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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. If they're anything like Pokemon, they've got to be chosen, at which point they will exit their pokeball. Maybe they're just stuck, you know, inside of the pokeball.
  2. I showed up at 9:53pm because I forgot, made a live performance as quickly as I could, it was pretty fun. It ends at 10pm so.. meh.. I heard some positive stuff about the song. It's good to practice singing while playing with some strummed chords. That's what OHC is all about I think, learning and growing as a musician. But uhh.. hah.. hopefully I'll remember next week.
  3. Getting pissed about updates is a pretty common thing I think. I've never used Reason so I'm not referencing that at all. But I know upgrading from Audition 1.5 to version 3.0 in the past was a huge change for me. Upgrading from FL 7 to 9 is a big change. Some stuff is completely different, and some things seem needlessly complicated. But in the end, you just mess with it a while, and you learn to love it and appreciate the new features.
  4. I am really pumped to make the Dark Demon's theme.. This is going to be a ton of fun!

  5. Yeaaah you can tell it's fake... Plus in metal, you need doubled rhythms, if not quadrupled. A single track won't cut it. I thought the song was way over-compressed. It actually wasn't too bad of an arrangement, but honestly if you're going to make metal, you need some real instruments.
  6. I was freaked out by the giant AT-ATs I'd have to grind a looot to be able to fight one
  7. I third Sazh, but it HAS to be the picture with Choco-fro -- http://girlsofwar.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/ff13-sazh-katzroy.jpg ..... Star Ocean 4: Edge Maverick, Reimi Saionji, but preferably Faize (no he's not that much taller, they're different pictures) ........... Juto, MagnaCarta 2 ............ Tomba! -- Tomba, and a pig .............. Everyone's favorite black post-apocalyptic businessman! .............. Worms series: This is a uh, ... worm. Also if I can, I'd like to take one vote AWAY from Hakan. Last thing I want when visiting a website is to see half-naked oiled up men.
  8. What do you think of Celestial Entrance as a bonus track or some kind of inclusion on the album? It's been sitting at the panel for months, and I figure in another 3 or 4 they might actually get to it and list it on their queue, then a couple more months and it might be judged... so you have to act fast! HAhah... funny. :-)

  9. I thought I sent you a PM about recording some sagely dialogue for a song... I must have messed up? I was waiting for a response for like a month, haha... It would suck if I accidentally X'd out without sending or something, like I sometimes do on accident. x_x

  10. Inuyasha? Bleach? Yu Yu Hakusho? I don't know if there's an anime purely based on swords, but these ones have prominent characters using various types of swords. x_x <-- also not TOO well versed in anime
  11. I always liked how heavy that song was. Actually when I was learning guitar in 2005, I used to play that riff. I might take this on as it would be sentimental for me.
  12. I take it the idea of being a village sage talking of the fall and rise of the Magi did not interest you :-(

  13. huh..................??

  14. Willrock: Oink at me one more time and I may be forced to consummate our relationship. :-)

  15. I don't know who made that nights sig but it is awesome.

  16. So just 9 days now until the end of the Pokemon project! I am very happy for all of you who are involved with this. It's good to see the finished project queue stacking up now. I hope it doesn't take too long before we get to hear this.
  17. I've never played any of the X series but I'm still looking forward to this music. Good luck, everyone.
  18. Who are YOU calling MORAN But yeah, back on topic to the actual game of Final Fantasy 13... I found the open world bit to be very boring and thought it leaves very little incentive to continue the game at that point.
  19. Yeah.. I was a little embarrassed after Larry found mine so easily, so I went and tried to find it myself and i still couldn't. But that's ok. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a hassle. I get updates from Larry but it says he's not my friend yet. I have no idea what's going on as far as that is concerned, but that's a whole different story.
  20. I'm thinking you might wanna pick a theme for CMC34... guy is taking too long. :-)

  21. Noob: Flavor of Lime

  22. After trying most avenues of drum programming, including but not limited to Addictive Drums, Drumkit from hell 2, BFD2... I am going to try to get my hands on Superior 2. XLN AD is definitely the best out of what I've tried, BFD2 would have been best but I can't friggin figure out how to get an open hat. If I get Superior 2 and it makes better drums, then I'll have a final Mistaken Love for you. Btw, I named it Doomed Lovers

  23. FF5 is on the FF Anthology (PSX) and GBA 1 & 2 are togther in Dawn of Souls.. There was a FF3 remake on DS! Don't leave them slots blankened
  24. Well FF6 was known as FF3 in the US on the SNES wasn't it? ... Guy just is crazy in brain.
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