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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. I want you to know that I get a good chortle every time I see your sig.

  2. AWWWWW YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Pumped to be a part of this, like I was telling ToN, the remixers on this have some serious talent. Except that one guy for Happy Adventure, wat a n00b amirite
  3. WOOT WOOT SINGLE LYFE REPRESENT AMIRITE *weeps lonely tears of loneliness*
  4. Legit lol'd at the track. As a fan of both Kirby music and chiptune-y happy music, this was an obvious download for me. As I said in IRC, this album is kinda like an OCR Time Capsule - it reminds me of the OCR style from when I first started listening here. EVERYONE GET IT RIGHT NOW
  5. Dat Bump. I'm about 10 episodes in and I'm loving it. The adult content almost always has some sort of importance in characterization or plot development (it's not just in there to be in there) and the story evolves along with the characters. It's dynamic, interesting, and has Kevin Spacey being Kevin Spacey. Why WOULDN'T you watch this?
  6. I am also of the opinion that you should feel better. I've also found myself with more free time, so if you find yourself needing/wanting someone to help you with clerical things such as vote counting just lemme know.
  7. There were Zelda strings in that track? I guess I didn't notice during the listening party.
  8. HAPPEH BIRFDAI! Enjoy it! Or don't, I'm not a cop.
  9. I feel like you could do a pretty sick arrangement of but that's just a suggestion.Either way, GOOD LUCK AND GODSPEED.
  10. Fuck, life hit me hard this week, so my track isn't finished. Still submitted something, but just want to apologize to my team for being AWOL for most of this week...
  11. Okay so I'm doing from Pikmin 2.It will be epic. if i can finish it in time...
  12. I think I faintly remember the IRC discussion way back when about this. Nice to see this come to some sort of fruition!
  13. Well then I guess that's settled. Im assuming Pikmin games ARE eligible? Just not the map, end day, title, or other themes like that yeah?
  14. I thought I had to go this week. If I dont then by all means someone take my spot, I don't play RTS games.
  15. Sorry for being the uneducated one, but could someone please describe what's going on with all this Hz business? Or link an article?
  16. Well if you're going to take Dragon Roost, I can look at grandma's song or some sort of boss themes track.
  17. I did a rather chiptuney remix of it for remixing with the stars that I can rework (and I mean significantly rework) if you'd like. It was also written thematically (as in with a story behind it) if that appeals to you further. If g-mixer would rather take it that's fine by me Though.
  18. Slightly relevant VGCats. I'm in the same boat as Modus/Dhsu - it looks as though they just added bloom/saturation to try to make it HD, when in fact the point of that art style is that it doesn't have to be High Definition. As others have pointed out, WW's graphics are still up to par relevant to today's standards, or at least they're good enough. I'll reserve any final opinions until I see video footage, but right now I'm not as impressed as a lot of people seem to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Wind Waker get some love, but it just seems unneccesary. Why didn't they go with a MM or TP update? There was a tech demo for the Wii U that showed a HD Zelda in the style of TP, why not extrapolate that? I guess it just seems backwards that they are doing a HD remake of a game that wasn't suited for HD in the first place.
  19. Sixto finished a song first? I thought the apocalypse was just a joke...
  20. http://famicomworld.com/game-list/?order=release A list in case anyone wants it. Also, is a game that can be remixed. I can go for my team if they'd like, but just a forewarning that my arm is fractured/screwed up so I'll be slow as balls until I get it fixed.
  21. Not sure if this matters much, but are we doing Japanese or American release date? Or whichever came first?
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