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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. I'm actually quite pleased with this update, the DK song is sweet! It seems as if it'd be hard to fit into the game, but its whatever, I'm still a fan.
  2. Very nice! I also could hear something in the background (metronome maybe?) but I really like it, some of the progressions fuxed with my perceptions of how the song would traditionally be played but I like it that way. It could obviously use some length, but keep at it, it really is an excellent start, with not much of anything to complain about!
  3. Yeah well it might be awhile til they figure out how to actually make Duke Nukem not suck. That's like putting a soul in a ginger. Impossible!
  4. Haha yeah I know, its just grammatically difficult to say "Omni Trio is" as opposed to are. My mind won't let me :_(
  5. I agree w/ Radiowar for the most part. This is the type of song that could get completely TAKEN OVER by a good bass, it could completely drive the song. Also, the drums are quite repetitive. Even small changes in that make a difference, just improvise with them throughout the piece and make them do different things. The drum set you're using is fine, just change what they do more often than once every 20 measures or so. Edit: Still listening and enjoying; I feel like something needs to add in at 2:14 every time I hear it though. Maybe this is the place to stick in the new bass part? It could make it less repetitive (i.e. not going back to an already used pattern) and give the piece a better dynamic.
  6. I hate to bust your bubble, but this has quite a bit of work to go. I can easily hear the source tune, which is good, but it seriously seems like the instrument choices were a) picked randomly out of a hat (along with their respective volumes) and are very overused and generally poor quality soundfonts. One of the things about this is its obvious lack of sound quality, but also, refer to the OCR submission standards. There isn't really any interpretation of the piece, its just the song redid with different instruments. Now don't get me wrong, I in every way appreciate your effort, but try to get a better sense of mixing from the forums here. There are tons of people and threads to learn from, and in no time at all I'm sure you can make some great improvements.
  7. Could you please put these files in another form? possibly one that is easier to access, such as mp3 or midi? just downloading a rar file and doing all that junk will deter a lot of people from helping you out and reviewing your work.
  8. I honestly think this is very professionally done. Part of this is that I know Omni Trio pretty well and it sounds very much like their work, which is a plus in my book. But also, the influence of the midi is heard but not overwhelming; I think it is well personalized. It seems really good to me, I honestly don't have a whole lot of comment for you other than some of it seems to repeat itself; it could use more variation in parts. Also, small technical issue, the echo at the begninning of the song isn't really on pace with the rest of the tune, and was a bit jarring, but is probably not that hard to fix. Other than that, I'm a big fan! Good luck with this.
  9. I don't really know the source so I can't comment on the arrangement per se, but I can say that I like what the piano does, that's very neat. However, a lot of the sounds just sound kinda low quality. Try to find better soundfonts, it'll make the same piece sound so much better without any changes. Cool so far, might you have a link to the original for comparsion?
  10. Ha. Metatron got pooped on not once or twice, but three times. Damn.
  11. Excellent for the situation: Flyin' on 747 by Kid Loco. Its on the album DJ-Kicks: The Exclusives on iTunes if you're a buyer. Check it out, nice and downtempo.
  12. let me be the first to say i'm really surprised there wasn't at least one YES in there. this is pretty damn high quality to me, but anyhow... Could you point out the things that you may have added/taken out, so the more subtle things don't go unnoticed? Listening now and can hear some changes, but I don't want to miss anything. I'll do my best to continue w/ the constructive criticism. EDIT: I'm sure its still in progress (with the volumes like you said) but the section between 2:20 and 2:40 gets very sparse comparatively, it could use a little more size, if that makes sense; not volume, but a larger prescence of the instruments would be nice. Personally I don't like the new effect in that segment; it seems forced in at first listen. I also like the new synth going across the top of the piece for most of it, but at times I feel like its a bit too distorted to be enjoyed properly. And don't forget to let the original bassline do its thing later in the piece; it seems as if its written over by the new synth near the end, and it would be nice to get the bassline unadulterated later on, if only for a little while. On the other hand, I really like the new orchestra swell that comes before 2:20, and PLEASE leave in the quote, love that quote. As much as I may have noted I still love this piece, its really really good! Just remember that more isn't always better, don't force more instruments that you don't need.
