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Eino Keskitalo

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Everything posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. The MM25 talkback was pretty cool, yeah. I'd like to see album directors in the talkback when albums get released. Some questions for next time: Q: What do you think of People's ReMixing Compo? Q: Judges: how long does it take to judge a piece? How many times do you need to listen through it to appraise it? I'm interested, because I find it takes me a loooong time to give proper feedback, especially if I feel the piece has issues. --Eino
  2. I really liked the analogue feel to the synths, and the deliberate sparseness, they combine to quite a beautiful effect. Also takes the source to a really cool direction, which I thought was both natural and surprising. On the downside, I do have to agree with OA about the compression, it didn't sound very nice to me how the bass drum seems to scoop out the rest of the piece almost every time it hits. Well, aesthetically I wouldn't mind that much but on (these) headphones, I actually find it physically a bit uncomfortable. Despite that, a great refreshing track and I always appreciate a new tune from Radiowar. This is also quite inspiring towards my own music making, makes me want to try a similar approach - and I think it'll be a challenge to make such a restrained arrangement without making it sound empty. Good stuff! --Eino
  3. Hell yes, Kyle get in there. I watched the latest now to the end, another cool show! It was of course great to have djp in there, especially because 1. he's obviously been here from the start and also 2. it was cool to get a sense of the vision behind the site, past present & future straight from the pretzel. --Eino
  4. Very effective take on the theme; hard hitting, groovy, nice wet lush production, and the strength of the excellent original really comes through. I have to echo what djp said in the writeup - it seems, somehow, that the arranger's intimacy with the original game is audible in the arrangement. Good work! --Eino
  5. One of them heavy stone door sliding down, dash right under it scenarios. Impressive stuntage. See you at the listening party yeah! --Eino
  6. Ah, the days just whizz by, don't they. I thought there was still a week left! (: I'd have loved to participate.. but we're moving next week. Priorities, bleh. Looking forward to everybody's tunes! --Eino
  7. The question about obscure sources is a good one.. Personally it's very important that less known games get covered, obscure platforms.. It's just plain credible to have as much of the spectrum of video gaming music culture covered as possible. If the site operated on basis of popularity I wouldn't take it seriously as a, hm, cultural actor if that makes sense. I appreciate that the site takes some steps to not make it a popularity contest (no download stats, no favourite threads, ...). I enjoy checking out stuff I didn't know about. I'm curious though. If you would only remix lesser known stuff, do you think you'd stay less known as a remixer? --Eino
  8. Oh yes. Grattis på födelsedagen! --Eino
  9. Yah, I caught part of the release party show over at KNGI, and it was good fun. Oh and the music sounded pretty sweet too, so I went and bought the (free) album just now (for very little). Just need to find the time to listen to it..! --Eino
  10. I pledged what change there was rolling around in my pocket.. not much. I hope you'll make it! --Eino
  11. The briefness of it and the sparseness of the instrumentation feel just right for this track. The layered vocals are excellent.. The violin seems to glue the piano & vocals together, yet knows when to stay out of their way, and yet again sounds quite beautiful in its own right. Everything is its place in this piece. --Eino
  12. Solid, great-sounding flute and guitar in this fun arrangement. I agree with many previous posters about the stiffness of the drums, but the rest of it more than makes up for it. --Eino
  13. Hmm, this was pretty nice to listen to for the most part. The source is obviously pretty good. When the soundscape was more filled up, the overall sound was very good, I thought it was mixed quite well, the balance was good and the sounds worked well together. There were, however, stretches where the soundscape felt empty. I thought it was pretty sparse up until 1:15 where the first proper bass line comes in, but I was actually really drawn in with how good and full that part sounded. The other thing is that some of your sounds are a bit generic, or static. Many lead lines could have used some vibrato or maybe more filter automation especially in the longer tail notes. I also wasn't very fond of the "bubbly" synth line introduced at 0:13, it could really benefit from kind of smoothing it into the mix with some sort of effect or filter automation. Then again many other sounds work just fine, like they were worked into the overall sound better and more creatively, or just fit better. Bottom line this is a good start, with some very good sections/sounds, rest of it needing to be brought to the same level. --Eino
  14. Well, that was cool, cinematic without being plodding. I liked how "agile" it felt. Perhaps a bit long, but I really liked how the tempo increased towards the end. Cool video as well! I don't think I've heard of this game before, but sounds and looks like the coverage is well deserved. Good job! --Eino
  15. It was certainly cool to see DusK in there, and it was good to hear Fishy talk about FFIX which I'm very much looking forward to. I don't know if it was because I just watched the previous episode yesterday, but this one felt a little rambly. Fun to watch anyway, keep 'em coming! Edit: It'd be cool to see long-time non-staff remixers join in, Mazedude comes to mind. --Eino
  16. This made me notice that everyone apart from DusK so far in the thread is European, actually. (: --Eino
  17. Just enjoyed #4 and the going is good, the changing lineup keeps its fresh I think. Looking forward to the next one! --Eino
  18. Ha ha, that photo is fantastic. I wanted to post that in their article for the NiGHTS series, hardcoregaming101.net recommended checking out this album. FWIW, I don't recall that many fan arrangement recommendations in their articles! The article was posted this June. --Eino
  19. I only now watched the video, and it was pretty good! Fun, too. The endorsements were a bit generic though. But the previews sounded good & my daughter was jamming along. Props for sticking with "Big Giant Circles" btw, instead of abandoning a great moniker and just going by your real name like some who've gone professional. --Eino
  20. Ooh, nice.. Yeah, we have a fairly solid foundation for Requiem with Tuberz, needs some more work.. hopefully we can squeeze it out by the 14th! --Eino
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