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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I can't seem to open the ZIP of the round 10 mixes after download, says the file is corrupt, anyone else have this problem or is it just me? EDIT: Nm, downloaded again, worked fine.
  2. Larry is a heartless dick when it comes to stopwatching. If its 1% under, then he's going to NO that sucker I vote someone steals his stopwatch, then he won't be able to do it anymore then we can take over OCR and get killer studio chops
  3. I'm not sure I understand this thread. What are people complaining about. Music has always had shit music thats been more popular than stuff thats awesome, but time has a way of making people forget these songs (for the most part). You can find good music from any year in music if you look hard enough, sure its not always mainstream but when was mainstream ever seen as "good music" with the exception of the beatles As for people bashing the radio, same concept. So many great radio stations out there, you've just gotta find them. Imo, stop complaining about the mainstream and go find music you enjoy listening to. Mainstream can't exactly be ignored, but you don't have to bask in its mediocrity wondering what the hell happened to "good music". Good music is out there and these days, its easier to find than ever thanks to the wonders of the internet (back in the day, you just had what was on Top of the Pops and music you brought on the strength of its cover art) Just look for good music, and you'll find it.
  4. Never use midi's. Ever. I transcribe everything by ear.
  5. Sorry DaMonz, I'm adding you to the list now. No there aren't, you're pretty much free to do whatever you like Is it fuck 9 OPEN TRACKS PEOPLE. CLAIM THEM RIGHT NAOW!!!
  6. Question - why is it necessary to actually have both games in the database? Why not just put 1st gen remixes (bar yellow exclusive tracks) to pokemon red, and leave Pokemon blue alone? Yes, if people look for pokemon blue, it might need a re-directing or suggestion feature perhaps, but that can't be helped anyway if half the remixes are in one, and half in the other. As it stands right now, there is a small chance a newcomer might come to OCR, look up pokemon blue, and see Blue Haze as the only remix from that game. They will probably not think to look for red afterwards, because the games are basically the same, and thus miss out on quite a few remixes that are from the pokemon red page. Its a flawed system right now for those not in the know. You don't see half the Link's Awakening Remixes in the original, and the other half in on a Link's Awakening DX page. If there is no incentive to put them together in the database, at least put all the remixes into one game if you won't delete one of the pages, just to keep things simple.
  7. Pretty cool rendition of two rather sweet themes. There seems to be a weird type of distortion on the master or something throughout this. It enhances the mood (bizarrely) but its a little too strong and makes this mix sound much muddier than it needs to be. I quite like the samples, this track has a very cool and unique "Retroness" to it that I dig. Honestly, I feel like up to 0:47, you could get away with the production issues as artistic intent because you sound you get from this seems very deliberate imo. However, when it kicks in, I feel like it needs some work in execution on production. It feels rather muddy, quite a few of the synths have rather grating distortion added, and the drums don't exactly give this the "omph" factor. It feels like a rather bizzare, yet rather cool experiment in production. The production is very hard to critique because its so unique. Alot of distortion that doesn't need to be there. Ending felt tacked on and unnessary. It seems like you ran out of ideas, let it fizzle out and added that random piano bit cause you wanted to give it closure. If you got rid of the distortion for the rest of the track and focus on cleanness and fullness in your soundscape (use the stereo imager to fill out the sound a little more on those pads of yours) this would sound much better imo. I actually like the arrangement as a whole, I think its creative, and the production has a certain artistic flair to it, even if the judges wouldn't totally dig this. So - Beef up drums (add a kick to the proceedings or something, I think I can hear one but i'm not sure. Remove some of the distortion. Its good if its used in moderation, this is a little too much. Give better ending. I'm not 100% sure how the samples will seem once this is cleaned up a little, but update and post back here again and i'll have another look. Hope this is helpful!
  8. Before I comment on arrangement, you need to provide a source link so this will be a production/structure critique only. The production is very clean - well done - but this does have some issues. Over compression is the biggest issue here. It feels like you've limited this a little too strong. The side-chaining is done well but with the added limiting compression, this sounds too squashed right now. The intro seems to have some minor pad timing issues, and there is unwanted dissonance in the pad at 2:07 but other than that, performance is good imo. I agree this gets a little repetitive, but the structure is very clear. I, unlike Rozo, think this would hit the panel (not holding much basis on the arrangement) but I do think that this would be a fairly quick NO due to repetitive ideas, overcompression and the shortness of your remix. Also, 2 minutes of silence is a bit of a no no as well Not a bad start, but if you can find the Ableton file, then fix the compression, expand and variate, and link the source tune and see how it goes. It has potential, would be cool to see this passed in some form.
  9. I'm going to use every single source I've ever remixed in darkes mega man compos: Flash man, Spiral Pegacian, Elec Man, Cut Man, Bubble Man, Ground Man - you name it. Magnet Man, Metal Man, Tornado Man, Metal Shark Player, Infinity Mijinion, Armored Armadillo, The List goes on! Wood Man, Sheep Man, Napalm Man, Plug Man, Spring Man, Air Man, Wily Castle 5, Wily Castle 9-2, Cossack Fortress 4-2, Blade Man, Napalm Man, THERE IS MORE! Killer Studio Chops Man, Nice Work Man, Shtjdgfgt Man, DJP Man, All-Your-Base Man, Bad-Tuna Man, Cock-bee Man, Sidebar Man and Unmod Man!!!! All of these and more will be making an appearance in my remix! GET HYPE.... RIGHT NOW May or may not actaully use all these sources in remix
  10. For the record, if you want it, its yours, just say the word.
  11. Downloading man, I'll give you some of my thoughts once i've listened
  12. Must talk to teammates. Suitably difficult final round, 4 sources in one remix is going to be hard as nails
  13. Its my best source of promotion for my music which is a huge draw. Attention whore etc. Oh yeah and showing tribute to vgm or some shit like that.
  14. LIES. I am the one and only willrock, copy me at your PERIL. Nice mix bro! I dig it, very halc/protodome/me/rozo... damn you're just like all the new gen OCRemixers rolled into one cohesive chiptune pie.
  15. I make music I enjoy listening to. I know what I like and I make it. As a result, I listen to my music quite a bloody lot
  16. My view of the matter is that what remix albums are being released/been released on OCR is irrelevant when doing a remix album. if someone wants to do a remix album of a soundtrack, then hell, they should do it regardless of if its been done before. I've considered doing a links awakening album of my own in the past, because I didn't totally feel threshold of a dreams concept. Also, Solo projects - should be up to the director if its made public, its their business. When its a community album, its the communities business and should be made public for people. However, If people want to do a private album, then while I appreciate that there might be an outcry from the community, its up to the director how he does it. If I got a few of my remixing friends together from the community, as well as a few musician friends from outside OCR, and had it released on OCR without telling the WHOLE COMMUNITY which has over 2500 members, would you guys be butthurt over it? Sometimes the director doesn't want full community involvement. And there is no stopping someone starting an album of the same soundtrack with community involvement, if it gets on OCR or not.
  17. Meh, you don't need 32 (or even 16) people to do a tekken compo. Mega Man has had plenty of compos, we don't need another 20 remixes from the same series. I say do something new. However I won't be participating in any further compos, mega man or not, they are simply too time consuming. One thing I will say - if you do this, try and make it so people don't end up with the same theme each time... with something like tekken, people have the opportunity to do the same character theme from different games (when applicable) if you do this.
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