  13. Hey Theory, thanks for the PM. So I really like the direction this goes in; I enjoy the fast paced movement of the piece. I'm a fan of breakbeat too so this fits right in with me. My qualms come mostly with sound quality in some areas and in humanization. At the beginning, the synth that isn't the square, don't really know what to call it, sounds pretty mechanized. I'd say the same for the organ at 1:35 and the lead that follows it. Don't get me wrong, I love what you did with these instruments, but at the same time they come off as very rigid, in some parts due to the homogenaity of the velocity; just like in real life, you can't hit an organ note exactly as hard as you did the last time consistently, so it sounds unrealistic. Pluses are that the composition is great. I love the chorus humming in the back, love the drums, love the creativity in the leads. The problem is how it sounds inhuman during a lot of it. Personally I find this forgiveable, but the judges here I'm not so sure about. Anyhow, I'm being longwinded, really good job with this piece! Good luck with submission and I hope it passes!
  14. Oh please. Anyone who's ever played halo online for more than a few minutes knows exactly how much gets done by voicechat in a team game unless its a competitive match. Nothing. And aside from that, what is your purpose here? I'm sure that a good portion of people here wouldn't be too upset if there wasn't any online at all, we have friends. So seriously, its not that hard to fathom its an imperfect system, but its not going to kill the game by any means.
  15. Hey there everyone, I was just wondering how progress is going on this project, it sounds like everything is coming together well but given not very much activity here I was curious. Everything still running smoothly? EDIT: if anyone is confused i have no relation to this project. just curious like the cat.
  16. ellywu has this been submitted yet? Or is there still more work to be done?
  17. This is obviously far too early to be making suggestions on SMG, but the ray surfing song could make for a very good highpaced mix, i immediately thought of the drum and bass potential when i heard it. But in general, it could be used a lot of ways I think.
  18. I only got to play an hour of this game today and i just got it. it wasn't enough at all, but my roomate's shit is so messy its like hard to concentrate on enjoying the game. i'm finding an alternate place to game that's more asthetically pleasing (and yeah that word's likely spelt wrong i know).
  19. This is the excellence. My only comment is that around 1:20, when the synth takes the lead and the square gets quieter, the square hit almost gets too quiet. i had to strain to hear it, which was too bad because i loved what it was doing, so maybe just bump up the volume in that section so we can hear it better?
  20. my guess is they saw the default soundfonts you were using and tossed it right away. the composition actually is pretty nice, i enjoyed the song, but all of the sounds were ones i had heard before. if you could get good sounds and put some nice effects on them to give it a more (for lack of a better word) professional feel, i think this could definitely go somewhere.
  21. The part up until "we are the reptites" doesn't really vary much from the source, at all. but the latter half was alright, it could use some major equalizing, along with some better soundfonts, but from a composition standpoint it wasn't so bad. its certainly a lot better than your original pieces here though i have to say it still needs plenty of work. its getting there bit by bit!
  22. I'm a fan of this mix, its well put together and I like the distortion vibes. My contribution to you would be what I remember from the GoW soundtrack. There was always a very high velocity low end, either from the gutteral grunts of the chorus or low timpanis, and its a very striking characteristic that I think would fit in this mix. Keep on working though, its overall quite nice and I'd love to see it on the site.
  23. Arr I envy you all so much... I've been playing competitively for two years and have had only two tournaments under my belt. I'm in college in middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania and there's one other smasher that I know of in my school. Its sooo aggravating. ...Buuut, yeah, good luck in your tourney! I wish I could be there.
  24. Direct post anyone? Feeling like this will happen very soon.
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