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Status Updates posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Glad to hear bro! Thanks for still considering it man.

  2. Aside from working on my first album and a few other things, it's the same old same old on this end : o - :) glad you're enjoying the music though.

  3. Thanks Crulex!

  4. Happy B-Day Argle. Hope you have good day.

  5. Happy B-day Kiwi. Hope you have a good one.

  6. Happy B-day Kyoob. Hope you have a safe/enjoyable day.

  7. Thanks a ton for the feedback C - much appreciated.

  8. Happy Birthday : )

  9. I'm aiming for the first of November : )

  10. DJ! - I was just saying that I haven't heard from you in AGES bro. Hope things've been ok with you though and glad you're still enjoying the mixes. Trying to take all the critique you and others have given me and sharpening my sound somewhat.

  11. Happy b-day indeed.

  12. Welcome to OCR Brenzie.

  13. HAPPY B-DAY BRO! Hope you have a good one : )

  14. Happy B-Day Will.

  15. Happy B-day Radio

  16. You mentioned my fav OST of all time - Racing Lagoon. You must be befriended.

  17. Happy B-day Escariot

  18. Happy B-day Dan.

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