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    djpretzel reacted to Dyne in An OverClocked Christmas v.10 -- RELEASED!!   
    It is with great pride and joy that I release the tenth An OverClocked Christmas album today. Thank you to everyone who participated and tried to participate. Thank you to everyone who listens to the wonderful work of every single musician involved. Without all of you, there would be no An OverClocked Christmas!
    Thank you, and enjoy the album!

    Get it here: http://williammichael.info/aocc/index.htm
  2. Like
    djpretzel reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.10 -- RELEASED!!   
    Turned out to be a nice album this year. We had some familiar faces involved this time, but we also had a new face or two taking part. Gotta say a big "thanks" to everyone who both tried to get something done, and to those who did. Hope everyone enjoys what we did this year
  3. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from JBarron in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    I'll give that a secular "amen"
  4. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from timaeus222 in [Feature request] Play button for tracks on the front page   
    I need to modify our YouTube playlist viewer so that it can start off minimized, with just the transport controls showing, and then expand when a track is played.
    That, along with some minor GUI tweaks, could make this suggestion work, and I think it could be cool, too!
  5. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in *NO* DuckTales 'Orchestral Reprise'   
    Props for being inspired by Plasma3Music's take on the theme, but making yours different enough that it didn't seem like a mere copy of his approach.
    Those strings were pretty dry, leaving the fake-sounding articulations pretty exposed in the 25-second intro, then again from 1:40-2:06, which hurt the close. The crux of the arrangement was original brass writing on top of the main backing pattern of the source tune (:34-1:21), which was a valid approach with the source tune ever-present. The placement of the piano cameo at 1:26 was odd and sounded muddy. Dunno why the last note of the music box at 2:05 was sour/flat, but that was a bad look, so watch those smaller details. The ~7 seconds of pregnant silence should have been trimmed off, just noting.
    Gario had good feedback on humanizing your brass, so definitely take his advice into account and tweak the presentation. IMO, the orchestration sounded somewhat stiff, but was generally serviceable relative to our bar, but you'll need to smooth out stiff-sounding parts like the strings as well. With those touches, the production will sound as strong as the arrangement. Good stuff so far, and IMO this wasn't far off the mark at all. With some improvements to the detail work of the production, this already-creative arrangement would sound more realistically executed. Definitely touch this up and send it back, Konstantin, I'd love to hear this posted in some form, and you've got a great base here.
    NO (resubmit)
  6. Like
    djpretzel reacted to JBarron in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    So there needs to be another jazz album like this :).
  7. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Yosh1PrisMa in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    I feel that this album is going to be so good that I can almost taste it

