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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Is OCAM an occult social-event involving OCAD & friendz, that happens after midnight when it's really dark outside, and you shouldn't be feeding the Gremlins anymore? Also, if anyone could confirm in roughly how long the EoL party will begin, that would be much appreciated. I've been trying to figure out the proper EST (EDT) time setting from my location, but I thought it would be more reliable to ask you guys.
  2. This thread can rest in peace for now, for it will be born anew within the next Season... Congrats again to Ben and everyone!
  3. It lives! Been a long time coming, so congrats on finally releasing Essence of Lime. I'm really thankful to have been able to work alongside such an enthusiastic and talented group of people. Everyone has put his heart and a lot of hard work into this project, and the result is beyond expectations. I'd like to thank Ben for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this project, for all the feedback and motivation he provided. He took the time to help everyone onboard regardless of their reputation or ability, and without being bossy or judgemental. He really inspired me to try and lead a project of my own, and helped me grow as an artist. So mad props to him for that. Props to The Maverickk, BLUamnEsiac and all the graphic design team for going all out and creating such wonderful artwork (in such massive quantities). Props to MW for his site coding skills, his open mind as well as producing and providing hosting services on the Revasser network. And Flexstyle too for hosting. Props to GirlzMelon and Capt'N Brushfire for the memorable summer-blockbuster-flick 2010 album trailer. Finally, Props to all the seriously talented and crazy cool musicians in the EoL team. You know who you are guys! Looking forward to the listening party. Hope everyone will enjoy the album!
  4. Probably was the banner I'd made for the now-defunct Megaman 4 project, which was randomly taken down by image-host. So Brad, only one track on the initial list to be wip'd, and it's bonus track time then? Looking forward to the outcome of what is, according to the OP, my first project evar! ;D
  5. There were rumors of a PS3 port of Peace Walker at some point...
  6. That would be quite surprising given MGS5 is actually Peace Walker for the PSP, originally titled Metal Gear Solid 5: Peace Walker by Kojima and his team. So, you may be refering to MGS Rising (for the X360 not PS3 ...at least for now), which isn't a numerical entry. But if it was, it would be MGS6 I guess.
  7. July 8th 2010 has been successfully added to the VGM duties list as: 'Final Deadline for SD3 project'.
  8. Allright, let's hear these new songs! Hero's battle: Overall I like the electro-orchestral and metal combination that makes this piece flirt with what we can hear in some modern-era jRPGs. The intro effectively builds-up the right kind of atmosphere, so when the song kicks off, we definitely know we're in for one epic battle. The composition, while softer compared to some of your other works, is flowing nicely, with a consistent sound and a good amount of variety. It's evenly paced with frequent breaks, leaving room to breath and keeping the song from being stuck into a repetitive pattern. The guitar is once again the star of the show, with those fierce and eloquent solos, unsurprisingly being the high points of the song. The melodies played by both piano and synth work well with the guitar parts, toning down the metal a bit, but creating the right balance in soundscape. However, I think the piano (or/and harp?) sequencing is bit rigid, requiring some humanization work in your part. Also, are you still using the DFH kits? That snare sounds pretty dead center and dry. It's especially annoying in this song since the track has a more atmospheric approach, thus needing reverb to build the proper ambience. The Discovery: It's a rather disturbing piece, with an unsettling composition, and use of dissonances. Those guitar chugs mean business! They really put emphasis on the already extremely dark tone by adding a tangible feeling of wrath and rage. I don't have much to criticize, except maybe for my usual "snare drum complain", which by now sounds more like a personal bias than an objective critic. Other than that, nothing production-wise annoying enough to spoil the listening experience of someone who would enjoy the song's composition. Not digging this particular piece as much as usual, but my opinion doesn't remove anything from your performance. And from what I'm hearing here, that certainly won't prevent me from looking forward to your next album. Keep on rockin' Joe!
  9. Ahah, yeah they were taking almost half a page of something on my tiny screen. ;D

    Why didn't you ask for a custom 'JuneIsBossMonth' sig in the OffTop thread?

    I may be able to hook you up with one, but I'm definitely not as talented as The Coop or Doulifee though...

