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  1. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to The Vodoú Queen in OCR04478 - Golden Sun "Isaac's Only Shot"   
    Absolutely loving the 70s/80s rock vibe... Reminds me of stuff from Saxon with a bit of Motörhead / Judas Priest up in there (and yep, defo Jethro Tull and others!!) The flute is gorgeous (got Pat Metheny vibes there for a bit), but this is a very well done and put together piece! I'm glad it got through and got the spotlight...and it managed despite the mad-dash rush Lucas talked about on the Discord and his write-up to get it in for the album.
    Happy bday, my man! Good shit and looking forward to more from ya up on the feed. ♥
  2. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in Tetris Attack Album - Performing Prelude Portfolio of Puzzles (name pending)   
    I'll take normal sea stage (Lunge Fish)
  3. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from The Vodoú Queen in Tetris Attack Album - Performing Prelude Portfolio of Puzzles (name pending)   
    I'll take normal sea stage (Lunge Fish)
  4. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Jorito in Castlevania - Bloody Tears (seeking feedback)   
    I have released about 30 or so of my OCReMix (and tracks I did for other communities) on streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, etc. In short: there’s this thing called a “compulsory license” in US law, which basically means that if your version can be labeled as a cover (I listened to your track, my biased opinion is that it’d probably be fine) and has seen a commercial release in the US, it will qualify for release on streaming services.
    I personally use Soundrop (https://soundrop.com/) for releasing tracks on streaming services. It’s pretty easy to do, and they distribute to all streaming services for $1 per track.
    Their FAQ is a good place to start reading up on how it works. You’ll especially find this page helpful: https://support.soundrop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039589271-Advanced-Cover-Song-Licensing-Request-Tips
    When it comes to figuring out what tracks can or cannot be licensed, that page also gives some good advice. The short summary: if it can be found on vgmdb.net as a commercial release in the US, you will be fine. If you can find it in the US Apple Music store (see links in the article above), you will be fine. You arranged a popular song from a popular franchise that has known commercial US releases, so I’m pretty sure it’ll qualify (but I didn’t check).

    That’s about it as a starting point. I’d suggest to read the FAQs so you have a sense of what it’s all about, and just sign up and give it a go. The worst that can happen is that they will reject and refund your $1.

    Oh, and do keep in mind, every track released on streaming services needs album art too. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it is required.

    Hope this enough to get you going, but feel free to ask if you have questions about this.
  5. Thanks
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Unknown Pseudoartist in PRC467 - Bloody Classic (Castlevania IV)   
    Oh heck... hahaha! The first time I win any VGM compo, and that happening just because being the only "votable" participant, so embarrasing!

    Anyways, I hope people liked the arrangement regardless. I might participate in FFX Seymor as well, since I already ruined 2 FFX tunes before and I'm familiar enough with that source too.