  8. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    It's been quite a long time, eh? Anyway, while the album is still being evaluated, I'm gonna make a couple of sweet updates here: first of all, I've finally decided to add the tracklist with all the tracks divided into 3 discs (including a bonus one), and I think that's a nice thing to look at  But most importantly, I'm proud to present a preview track from our album: "Never Fear the Fall" by Pl511! It was released over a year ago, and I wasn't even aware about it, lol. I didn't want anything to be released without my permission, but it's not such a huge problem, after all  So anyway, enjoy the track (if you haven't done it yet, haha) and stay tuned for more updates!
  9. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from swansdown in [Feature request] Play button for tracks on the front page   
    I need to modify our YouTube playlist viewer so that it can start off minimized, with just the transport controls showing, and then expand when a track is played.
    That, along with some minor GUI tweaks, could make this suggestion work, and I think it could be cool, too!
  10. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Mordi in [Feature request] Play button for tracks on the front page   
    I visit OCRemix every once in a while, and today it occurred to me that it would be pretty sweet - for me personally - to have a little play-button next to each entry in the small list on the right hand side of the frontpage. It could even continue playing down the list as the songs finish.
    Maybe this would discourage people from discovering the written text about each song? I don't know. Just throwing this out there. I'll let you guys decide whether or not it's a good idea.
  11. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Platonist in OCR03200 - Super Metroid "Drowning in Iron Oxide"   
    Well, it's neither meant to be dreadful, soothing or being jammed to at a club, so you got those down. Fair points, if experiment just for experiment's sake isn't your thing, then so be it; none of my mixes will probably be interesting to you, because that's what I usually enjoy doing.
  12. Like
    djpretzel reacted to docnano in OCR03469 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Afternoon in the Sacred Forest Meadow"   
    I'd also like to acknowledge the role of critical feedback in the writing of this arrangement.  I think it was Theophany that encouraged me to do a substantive rewrite of an earlier version (into which I had already poured several hours of work).  But the previous version was confused, with too many ideas vying for the listener's attention.  In restarting from scratch after playing around with the themes a bit, I had a much clearer vision for the arrangement, and what emerged was by far a superior product.
    In other words, don't succumb to the sunk-cost fallacy -- sometimes it's best to start over from a clean slate.
  13. Like
    djpretzel reacted to swansdown in OCR03469 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Afternoon in the Sacred Forest Meadow"   
    In addition to Debussy, I also feel a bit of Bizet's slower pieces. Just a fantastic, fantastic OoT piece.
  14. Like
    djpretzel reacted to zircon in Beyond Vision - melodic, progressive breakbeat   
    My first and last track of 2016, featuring a solo by Mr. Sixto Sounds. Really enjoyed making this and I couldn't be happier with how it came out. Here's to a music filled 2017.
  15. Like
    djpretzel reacted to BardicKnowledge in OCR03469 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Afternoon in the Sacred Forest Meadow"   
    I rarely post reviews -- something that I should definitely do more often -- but holy smokes, this is the best channeling of Debussy I have heard in a very long time, without limiting that qualification to fan-made material.  I also love that it tackles what is a very short source, demonstrating that there is a mountain of potential for almost anything given enough talent....
    ...and "enough" doesn't even begin to describe what's going on here.  The ending is particularly well-executed, giving us the source melody clearly in a way that doesn't feel contrived in the slightest.  I'm going to be gushing about this for some time to come.
  16. Like
    djpretzel reacted to DarkeSword in How to use Prefixes   
    When posting a new topic, ou can choose one of the four preset prefixes. The default prefix is 1. work-in-progress. As you get feedback and develop your track, change the prefix accordingly to indicate the status of your track. This helps the evaluation team keep tabs on your track. Here are the prefixes and what they mean:
    Your track is a work-in-progress and you need feedback from the community. This is the default prefix. ready for review
    Change your prefix to this when you want a workshop evaluator to give your track an official look. Once they provide you with feedback, they'll change your track back to 1. work-in-progress. completed
    Change your prefix to this when you feel you're done with your track. submitted
    Change your prefix to this once you have submitted your completed track to the Judges Panel. As you can see we've numbered the prefixes to help you iterate through the process, but if you want to jump ahead and just post a completed track that doesn't require review, you can do that with the appropriate prefix as well.
  17. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in OCR03469 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Afternoon in the Sacred Forest Meadow"   
    Funny enough, but if you listen to Debussy's "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune," it has an area around 1:45-2:00 with a 3-note pattern that sounds like it could have been adapted from the Lost Woods/Saria theme. Smart stuff, and I see why the overall piece was a point of inspiration.
    Anyway, might as well vote if I'm gonna leave a note. Fun stuff from Alex.

  18. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Updated artist profile pages are now live   
    I feel it was easier to grok the amount of music a ReMixer had made for OCR on the previous artist page. I hope the numbers of ReMixes and albums projects participated in could be added to the album and ReMix widget titles. I also liked the full list of album projects on the artist page previously. Perhaps the album/ReMix titles could also say "Latest albums" and "Latest ReMixes" if the full list doesn't fit to the page, and the headers could act as links to the full album list / full ReMix list pages. I guess the same goes for the album and ReMix widgets for the organization main pages.
    Since at least my page has a lot of empty space below the album widget, it makes me think perhaps there could be some info about the artist's tracks on the album in that space.
    Nice update though! I especially like the playlist, and it's nice to have the social media links and stuff up front and prominent. I like the tabbed approach as well.
  19. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from OceansAndrew in OCR03891 - *YES* Skies of Arcadia "Blue Skies, Pirate Surprise" *PROJECT*   
    (don't know source that well) - djp
    OA   Skies of Arcadia - "Blue Skies, Pirate Surprise"   Source: Blue pirate's ship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNKWn8nxu_E   It's a dance rock version of the Blue pirate's ship. THis was a fun game that I enjoyed a lot in the early 2000's, even though the encounter rate was super high. It was fun to explore and find cool hidden places, and the constant battles were made bearable by me doing 5 pushups for every battle. Literally thousands of pushups later, here is the remix!  
  20. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Gario in OCR03467 - Future Games "ZED EX FUTURE '85"   
    Happy birthday, Tim Follin, you amazing sexy beast, you!
    Listening to the source, then listening to this, it just seems like a perfect fit for an arrangement. Strange, spacy and innovative, I think it mirrors the important aspects of the source while transforming it into something unique. Really liking the pseudo-fusion Jazz style this track is rockin'.
  21. Like
    djpretzel reacted to N1fighterpilot in OCR03430 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "A Long Way Home"   
    I agree with lemnline, it is CRIMINAL that there are not more remixes from Yoshi's Island... what a FANTASTIC game... I am DYING to hear a remix of the "End Course/GOAL" theme. GREAT JOB, nOkbient!!!