  10. There's a saying that goes like this: "Prove yourself by your actions, not by your words". It's cool Brandon, we've already discussed this issue earlier, and I'm aware of the time it takes to make a kickass song. Also, keep in mind it's not a project thread, just a recruitment one. Move the chatter to PM whenever possible. I'm trying not to upset the mods, so help me out here. Also, your sigs are freaking huge! Might want to resize them down a little.
  11. Glad someone got this request and liked it. This song is an all times favorite from what is probably one the best soundtrack (and game) ever made for the N64. No pressure though Obtuse. Just have fun and aim for completion. It's definitely a hard source to work with, as it's very atmospheric and the melodic material isn't too obvious. Can't promise anything, but I'm up for the challenge. Good compo to everyone!
  12. The following tracks are still open: .Contact me via PM if you want to claim a track.
  13. If I remember correctly, mp3 was listed as 'acceptable' for nsf or spc replacement. At least two source-fields required input, and one has to be a youtube link. So, if the person didn't found a midi or didn't know where to find one, that may not be so silly in fact. Nevertheless, a midi isn't an absolute necessity to arrange a song. Challenge accepted btw. You guys cranked up the difficulty this year. This will be fun.
  14. That's one birthday mixpost for Halc! Happy Bday!
  15. Here's one thing I looked forward to this year: Shinji Mikami's Vanquish.
  16. Careful! If you go that fast, you may even deliver in time for the due date. ;D

    Also, def looking forward to that GoW mix. Sounds like you've brought the heavy artillery for this one.

  17. Hope you guys got enough requests submissions from (and for) everyone in the end. Looking forward to phase 2.
  18. The beauty of it, is that the story cutscenes drawn by Ashley Wood are written in english. You're only missing on the mission briefings and in game codec convos. But you get to ear the orginal voice-over, not the average english dubbing. However, it is probably the easiest Metal Gear game to date... I hear ya, I've played through the original FFVII in jap. Been playing import games ever since the super famicom times, so it's allright. Plus I can't let a whole childhood of watching japanese animes go to waste.
  19. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. Gotta love the good ol psp and its region free feature. Good thing most menus and story cutscenes are in english though. I've also set to complete H.A.W.X. campain mode in elite this month, if I can find the time.
  20. How about a few flares ? Have a good one sir!
  21. Heads up! Tally, one more year on your six o'clock. Recommend you go evasive and use your flares. Also, be advised, radar shows you have at least 50 more birthdays dead ahead. You're clear to engage. Have a good one Neko! ...and now we return to our regularly scheduled thread, and wish a nice birthday to Ibbiaz, Fo Shizzle and Harmonious Dissonance too.
  22. According to my calculations, this should be the 13th version. This mix sure has come a long way. Well, there isn't much left to criticize, so I'm simply gonna adress a few additions in this last version. I don't dig the short swell intro at 0:24. It sounds strident and almost fake/cartoonish, which isn't in par with the dark tone of the song. Your bass/rythm guitar now have a lot of presence, which is a good thing. But it gets overwhelming in certain instances, like from 0:55, where it's taking a little too much space in the soundscape. Finally, I really like the final solo and ending from 3:17. It's powerful allright. Overall, the arrangement gives off an emotional combination of madness and despair, which appropriately convey the tone and fits the source. As for the title, I was gonna suggest Dungeon of Despair, but that kinda reminded me of something else... I know you like evocatives and to-the-point titles, so how about: Sublunar Shadows.
  23. Glad to see someone tackle that one. More Zelda 2 is always welcome! As usual, keeping track of your wips versions when they all have the same name is my worst nightmare. This one seems to be number 4 though... The original melody is extremely catchy, making it easy to integrate into the mix and to rely on for a melodic hook. Though I'm not convinced by the sound choice in the begining. Plus the empty atmosphere doesn't really work in your favor. Try using some cross-delay on that harp, and adding alternative rolls and plucks to give it a more realistic/humanesque feel. Also, it may be interesting to vary slightly the original melody on just a few instances. You've got a very full sound overall, with a tight prod right out of the bat. The part from 0:45 has a Castlevania feel to it, and I dig the distinctive sound you have here. It's slightly different from the usual tone, while retaining your metalcore trademark style. It fits the song prefectly. Really great sound you've achieved here. At 1:05, the lead should deviate from the midrange and go tackle the highs more, the way you usually do it in your solos. The synth directly afterwards sounds cool in itself. But it doesn't blend very well with the instrumentation. However, it blends in nicely with the production. So it's not so much of a technical issue than it is an inauspicious sound choice. I'm not the expert on electronica by all means, so I leave it to more synth-savy people to comment on. And at 1:52, the harp returns and makes the simple melody layered on top of a thin soundscape more obvious... and kinda out of place. Also, during those parts the drums/toms sound a bit dry and sparse. Add a few more occurences, and raise the room reverb on those. Finally, 2 minutes 41 seconds is short. I'm sure you could easily extend the song to 3:10 or so. Some more work on sound choice/design as well as pushing your mix a little further should hopefully bring you closer to completion. This is a good mix with nice prod and great potential. Now make it awesome!
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