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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Just wanted to raise awareness for Tingle month!
  2. hay guyz wats going on in this thread
  3. Ah, I see you decided not to make this a project mix after all. Anyway, I dunno if it's because my listening skills are getting rusty or something, but I'm having a hard time picking out the original melody in this arrangement. I heard a couple hints here and there, but it mostly sounds original to me. Maybe you could make it a little more obvious, like with an extra guitar line or something? Great playing though, I really enjoyed listening to this.
  4. Okay I lied, it was actually the entire panel.
  5. I was referring more to the fact that zircon was hitting on her even while she was with her previous boyfriend.
  6. I'm sure there are some old-school fans who prefer the previous games over the more action-oriented RE4. Edit: Case in point.
  7. I believe that by now, you should be able to get the Fire Rod, which you use to open another path in the woods outside.
  8. Yeah, that's kind of the main thing for charge moves in general.
  9. So the running this is new, but couldn't you always fire in mid-air?
  10. Ha, Surf would be the best Final Smash ever.
  11. Awesome. Polish it up, get a studio recording, and submit this sucker. I don't see any reason it wouldn't pass...there are piano arrangements on OCR that aren't nearly as interpretive and complex as this (i.e. mine, lol).
  12. Best part in the entire game.
  13. He probably didn't die until they threw him overboard. And then he drowned.
  14. That and the opening scene were my favorite parts of the entire movie.
  15. I can wait, especially if it means saving $20 dollars or so.
  16. I think we're mostly waiting for feedback on the mini-lockdown proposal, or perhaps some other alternative.
  17. Are you referring to the guy with the wooden eye? That was actually Barbossa's piece, he just used the guy to keep it in. That's why he spent like half the first movie chasing it around.
  18. By the way, InkBall looks really cool. Has kind of a Kirby Canvas Curse feel to it.
  19. Yeah, sorry Whiplash, me and some other guys fought the policy tooth and nail, but in the end people were just too blind to see the truth about it.
  20. Actually that might not be far from the truth. Apparently they're sponsored by Jagermeister. :/ Curious to know where Armcannon came in though.
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