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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. inb4 sonic community mentions.
  2. Happy birthday
  3. To be totally honest dubstep only works when it has a base to work with already and has something over the top of the WUB WUB WUB WUB "rubbish". If the wub wub stuff is the main pull, my brain shuts off and i switch to a song with alittle more to it. Dubstep needs less of the wub and alittle more imagination. And from what i have heard of dubstep, not alot of imagination is being used. As you can proberly tell i'm not a fan of the genre, atleast until i hear a masterpiece that will change my mind. (to those of you wondering why i quotationed the word rubbish, its because its my opinion and so don't take offence to it.) "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMeyJzh0dQ " posted by ambinate This is what the genre should be its very enjoyable to listen to and its rather creative. I shall check out other creations by this "rusko" person Thank you for enlightening me.
  4. AW man i wish i could go ;-; But i'm stuck here in england with no money to go to a event in the usa Which really sucks because i'm a fan of most of the guests in the line-up and and both armcannon and the oneups Have good fun to all of you that will be attending Really hope that anything extra credits or brentalfloss related will be recorded. Have fun guys.
  5. If SonicThHedgog doesn't want to change it let him not get any opinions on his piece. Then when his piece gets rejected he can wonder why it was rejected. I personal dislike dubstep with a passion This piece did not make me change my view of the genre as pure tripe for the huddled masses. I wish you good luck however seeing as some people can somehow enjoy dubstep But unfortunately i am not one of them.
  6. For a first time remix this was beautiful You say it might be "Impressionist, or Romantic, or Baroque" or whatever, To me it was like music for the soul, which to be honest is how piano playing should be. Great first impression so far doc Can't wait to see what you come up with next
  7. Congratulations PuD Couldn't of happened to a cooler guy.
  8. Actually i will show you that your situation is kinda similar 1:actually you have such as your wily remix and other remixes (perhaps capcom doesn't really care about remixes of game themes but still but if they did you may have had your stuff have a cease and desist warning) 2: your "publisher" is ocremix because without them behind you pushing you into the "public eye" (and by that i mean the ocr audience) you wouldn't have had many enjoying your remixes and 3: video game remixing isn't a niche market? You may respond at me saying you do this for free and that does not breach any copyrights, but while you may not many do sell their remixes such as brentalfloss to name names. Either way i think this story idea might get somewhere.
  9. now now, lets not be angry at them for trying something that is rather tough to accomplish, Look at yourselves guys, did you ever believe you could ever make music yourself when you were at a younger age? you must of because some of you practiced and practiced to learn skills on the guitar or the piano. Wardonis seems to have this same ambition, but in terms of writing one of the greatest spin off novels to one of his childhood gaming hero megaman. he needs support not disapproval Wardonis i say good luck to you and don't give up hope so easy.
  10. DDD: This made me sad face.
  11. you are awesome for knowing of The Protomen Wardonis My suggestion to you would be this, If capcom declines this, which in all possibility they might. Then the next best thing would be archie comics Because they have a license to the megaman franchise and they might be more inclined to listen if your story is as juicy as you believe it is then they might be willing to buy the rights of it from you. Good luck my friend. You'll certainly need it.
  12. happy birthday to all who's birthday it is today
  13. Happy birthday to you both
  14. Never even heard of this game in all honesty, The line up of remixers is like a line up of some of the greatest remixers around atm, The one that got me to get the album? Had to be Megaran can't wait to check this album out and later check the game out aswell.
  15. As i expected. awesomeness, pure awesomeness, i'd love to hear the ones that wasn't put on the album, But all round great job by all who were featured in the E.P
  16. Brandon hope you have a great birthday buddy
  17. brandon, happy birthday man hope its a great one :D

  18. I could totally hear rubina in this remix, infact when i heard it was like "wait why is rubina on thi...oh its the nights theme.." I've enjoyed satch's work ever since my friend introduced me to the artist and seeing as this song reminds me of his slow kinda love songs. To me its as close to orgasmic as you could get. Thanks sixto, now I'm gonna need new pants.
  19. happy birthday
  20. Oh.. if thats the case I'll let you off I love aerodynamic...infact that entire album is awesome my favourite is digital love. If you guys can figure it out let me know i'd love to hear it.
  21. You pretty much summed it up in your write up, This is funky as hell. Which is good because i enjoy it quite abit. My only issue is because its hydrocity i compare it to housethegrate's remix from project chaos. Only because of the enjoyment i get from the other said mix i can't get as good a reaction as i did from that one. Barring that slight oversight, its a great mix. Well done will
  22. A general idea of which final fantasy you are refering to may help you couldnt find aerodynamic from daft punk on youtube? why can't you spell? or something. Unless you know which final fantasy i might be able to help, the console it was on might narrow it down.
  23. just thought id pop by to say thank you for creating extra credits with james and allison, I hope she recovers soon keep up the good work. :D

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