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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. I went June of '06 in Philadelphia. I didn't get to meet anyone famous, but I totally and completely enjoyed the performance. At that performance they used a real guitar for Silent Hill, and it was awesome. I struck up random conversations with other attendees, about things like KH2 and such. It encouraged me greatly to attend VGL with OCRemix, where I DID meet Tallarico, Wall, and more.
  2. It's a horrible video. A shame this was the follow up to Powerthirst. S3&K will trump CD any day of the week. I'd rank Sonic Heroes worse than Sonic R.
  3. Nice to find a published version, but have you looked at the alternatives?
  4. Looked around for it, but I think the video's been taken down across the board. If someone else can find it, post it. The basic idea was that Wii TV ran a segment which said that the newest Zelda game was going to take place in a post-apocalyptic FF7 like world. Link would ride on a motorcycle and everything. It was a pretty well-done hoax and actually showed up a couple of days before April 1st to throw everyone off.
  5. Probably not til I try explaining to my kids what a sprite was.
  6. Truthfully, I think it's reminiscent of the Zelda April Fools joke.
  7. Agreed. I found out about Paint.net and many other freeware alternatives from Nedwolf (and to a lesser extent analogx), which used to be updated fairly frequently when I first discovered it. Even though the site appears to basically be dead, the programs it references are still going strong and his different evaluations are worth checking out.
  8. Lately video games (well, Warcraft III Frozen Throne, which I'm just playing now) have been like a drug. I play them in order to stave off depression or stress and I spend far too long on a mission. I don't feel better afterwards.
  9. Why was this shot down? I don't claim to be as up on my stuff as yon judges, but I can't hear a whole lot that would merit 1-2-3 rejection. Sample quality was probably one sticking point, and it could stand to be about half as long as it is now. But both of those could probably be fixed relatively easily and this could be resubmitted.
  10. Completely forgot about this. What does Hemophiliac use? I just today remembered his track from Kong in Concert and it sounds realistic enough for me.
  11. For one thing, this wouldn't be DNA that anyone is using. It would just be DNA of some small multi-celled organisms. Data storage would go through the roof. The hard drive as we know it has basically reached its fastest and largest capacity. In order to continue to have increases in our hard drive capacities, some breakthrough on this order is required.
  12. ....? It's a good track. But if you feel that way so badly I can submit something else when the time comes.
  13. You expect me to still remember that this exists in a week? You don't know me at all, do you?
  14. Yeah, before we tear into Flexstyle, I think we ought to consider. Maybe keep this on the back burner for a while. A few projects (Pokemon, Tales) do seem close to finishing. If we wait a bit hopefully those can be released, and we'll have Rayman stacked up in the project queue, so to speak, to work to on next.
  15. QFT. QFT so hard. CHALLENGE: Chrono Trigger Boss Theme 1. Despite the ridiculous amount of CT mixes I have never seen this track get its due. Include background arpeggios from original in the mix. Source tune. MIDIs.
  16. It's very difficult to recapture the magic and amazement you feel about games when you're young. And "young" can be 15, 17... whatever age you would still call yourself impressionable. I was just talking with a friend about our old gaming experiences. As I was telling him about Final Fantasy VII, my mind flashed back. I could remember how awesome it was to be playing a Pokemon-like game (the only RPG I'd played at that point) and how engaging the storyline was. We had real characters in a dismal setting who were fighting the president of a corrupt corporation... and suddenly everything changed! You can't get back to something like that, no matter how new and fresh the gaming experience. It's our own personal ennui: "Oh, there's our character. He's gonna have angst... oh crap, here they go again, talking for hours on end." When I played FFVII I lived for the dialogue and story development. I still love the story, but I'm more likely to tune in and out and skip stuff nowadays, largely for time's sake.
  17. Holy fuck the targets are outside the TV. Owait...
  18. Agreed. I doubt I'll be able to go, but I sure as hell wish I could and am glad I found out about it.
  19. Please get Al Lowe's autograph for me. Or at least tell him I got the secret message in Torin's Passage.
  20. I got the one from M-Audio. It hasn't let me down. And it's cross-platform compatible (not all are).
  21. Haha. But consider the fact that all I really have is the cafeteria.
  22. I remember the Ice Titan as being just hard enough to require all my focus but not so hard that I ever threw the controller away in frustration. In short, a perfect optional boss.
  23. It's a personal ambition of mine to one day perform the song featured on the TASCAM AiR generator.
  24. OMG This project still exists?
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