  22. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Ivan Hakštok in Dwelling of Duels 80s vs 90s Month - Listening party @ MAGFest + Impact Soundworks partnership   
    Hello! As you may or may not know, MAGFest is happening soon, and just like every year for the past decade, we'll be having a special month over at Dwelling of Duels, with a live listening party at MAGFest! Exact details about the listening party to follow.
    The tradition is to pick a unique and interesting theme for the MAGFest duel, and this time it's...
    80s vs 90s Month

    That's right, we're pitting two awesome decades against each other! Which had the better video games? Which had the better music? Which had the better video game music?
    All of these questions will be answered this month. Artists can chose either the 80s or the 90s, and remix songs from a game (or multiple games) released in that decade. Featuring games from both decades in a single entry is not allowed. Other than that, all standard rules apply: http://dwellingofduels.net/rules/
    Now, what makes this duel special, other than the live listening party, you ask? Well, we're happy to announce a partnership with Impact Soundworks! Top 3 artists (or groups/bands) will each get one library out of the following: Super Audio Cart, Shreddage Bass 2, Shreddage Guitar or Shreddage Drums. Fun fact: Shreddage Bass 2 was recorded by the ocremix artist, bass virtuoso and the person with the most DoD gold medals, Tony Dickinson a.k.a. Prince uf Darkness! But wait, there's more: entrants will be able to get a 10% discount on all Impact Soundworks libraries!
    So, get your instruments ready, start making some music, and enter the duel! Deadline for submissions is January 3rd, 2017 at 1PM EST. Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com. If you come to MAGFest, be sure to drop by the listening party (80s or 90s fashion not required). We promise it's gonna be fun, as you can see in this video: 
    For those not familiar with DoD:
    Dwelling of Duels is a monthly (or sometimes bi-monthly) video game music remixing competition started back in 2003. The focus is on live instruments: each entry needs to have a main instrument played live. A theme is picked for each duel and all the entries have to follow the theme. At the end of the month, listeners vote for the songs and a winner is decided. To this day, there have been:
    - 2778 entries, from
    - 1070 games, by
    - 714 artists, in
    - 154 duels, having
    - 167+ hours of music!
  23. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Drawn by Dai in Question RE: PM's   
    @Odai vBulletin had a PM export feature, which was nice, but IPS4 does not appear to.
    The next best solution, to address clutter, is to use the messaging system's support for folders - create a couple folders and bulk move messages there.
    There's a gear icon next to the "Inbox" header that should let you do this, but let us know if need help!
    Moving topic to help forum.
  24. Like
    djpretzel reacted to The Orichalcon in OCR03445 - Chrono Trigger "Fritz Was Here"   
    Funky. I recognised the source straight away even though it's one of the more forgettable tracks from the game.
    I think this has a bit of a Richard Joseph (RIP) sound to it, perhaps what he might've made if he was alive today. That's a huge compliment.
    The music is harmoniously satisfying, even accounting for all the effects added to the melody. Even though I think dubstep is a bit overdone now, it works nicely in this track. Good job.
  25. Like
    djpretzel reacted to DarkeSword in Robots vs. Knights   
    Hey, sorry. Stuff is busy on my end. I think we're going to get this started in January after MAGFest.
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