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Everything posted by Darklink42

  1. The thing that I've always liked about this remix is the fake-out at 3:10. When I first heard the music fade off, I thought the mix was over, and then it comes back with one last big hurrah before fading out for real. The purposeful ethnicity of the piece actually makes it sound more distinct from other Ice Cap Zone mixes, and it fits well with the song's overall "icy" sound and feel. I like the chimes especially, because they remind of, for whatever reason, icicles. I also have to say that I did not catch the Power Rangers theme in there until I read the previous posts. Now I can't unhear it. Nice job with the subtle tribute though.
  2. The live sax does not disappoint, as always. I like how upbeat this song is, it makes me smile every time it comes up on a playlist. All the different instruments come together in this mix so well, and play off each other in great harmony. Loving the drums especially, they just give the song that much more attitude and style. Hoping that you'll put out more anything soon, solo or otherwise, this is good stuff.
  3. I'm not counting this a review, but I wanted to bump this and ask if anything has been worked on for this. I've had it on my ipod for a long time, and it's still one of my favorite WIP remixes. I know back when I first heard it I posted a massive fangasm, but after all this time, I still love it. Funny, but even after a year of listening to it the way it is, I haven't come up with too many things I'd like to change about it. Obviously a better cut needs to be made, because the sax clicking can get really obvious on good headphones. I still think the piano could use a solo in there as well, even a subtle one. A key change might also add that extra bit of flair, but I think you'd want to be careful about losing the feel of the song, which is a very slummy, smoky kind of jazz/blues. If you were going to add other instruments to this mix, it might have to be more than one. Cymbals alone would sound forced, because the two of you do a good job filling in the gaps by yourselves. Maybe cymbals, a bass, and something else though, would turn into a full jazz piece. But I can't really say whether that would change the whole nature of the piece though.
  4. This has to be one of my favorite remixes to listen to while working or writing. I like how it starts out reserved and quiet and slowly builds itself up, until you've got the awesome guitar and bass topping everything off. I have to admit, I'd never heard the source before listening to this, but it really made me want to go and play through FF6 just to hear it. Still haven't finished the game, but this remix takes a great theme with an almost western tint to it, and turns into a subtle, kick ass vibe that fits the character perfectly. If I had to pick on anything, I'd say the bass could have been a little cleaner. It has some good counter points but the part where it drags out (growls) seems like it could have been a cool riff as well.
  5. Okay, so it took me a couple of days, but I finally have a pretty thorough review of the movie. Unfortunately, it's really long. Here's a link to the whole thing: http://darklink42.blogspot.com/2009/12/review-of-hero-of-time.html And here is my condensed opinion for the TLDR folk: I guess overall I can't say I was impressed. On the one hand I'm glad someone took the time to really try and make a decent independent Zelda film. It wasn't full of obvious, cornball gags, and didn't try to take itself too lightly. On the other hand, it was almost two hours long and failed to achieve anything substantial for a variety of reasons. The acting, with some marked exceptions, was sub-par, and one thing that really bothered me was Link's hair. Something about it just kept reminding me of a wig I saw used in There Will be Brawl, which is a very high quality fan series. Link is always asking questions, which is a bad sign in a movie when the main character has more questions than the audience. The other thing that bothered me was that it followed a lot of Ocarina. Admittedly, OoT had a fleshed out story and was a lot of fun to experience. But why do fans keep trying to make movies that simply re-hash the tale. I'd like to see a new adventure, something fresh and interesting. There are huge limitations to remaking a plot of a videogame into a movie. Not only do I know the plot already which ruins any suspense, but it also narrows visual and story telling choices, which just makes the whole 108 minutes less enjoyable. But what really does this movie in isn't anything that can be pinned down as one objective whole. The real problem here is all the small things that seem to have been put on the back burner or ignored entirely. At first I thought perhaps I was just nitpicking, but as the movie continued to progress, they kept adding up until I finally was forced to notice. It starts, I think, when we notice that Saria is practically the same age as Link. Not a big deal, maybe they couldn't find a good child actor. But then we find out that the rest of the Kokiri are children (literally kids this time). Things go down hill from there, until you get to the coup-de-grace, which is the Goron. Why, why, why is he a fat Asian guy that I can barely understand? And why does he just disappear? It could have just as easily been Link playing the ocarina, no extra actor needed. And why, for the love of the goddesses, can Link not manage to walk in a straight line over any terrain without stumbling. Lastly, I'd like to go on record as saying that there was a reason that Saria was never straight out labeled as Link's surrogate mother. It was awkward in the movie, and the actress looked Link's age. Super short version: This movie is really long, and there is precisely two funny scenes. Unless you're a die-hard fan, I don't recommend sitting through the whole thing. Go watch better produced stuff, like There Will be Brawl and Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy.
  6. I'm not really all that good at these either, but I'll give it a try. Next year I resolve to: -start working out again, lose ten pounds. -I got one follower last year on my short story blog, so this coming year I'd like to get two more. -Get myself some different, better living arrangements. -Make a few more new friends. -Get a birthday thread.
  7. What the hell? Where did this even come from? I'm going to sit and watch it now and add a review afterward. Can't believe I didn't know about this....
