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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Still wondering about this.
  2. I'm finishing college! I'm pretty sure I can be a part of it this time! Yayz.
  3. How does one make the judgment on the quality of one's samples? How do you know when it sounds "good enough?" Are the samples from Logic head and shoulders above the ones from Garageband? What about the ones from more specialized sample packages? How do you evaluate things like these?
  4. My god, that game was ridiculous. I think I remember fighting four bosses within the first twenty minutes of the game. And then I got to a werewolf, but didn't have enough health or ammo or something to beat him...
  5. ...for realz? What about Firered/Leafgreen? We oughta have em all together for once...
  6. Isn't the point of a Works in Progress forum to detail works, y'know... in progress? Do you not intend to submit this to OCR?
  7. So I've downloaded a video file in AVI format. I've tried to open it in iMovie, Final Cut, Photoshop, et al., but all I get is a black screen or incompatibility notice every time. I've also tried converting it to Matroska and MPEG-4, but same result. What can I do?
  8. I might have some comments, but can you provide a screenshot of the previous forum setup? I think it will help to compare the two side by side.
  9. It's probably not that obscure, but Cool Spot is more entertaining than you'd probably imagine a game about a colored dot on a soda bottle to be. Pretty decent difficulty too, just a hair harder than I'd like.
  10. Can you believe this almost happened? I was playing through Klonoa 2 for a while... it wasn't challenging (though trying to catch that cat was maddening), and while the story was okay, it didn't seem particularly grabbing. So it didn't hold a huge sway over me. I put it down and never finished it. I say we make this thread about other obscure platformers...
  11. For a while I was looking into the material of David DeAngelo, of Double Your Dating. Not self help per se, but self help along the lines of working with women. Definitely seems to be one of the more popular and reasonable philosophies of its kind. However, I haven't really had success with it, and the female friends I've asked about it have universally shot it down. So while I still get the newsletters, I'm currently not giving it much credence. In a more general sense, I get the feeling some of these books might be worth at least a read in the coming months and years...
  12. There is none other than Pezman. Of course, I'm not the only Pezman. There's a GameGossip Pezman, and it seems to be a more popular name than I thought. There are also some Pez Men lurking about. However, when it comes to THE (one and only) Pezman, I'm the only one in town.
  13. I'm pretty sure whatever's going on in the background here isn't from the FFXI soundtrack. Can anyone clue me in?
  14. Ideally, your videos would be applicable to anyone. Compressor sounds good.
  15. I thought Eastman and Laird had put that incarnation of the Turtles to bed...
  16. When I say "settled," I don't just mean "available." I mean "standard on all ports" and, more importantly, "cheap."
  17. Yes I do. Cake. But we've already covered that.
  18. I'd like to hear more about your project.

  19. Sorry, but no totally awesome system in the works for me for at least a few more years. I want some new technologies like HDMI, USB 3.0, Nehalem, etc. to be settled first. I also want to use a projector as my monitor. Because that's just badass. I would, however, like to hear about how you've pulled your custom stuff together, like the oil-cooled fishtank desktop, and what tangible advantages that affords (what, for example, is your overclocking rate?).
  20. I can't listen! Have someone host it plz.
  21. If it's for XBLA it was likely developed in XNA. Which means all you need to do is change a few of the control methods.
  22. Oooh, pretty. You sounded like Dominic Armato (Guybrush). Were you going for that? Moh-duss Ah-per-AHN-die. "The Pen is Blue." Liar Liar was pretty funny, I thought. Nice reference. How does having arrow controls work out? Normally this is point and click. Never played an adventure game otherwise.
  23. Well, no one's ever done it for me. Unless you're offering. Could I count on you to make me a birthday thread next year? Same time, same place.
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