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Thin Crust

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Everything posted by Thin Crust

  1. Yes, definately too MIDI-ish. And you definately need to spice it up any way you can. It sounds too much like the origional.
  2. I had a few problems getting the source tune from blue laguna. Maybe you should put a different source. But yea, I think someone should definately try to do a take of this song. When I first found ocr, this is the one that I most expected to get recognition, but alas, it hasn't. This just needs to be done.
  3. Was that recent submission of "Speed Limit" by sephfire from this project? I know that he is on this team and found it kind of strange that he would submit a mix from ff7 during the production of this operation. A theroy of mine is that sephfire and another started on that song and they both completed it and for some reason, they decided that it would be sephfire that would put it on ocr instead of VotL.
  4. I did indeed find this a little bit repetitave. The background sound is supposed to help bring out the melody in most cases and this one seemed to me to be a little more focused on the background. I think I can see where you are going though, because it is a wonderful background nonetheless, so you wanted to bring it out. I love your work sephfire, but this one just isn't quite awesome. 8.2 out of 10 for me.
  5. Lets see, There are about 30 christian songs on my internal hard drive, and I have under 50 ocr mixes on my external hard drive. My sd card if you were wondering. Those are the only songs that I listen to. There are only 128 megs in the internal and 256 megs on the external if you wanted to know.
  6. Here's one for you. http://youtube.com/watch?v=p1uYhZshLPg
  7. This song actually sounds exactly like the origional. Since the last time I heard the actual theme about a year ago, it sounds the same. I could be mistaken because it's been so long. There needs to be a bigger distinction between this and the origional for it to get passed onto the site. There have been mixes rejected for the sole purpose of being too much like the origional.
  8. This song was kind of a let down for me. It seemed like it stayed at the same level the whole song. It was kind of like listening to the same 30 seconds over and over again. If it had some added variety it would have helped greatly but, I am not a remixer so I don't think I have the credentials to tell you what you can and cannot do. Sorry about this, but I give this 7.1/10
  9. I am a huge fan of Kee's work. Really. I love his music. But for some reason I can't agree with the previous posters. Maybe it's because it sounds like all the songs my brother plays over and over again and I stop listening to them. I actually couldn't hear the song while it was playing because it wasn't captivating enough. So, sorry Mr. Kee, the music just seems dead to me right now.
  10. Yes, definitely extend it, and a background string accompaniment would be a great addition. An example would be if you listen to the song on the moonflow, you will recognize it as this song remixed by Nobou. It demonstrates what I mean.
  11. Can't you just appreciate the music? I just thought some more mixes would be a good addition to the project for some more inspiration/motivation/new ideas.
  12. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jzz5cVt70j8 Main theme of ff7 http://youtube.com/watch?v=7UODCxAtyDo Aeris' theme. Actually, this was made for Advent children but they decided to keep it under the ff7 label. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dL5vF3Q3Nsk Opening bombing mission. http://youtube.com/watch?v=195QtkOJCYg Main theme of Final Fantasy. I can't remember if it was used in 7 though. I would guess not. The only one's that I can remember this song being on is FF4, FF9, FF12. If someone can tell me what other games, that's cool.
  13. I don't know why the previous reviewers had such a problem with the flute in the beginning. It was slightly shaky at some parts, but hardly noticable if you didn't look for it. That being said, I think this mix is awesome. It is simple and captivating. Catchy in the best way possible. I sincerely wish there was a lot more stuff like this on the site but alas, there isn't. 9.2/10 Great work.
  14. Very nice piece. I had only heard rumors of the game and the occasional reference to it in a few scattered locations. To tell you the truth, a court sim game is not thing you would expect good music to come from. But it is very pleasent to listen to. It does not blow your mind with "WOW this is awesome!" But very well done.
  15. Maybe this isn't the place to talk about this. Sorry if I "killed the atmosphere" here. I have been under a lot of stress lately, and it's affecting my posts' overall mood.
  16. Maybe you should realize that just because someone is a great remixer, doesn't mean that they will put out great songs every time. No disrespect to the team though. I won't name any examples here for fear of building bad relations. But a classic example is the movie, "Alexander" It had two academy award winning actors, an academy awarding director, and the movie still sucked.
  17. I almost think you shouldn't have given us that sample because it puts even more pressure on you guys. On top of that, it sets a level of expectation from the team. If the rest of the songs are not of that quality, people will be disappointed, where if we got the whole project at once, we wouldn't have expectations that you must live up to on account of the sample provided earlier.
  18. It was funny the first time, but then it got stupid. The music quality, as well as the vocal quality, was terrible. I don't know how it got on OCR. I'm just a guy that likes serious stuff though. Edit: Now I understand. This song was made before the site opened up so DJPretzel and crew were just looking for songs to start it up.
  19. This sounds like a cross between Tidus' theme(ffx) and some DDR song. Interesting. Very interesting. But stupid!!
  20. To tell you the truth, I liked LOD very much, but I just didn't particularly like the sound track too much though. Also, truthfully, the only track I remember is the virage(sp) theme because it starts like the Austin Powers theme. No, seriously, listen to them both and they have the same melody at the beginning.
  21. Now I don't know what is better, this or the same song played by a Japanese orchestra. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dL5vF3Q3Nsk
  22. Here is one for you. It's "You're not alone" played by a Japanese orchestra. http://youtube.com/watch?v=6nH5Bj5I4-E
  23. If there is ever a ff12 mix that needs to be done, it is this one.(in my opinion)The second song in the ending credits. Start at 2:02 for the song. It was featured in the trailer, and I was waiting for it all game, and was finally satisfied when I beat the game and heard it.
  24. it's called "a fleeting dream" and i have been looking for a video with it for 10 minutes.
  25. Well the song explaining it was submitted in early 2004 so that's why I didn't know. I am still relatively new to the site. Thanks for the clarification.(no sarcasm) discussion is over. [/thread]
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