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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Just finished Wonderboy III and also Streets of Rage 2 for the lulz. I'm gonna go for some SoulBlazer next.
  2. A little late on this, but hopefully you had a good one. Nice Birthday good sir! Looking forward to the day we'll see your name in the credits of MassEffect 3.
  3. Here I thought nobody remembered this from back then. I'm intrigued to see if Capcom has something planned for this event too... Well, in all fairness I did think of this date for the BC project. But seeing our current pace, it would have been highly unrealistic. Alas, not only the album doesn't have a name yet, but by the time we're releasing, Re-armed 2 will probably be out already. Awesome indeed, but also the kind of realization that makes you feel quite rusty all of a sudden.
  4. I need to mention that I'm not a DKC fan, at all. Why? Because that preview just won me over. Great idea guys, the video complement the music very well. And definitely some jawesome tracks in there. Cheers!
  5. I'm probably late for this, but here goes the wishes anyway. Hope you had a great one sir. (oh, and nice birthday to nonsensicAlexis too)
  6. Wouldn't it be easy for OCR staff to tally the numbers from the mirrors for the most downloaded songs? That way they could come up with the real top 10-20-50: the one made naturally over the years by OCR's listeners. This thread also made me wonder: when you guys do panels at conventions, and distribute OCR compilations, you do decide which ones you're putting on the cd. Be it the most critically acclaimed/commented on, the funniest/most original/different ones, the best representative of OCR's message, or simply some personal favorites. Either way, people who are given/awarded the cds don't have a choice. Sure they can head to the site afterwards and download what sounds good to them. But at this moment, in this particular case, aren't you kinda promoting your own selection and doing what you're advocating against in some way? (I'm not judging mind you, just wondering if this could perhaps be the exception)
  7. Capcom really needs to stop screwing around and get its ass to work on Capcom vs SNK (er...Playmore) 3. ...either that, or DarkStalkers vs Blazblue.
  8. Mustin summed it up best: Although sadly in this case, you kinda have to bear with it for the sake of a greater good. Hang in there Mr Lloyd!
  9. ...Actually, he does. And a few ones at that. In Zelda II: Link no Bouken, from where he originated. And while some might argue that it was but a mere shadow of Link , fact remains it's still the first apperance of what will later be known as Dark Link. Here's the song in question : Zelda II Link no Bouken - Last Guardian The second (and chronologically first) appearance was in Ocarina of Time, where Dark Link is supposedely the result of Link pulling out the Master Sword for the first time. But in this game, he doesn't have any special theme. Instead, you're fighting him to the tune of regular Mid Boss. Here's the song: Ocarina of Time - Mid Boss Battle The third (and technically first) appearance was in Four Swords Adventure (Four Swords Plus in japan). In this game, Dark Link was properly labelized as an antagonist, and this time, was displayed with the physical traits of Link, not just his shadow. As such, he was given a proper theme: Four Sword Adventures - Shadow Link Dark Link was also featured in other Zelda games, but not as prominently, and with no musical theme of his own: -summoned by Veran in Oracles of Ages -optionally fought in the castle town 'take em all on' mini game in Spirit Tracks -associated to the dark interlooper in Twilight Princess -fought in SuperSmashBros Mellee and Brawl Hope this helps whoever want to try his/her hand at a Dark Link tribute arrangement.
  10. Back to the basics for me: Wonderboy III - the Dragon's Trap for the Master System. Forgot how fun it was. And boy, that soundtrack is catchy.
  11. I was refering more to the 'thing' that is planned for early next month if all goes well.

    Just need to know beforehand if you'll be willing/able to make it in time for that, since DH is apparently #1 on your list now. ;)

    Though if you don't remember what I'm talking about, well ....PM! ;)

  12. Achievement Unlocked: You're Married Congrats man, have fun!
  13. Most excellent. And that demo got me back into using synth1 once again. Thanks for sharing sir.
  14. Sure, no prob. Just let me know whether or not you think you can make it in time for the ...'you-know-what'. ;)