  8. What? No way! /sarcasm Seriously though, congrats on the new job Wingless.
  9. I don't mind either. I grew playing stuff like Doom and Unreal, so I got used to the mouse and keyboard. But there's something to be said for the centralization of all the buttons in a controller too. Overall, I'd say I prefer keyboard, but only because I've used it for longer.
  10. The man speaks truth. I hate to say it, but unless you're in to niche stuff, don't expect to see a lot of new, exciting games come out in great quantities That being said, most of the games you mentioned are pretty good (galaxy is awesome). Brawl is great, especially if you liked Melee. Wario Land: Shake It wasn't too bad either, but I kind of regret paying full price for it, given how short it felt. Also, Fire Emblem on the Wii is really good if you played the first one on GC. If you haven't, the value of the game may drop a bit for you since you won't have experienced all of the back story it brings with it. As for deals, you just have to keep an eye out. I don't buy a lot of games anymore, so I can't say where you could find them, but your local PawnStop is a good a place as any.
  11. Well, I'm definitely out then. That entire week is booked for school related theater stuff. Sorry guys, but I do hope you have a great time. Take lots of pictures too, I want to see Neko in a tux.
  12. Actually it is, it was a birthday gift from my Dad. Timberwolf is right too though, it's a huge hassle to take all the data off and then put it back on again later.
  13. Alright, so here's another one for you tech-savvy, internet-knowledgeable folk. I have a 5th generation Ipod 30GB, which has performed very well up until recently. It seems that headphone jack technology has not gotten any better since the days of the Walkman, and the audio now only gets through to the left side. I know that it needs to be replaced, but here's the problem: Apple wants $147 to do the job, with no guarantees that I won't get a different Ipod back. I've seen some how-to videos on the web, but I don't really feel like I'd be up to the task of taking it apart myself, and the $400 price tag for a new one stings worse than the service charge if I screw it up somehow. So my question is this? Does anyone know a reliable service, online or otherwise, that can do this for cheaper than what Apple wants to charge? Short of that, is anyone out there experienced in this kind of stuff, and will to do it for cheaper? Short again of that, has anyone here had this problem themselves and found an easy solution that doesn't break the bank?
  14. I'm actually going to try this, I think. I don't get around to putting out too many music reviews. Might be fun.
  15. Forgot I had this on my ipod until recently when it came up. I remembered liking it a lot, and I still do. I saw that it got shot down by the judges way back in March, but what ever happened to it after that? Overall, I'm a bigger fan of the original rather the one with lyrics, but only because the version you've got up with the lyrics is rough as hell. There are some points where the music sounds like it got slightly muted, and others where it seems to swell up over the lyrics. I have to agree with Gario on the need for articulation as well. I'm not sure why, but I really can't tell what she's saying unless I really focus, and even then some of it still is hard to make out. She's got a good voice though, and with some direction and planning, it could go really well with the song.
  16. Unfortunately, I don't have a car of my own, so getting there is tough. Maybe if there are carpooling options available. Either way, congrats to both of you.
  17. QFE The lyrics should, at the very least, kind of reflect the game's content.
  18. Worked just fine for me, though it was a little laggy here and there. I like the new logic system too, but I hope it's not all super easy stuff like what they give you to work with in this demo. Looking forward to playing it when it comes out though, seems like a cool new way to interact with the PW universe.
  19. It's from the official artwork for Metroid: Zero Mission, which is a remake of the first game on the Game Boy Advance. http://metroid.retropixel.net/metroidzm/artwork/ http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Kraid
  20. This is the sniper's rifle I made. It's still a bit of a work in progress though. Made it in five hours, with some help from my friend who knows a lot more about steampunk then I do. It's almost four feet in length, weighs about the same as a sniper rifle would weigh too. It doesn't fire anything however.
  21. Hey, you got a discussion going. If nothing else, that's what the boards are for. I'll admit that it probably wasn't the discussion you originally wanted, but there have been some pretty good points made, over all.
  22. I think the biggest problem is that the title of the thread says "music industry" where I think she meant to say "recording industry". Maybe I'm wrong on that, but it sounded, and still sounds, like the core of the issue is the way in which music is produced and distributed, as opposed to artists acting like assholes and demanding things they don't deserve(which has no solution, because that's just how some artists are). And I'd say on that point, there a lot of things springing up right now that mitigate that point, and are slowly changing the way we access and share music. Obviously we're never going to have a free market on music, but I like sites like CDbaby and others that let people put out their music they want to, and charge fair price for it. But I like the consensus everyone's come to as well, because really that is the best way to change something you don't like.
  23. I don't entirely understand your argument either, but I will say that the record industry (if that's what you're talking about) as it stands now, is past it's prime. It's been far too slow to adapt to change, and ineffective in it's efforts to deal with piracy. I've always felt that the RIAA should be dismantled and re-built from the ground up around newer ideals and fairer practices focusing on the artist's survival, and not the survival of the organization itself. There is a lot of new talent out there that never goes under their banner, and even more artists that just give out their stuff for free. And I'm all for musicians getting paid (they've got to eat too). I guess my point is that, yes the music industry should exist. Can't really have a functional distribution and payment system without one. But what needs to change is the rules under which it operates.
  24. Me as a steampunk sniper/gunner. These are my fellow crew members. I'll post some pictures of the rifle I made later too.
  25. Yeah, it seems to come and go. This year, at least over here in Northern California, I've seen a lot more interest in it. A lot of Steampunk booths to be seen.
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