastic intro track to the pokeymanz album. Yes
  8. Pretty cool stuff. The hard panning helps sell this one.
  9. Pretty nice, if a bit unremarkable. It fills a solid role as thought provoking background music, but never really steps into the forefront. Part of the luxury afforded by doing so many ReMixes is that you can definitely try some new things, and as a whole, this track is good, but I definitely prefer more melody-centric works. Great for doing homework or staring out the window on a rainy day though.
  10. Pretty cool, I like the chords and atmosphere, cool effects and the beat works too. I am ambivalent about the prominent sampling from the game soundtrack itself, as I don't think that'd really fly these days, but It really does work.
  11. Legendary song. All of the variations are excellent and creative, but the phone call intro of the third variation is beyond epic. "You know i'll always love you... you know I have metal joints..." Nothing but love for this track.
  12. It starts out as pretty standard rock Magus fare, but the addition of Frog's theme helps set this apart, as well as the tasteful orchestral instruments and acoustic strumming. Overall pretty good, but more on the vanilla side.
  13. Pretty exciting stuff, great arrangement, and some really nice passages keep this interesting throughout. The great dynamics are the icing on this delicious cupcake, and though the samples are mind blowing, they are very well used, and the emotion of the track is pretty clear. Very strong work, I enjoy it a lot.
  14. I really kickass version of the song of prayer, this song has it all. I don't really like the tone or placement (seemed a bit far back) of the guitar solo, but the rest is way awesome. Definitely head and shoulders above most of the produced stuff from the era, and it holds up pretty well these days too. Great work!
  15. Definitely takes the theme and does a lot with it, it's really stretched out with some good variation, but lacking the main melody for pretty much the entire track, but making it into an ambient background piece with some nice chord swells, and some pleasant beats. ANd i think that's the best way to describe this; pleasant. It's basically the backing pattern of chords with some noodling on top, which is fine, but not really what i'd be looking for on my own.
  16. Really hypnotic and interesting, I love the melody and the non-traditional choices made, like the delayed bass. It's a very different style than I would normally do, but it's pretty inspiring all the same. Something to think about. I loved the twinkling piano and synth counterpoint, and the beats were interesting without demanding too much attention. Good stuff.
  17. Fun and catchy stuff, I almost with the backing track was even funkier to match the vocals. The organ was great, the synths were nice, and it was pretty groovin.
  18. Nice pacing and transitions, decent samples, and good dynamics make this a pretty good listen. The themes are well-integrated, and there is a pretty good emotive feel as well. I like this one.
  19. Pretty weak samples, but the guitar playing more than makes up for it. Short and sweet, this is a pretty decent mix, though the production hasn't aged particularly well.
  20. A really great vocal mix, with a very solid backing track, and excellent effects. Pacing was perfect, and there was a lot of really nice touches in the production. Lyrics were both thoughtful and well performed. An excellent mix that really showcases some serious talent.
  21. Pretty cool mix, I like the soundscape a lot, and the clever shifts in tone and tempo. The synth guitar actually sounds really good, and fits in well with the rest of the proceedings, and the source is of course excellent. Some minor production issues are noticable, but the song is so strong it doesn't really matter. The track is pretty long, but there are always new things going on. Great stuff!
  22. This is the definition of classy. Wonderful stuff, I love it. Listening to this makes me feel smart. ^____^
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