  15. The very first Megaman on the NES was probably the first game for which the VG tunes would stay stuck in my mind even hours after playing. So much apparently, that it subconsiously turned me into a huge Rockman music (and game) fan along the road. And judging from the number of Rockman ReMixes posted here, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in that case. As far as paying attention to the soundtrack more than the game, I would say without hesitation Revenge of Shinobi on the Sega Genesis. It was the first game for which I would turn on the console just to get into the sound test and chill to Yuzo Koshiro's awesome work. But that was back when soundtracks weren't easily availible for purchase, so I had to record the music on tapes in the darkness of my room. Then I was able to listen to them on the walkman any time, which added a more nostalgic factor to Sega games music in my mind. But I'm not sure many people went through that hassle just for VGM at the time... Finally, the first proper game soundtrack I bought on cd was Final Fantasy Tactics. Surprisingly, it had imho compositions and audio quality much more groundbreaking than FFVII, yet was released the same year. Still one of my favorite OST to this day, not to mention that Sakimoto has been (and still is), by far, my favorite composer ever since.
  16. "...high definition speakers to play music throughout the levels." Ahaha, excellent! Thanks for sharing.
  17. This actually explains a lot, but that's another story... Really cool ReMix you've created here Stevo, very soothing and evocative. Totally fitting the NIGHTS universe. Thanks for putting that out for everyone to hear, and kudos for having the courage to lead a project on a lesser popular fanchise and see it through. Great art too btw. Looking forward to NIGHTS' 15th anniversary!
  18. "Once every decade comes the time to celebrate he who has ruled over the city of OCAD for more than a thousand year. With an iron fist and a speedo, he brought vision to the world of VG-podcasts with his feared accolytes, Bald Uncle Stevo and Epic Trauma Center. Ladies and gents, let him be remembered as the one, the only: BrushMayor!" Have a good one sir! And also, a mandatory 'nice birthday' to The Author and wildfire.
  19. Sick concept you had here JH. It was a fun experience to watch (or in this special case, hear) it unfold through the entire album. Enjoyable to listen to, with some highs and lows, but very interesting nonetheless. Favorite tracks of mine were the blurry electro-acoustic 'In the Yard' with its strangely interrupted orchestral break, the upbeat and cheerful 'Special Case (analogous version)', which is by far the best definition of 'Sonic meets J64H' you'll ever hear, and finally the very melancholic 'Finality' ft Cyril, which features some of that beautiful and dramatic piano we all know and love. For anyone familiar with JH's music, Hedgehog Hysteria bears his usual trademark style: balanced yet asymmetrical, both skillfully crafted and voluntarily cheesy at times. But for once, I appreciated the fact that this album delves deeper into the mind of an artist who definitely has his own unique way to do things.
  20. Thanks melody. That's quite a compliment coming from you.

    Hope you'll enjoy the rest of the album as well! ;)

  21. UPDATE v9: check it on the first post! Took me a long time to update this arrangement, but I finally got around to it. I've marked the track as mod-review and let the previous version up in first post if needed for reference regarding the concerns expressed previously. Source is there as well. EDIT: source link was down, but I've fixed it. Should be working now! Thanks to Emunator for taking the time to listen and provide honest critique, and thanks to NintenJoe for his feedback and helpful suggestions. All issues mentioned previously were adressed in this update, and I tried to push the arrangement a little further. Here's the v9 log: -Further tweaking on EQ, volume and velocities on all instruments to make things clearer. -Removed redundant chords and improved harmonies and support instrumentation. -Changed the lead piano sample, and worked on humanizing piano parts. -Added a new piano solo, drum break, and instrument with its own parts (Oboe). -Added a few more subtle references to the source whenever possible (and appropriate). -Broke down the single-track String and Brass Section VSTs into full scale instrumentation (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Basses and French Horns, Trombones, Trumpet). Well, as far as my abilities go, this is as dramatic and/or epic as it gets. Project now takes a whooping 40 tracks in the sequencer, and at this rate I'll need a new computer soon solely to handle this song. As a musician, I always strive to learn more and to get better in both composition and production, even tough I'm auditory impaired. But the hardest thing to do remains being able to transmit emotion to people through your art. I never imagined that one day, someone would actually feel that way about my music. So, thank you for these words. That means a lot.
  22. ^ This. You'll find martial arts (main hero is a jeet kune do specialist), and an extremely compelling story. Protagonists aren't assassins diguised as emo-teenagers, or vampires disguised as priest, or giant panda robots with tentacles and weird stuff like that. Characters are humans, with human traits and emotions. It's set on a futuristic earth and in space (and some other locations I won't spoil). It may be one of the most brillant anime ever made, and it's not intended for kids imo. Themes are really mature, dealing with grown-up problems or tough decisions we may all face someday. There's action, reflexion, humor, joy, sadness, love, family, friendship, life, loss, death(s) and even serious monkey business (yes, I'm serious!). Only unknown for me is the US dubbing, since I only ever watch japanese anime with original voices. Other than that, I recommend Cowboy Bebop 100%.
  23. And rest assured that you did. Just make sure to pick your words a little more carefully next time around. EoL listening party is in progress people. Come join the fun at irc.enterthegame.com #ocad. We're about to dive into disc 2 anytime now!
  24. Not everyone lives in the US and know all about the fancy timezone shifts. Also, could you please refrain from unnecessarily using offensive/condescending words such as 'illiterate'. That's all I needed to know, thank you very much M'am.
  25. Ahah, what a misunderstanding. I know it's happening at 5PM EST (or EDT?) actually. What I'm trying to figure out, is the current time on your side of the planet right now.
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