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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Had this track burned on a couple of CD's. It's very basic but very effective in everything it attempts and succeeds in doing. I really enjoy the concentration on melody and then using the other elements to drive the forward to give it some ebb n flow.
  2. Someone can purchase another dongle separately for the EWQLSO Silver.
  3. Really enjoyed the intro, felt it had more substance than the breakout. The breakout is enjoyable in it's own right, sounds like a goo upgrade to the original source tunage. The piano was def the best part of the mix, really loved the intro!
  4. Really unique song with a very strong flavour. would have enjoyed more emphasis on the percussion. The hand drums could have had more presence to allow the song to carry a better sense of forward motion that is carried out so well with the other instruments. Some awesome melodic and harmonic throughout this one, def good for some chilled out music when you are trying to work on something.
  5. Song would be really cool if it was actually fully redone with today's standards. Would have great potential as ridiculous rock track. Kudos for the creativity and ideas that are present within this short mix.
  6. Thanks for throwing my track in there jade. Once I move into my new place I can finally redo the instrumentation and add all of the percussion and other bits n bobbs.
  7. Using a song as a reference is def the best way to go as long as your listening environment/tools are up to snuff. IMO spectrum analyzers are good to use in a relative sense. In general to see if certain frequency ranges match up alright. Also reading up on what frequencies different types of speakers boost and/or cut will help give you a good reference when EQ'ing to make sure the track sounds good in any environment. Just another small thing to be aware of and take into consideration.
  8. ANYTHING BY OceanLab, especially their Satellite track Tiesto - In My Memory BT - Remember Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes [chillout version is better] Above & Beyond - Home Above & Beyond - Good for Me Delerium - Silence (Tiesto Remix) 4Strings has some tracks you might like.
  9. Listen to be honest tons of hit records and amazing songs have been done on 32-bit. (pretty much all of them that are done 100% in the digital domain thus far) Honestly first and foremost is your own skills. Yeah honestly in the digital domain there are a couple of differences between some of the 20grand systems and lower ones, but unless you work for Universal Records it ain't worth it. I had used a m-audio 192 audiophile while on windows and for the price it is an excellent purchase. Whether this hits home now or 2 years from now, your knowledge and experience far outweigh any technological advantage a musician could ever hope to have. If you are unconfident in your current set-up look to see where you could improve your current skillset before looking to upgrade your hardware. If you want an end all book about computer music and digital tid bits here ya go: http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Music-Tutorial-Curtis-Roads/dp/0262680823
  10. Nice one dude! This is one of my favorite tracks from you, prefer your SD3 one the most. Favorite part of this piece is that on repeat you hear something new every time.
  11. Can't go into a whole lengthy discussion but proper grouping and bussing of channels is the easiest way to achieve a louder signal while keeping some natural dynamics. It's a very easy way to dynamically "glue" different parts of a song together. In the "Quickening" track from the Xenogears proj we bussed the pads and the acoustic guitar together in order to get the song to dynamically sit together. This book does a decent job of explaining bussing and grouping techniques: http://www.sound.org/html/tranceexperience.html They have one that covers more genres than just dance music but should hopefully cover the same basics.
  12. Yeah should work just find. Prob do a search for the file and make sure it's in the same folder as the rest of your shizz just in case.
  13. Damn congrats Brian; guess you got a lock down on all of these air line gigs.
  14. One of my most listened to tracks off of OCR. The sound design and textures are fairly simple but are incredibly effective in getting across their message. This is a def a case where the sum is greater than the parts.
  15. Agreed. Kudos to James for taking some chances with this mix. This is/was one of my most listened to tracks off of the project.
  16. Agreed. If you are going for a specific type of sound or timbre that only exists on the hardware synth you wanna buy then you should go for it. A "real" analog might be worth it, like the mopho shaggy mentioned. IMO I have used a Micron a bit and it's a pretty good work horse. But it's not worth $400 if that's what they are still going for. Spectrasonics Omnisphere is $500 and beats the pants off of any midrange synth and then some.
  17. Thank you for the nice comments philomory. (the song was done entirely in Logic with some external instruments) I am really big on keeping to a source's feel as well. The reason this song was done this way was bc when Brad and I were looking for a song to do a sax solo on, this was the only song left that had a strong melody. For the project we had originally planned to make the awakening track a fairly large collab effort with tons of guitars and an upbeat/aggressive feel. BUUUUT....that never happened haha.
  18. I wish that was the case. This poor desk has been through 5 moves and is over 6 years old. I'll be moving twice in the next 3 months, so it would have to make it through 2 moves. Alas I shall have a parting drink with my desk though.
  19. Haha sweet. What sucks is that I gotta move in 2 days. And my desk is too old and broken too move. So I'll have to find a new one. Long live the almighty wal-mart desk!
  20. 100% agreed. Def try to get it right at mic level. Brandon, if you don't already have one, you should def look into finding a good spectrum analyzer for phase etc... for the recording.
  21. My sphincter control siren is on red alert! (congrats dudes this sounds wicked)
  22. My guess is the composer of the original track did a remix for the project? If that were perhaps true then OH MY!
  23. There had to be of some wood involved in this track? I don't think this track was done on the solo tip.
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