    Also I'll think of some source for the next PRC tomorrow and will send the message with it then. You may expect some obscure 90s JRPG since that's pretty much my favorite type of game and OST, so that's a cool chance to invite others to do more of that :)
  6. Haha
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Liontamer in Tyrano's Stash - Chrono Trigger   
    I hate this track, but if you submit this, I'll pretend I enjoy it!
  7. Thanks
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from timaeus222 in Moonsong (Cave Story) - Synthwave   
    I really appreciate the feedback! @Hemophiliac knows I've been workshopping this one. I'll work towards having a version ready to review again.
  8. Thanks
    Thirdkoopa reacted to timaeus222 in Moonsong (Cave Story) - Synthwave   
    Cool source tune, actually. I can see there being 3 distinct sections in the original, very remixable. Not sure if you wanted an official mod review here, but I'll just give my general feedback.
    There's a good semblance of structure here. As far as implied dynamics go, it's in a good spot. My main concerns would be in the production aspect.
    I would focus on addressing the drums throughout. To me they seem like placeholder samples before you put in the actual ones.
    - The first moment where the drums are iffy is 1:04 - 1:15; you are using the same drum sounds here as in the main sections, whereas the dynamics here are meant to be lower. I'd swap these drums out for something more distant with a longer reverb tail.
    - At 1:15 and in similar spots, I thought there would be a cymbal to mark a major transition. That would do a lot by itself.
    - The snare rolls tended to have similar velocities, such as at 1:40, 2:47, and other major transitions. Try varying the velocities so that they sound like rolls (alternating intensities), as opposed to just maximally hitting the snare. It's very apparent at 3:04 where the military-like rhythm doesn't make too much sense unless you actually used an orchestral snare
    Basically, what I've just said above boils down to:
    - treat the drums with more TLC by addressing their mechanical rhythm and intensities
    - take the time to choose more drum samples that are more appropriate for the implied dynamics of a given section
    - mark your transitions a bit more clearly with cymbals
  9. Thanks
    Thirdkoopa reacted to TheManPF in OCR04418 - Stray "W3 4RE TH3 ROB0TS"   
  10. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from Xaleph in Tetris Attack Album - Performing Prelude Portfolio of Puzzles (name pending)   
    I'm interested! Still deciding between Hookbill and Bumpty.
  11. Haha
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from H36T in OCR04459 - Final Fantasy VIII "The Definition of Insanity"   
    I still can't believe we churned this out lol.
  12. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Darkflamewolf in Final Fantasy VIII: SeeDs of Pandora - History   
    It's finally here! The album trailer! Done by the awesome @José the Bronx Rican!!! I hope you all enjoy it and once the Mario Movie hype has died down, we can finally look ahead to imminent release! Hold on to your butts!
  13. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03938 - Secret of Mana "Down the Rabite Hole"   
    Yes! This track is certainly one of my personal highlights of the album  It's not really a very new remix, but every listen is still quite nice, and from time to time I even has chills running down my spine  I absolutely love the somewhat mysterious yet fresh and adventurous vibe this track has. The powerful drums and groovy bass definitely give this one a huge sense of motion and progression. Then there's also a number of other details that are no less cool - the choir in the intro really helps to set the mood; digging that small folk-ish touch at 1:40 and sweet cello soloing at 3:00! And last but not the least, have to mention the guitar - that's some really enjoyable playing right here. Brave to everyone involved - you nailed it guys!
  14. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Gario in Chrono Trigger/Cross - Schala's Theme Remix   
    Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I couldn't go into too many details in the e-mail, but ages ago (during the FF6 album kickstarter and release) Squaresoft got a bit touchy with their property - kickstarter money for a physical print is what did it - and they basically took a hard look at the site and all of the property it was playing around with. Got off pretty easy with just the samples being legally banned (still got the kickstarter done for a physical print, too!), but those were some pretty tricky times. It's why in the submission instructions we say no Squaresoft samples, and we do our best to respect that.
    Every other company is all good, though, as long as samples aren't the only way people can recognize the source.
    Figured a bit of interesting history to go with my rejection would be neat, since that incident is so old now a lot of newer members aren't even aware of it.
  15. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Darkflamewolf in Album Requests?   
    There is also nothing stopping you from becoming director and gathering together awesome talent and managing an entire album on your own. (granted, I had help in the way of @Modus, who was invaluable) But anyone can make an album become reality. Arcadia Legends is proof of that. However, it is a lot of work, keeping up to date on both remixers,, artists and more and making sure everything is flowing smoothly and on time. It takes a lot of organization and patience and definitely a lot of micro and macro managing. It will not be easy, but if you are passionate about the project, others will see that and hopefully will want to join and make it a reality too with you.
  16. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Mirby in Kingdom Hearts 3 Is Finished...But Who Is It For?   
    At least they were more entwined in the overall plot than in KH2 lol
  17. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to JohnStacy in DAW based on sheet music?   
    Get the hell out of my thread.
    I have no idea what your problem is or what the hell is wrong with you but I was actually seriously pursuing this idea. If you read my first post, and the discussion that followed, you could see that we were actually seriously discussing this concept, which was much different from the other thread, the point of which you also missed. If somebody is asking a question on a forum, saying "hurr durr just google it noob" doesn't actually do anything. It's 2019. No shit people can google things. I can google "daw based on sheet music" to see if there's anything out there. Do you know what comes up? Not much. Stuff on Reaper's notation feature (which is not a DAW based on sheet music), and other similarly related things that aren't actually helpful to what I am looking for. I'm a professional musician (studio musician) with a degree in music composition. I am most comfortable working with music notation. A DAW based on notation would save me a lot of time by cutting out the middleman of having to use a notation software and a DAW. Somebody asking for a DAW based on notation probably knows how to read sheet music.
    Do you know what is helpful? @Dextastic mentioning Overture 5, which most of us had never heard of, and which seems to fit the bill closer than anything else. Asking a question on a forum brings a human element that interprets the question and answers in ways that google just simply doesn't. Do you know what wasn't helpful? You, at all.

    "Please use google if you want to use a DAW based on sheet music instead of a piano roll. It is too complicated to explain here, of all places. "

    I fail to see the relevance of this to the original thread. Nowhere ANYWHERE did the OP ask about a daw based around sheet music. I saw this comment and was curious if it existed so I started a new thread (see how the topic was different so I started a new thread?).
    Keep your bulllshit away from these discussions.
  18. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from TSori in Golden Sun: A World Reignited - History   
    venus lighthouse plz
  19. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Meteo Xavier in Do You Still ReMix — Why Or Why Not?   
    This topic further adds evidence to my theory that OCR folks from across the epochs and such really do keep visiting OCR, they just keep lurking for whatever reason until a topic like this shows up.
  20. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to djpretzel in What is the ideal length of a musical album to you?   
    Am I the only one who thinks of this question primarily in terms of # of songs and not duration?
    I'm happier with a 12-song, 40-minute album where each song is unique than I am with an 8-song, 60-minute album, generally speaking... more about the number of ideas than their length
  21. Sad
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Just a quick word: if I cannot produce a decent WIP for the Boss B track here in the next couple of weeks, I'm letting go of the claim in case anyone else wants to give it a go.
  22. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to Suguru in Fundraiser for bLiNd - lost all...   
    Hey guys. As you can see, this is my first post here as I just created the account, but I've been with OCRemix for quite some time. Though I didn't have the use for my account here, after what happened recently I decided to create my account and create a post about it...
    As some of you may know bLiNd and his great works in music industry, whether in game remixes or his sole tracks that he's created - he's a musician to the bone and by heart! Every track of his is special. In fact, he was the one that invited me into game remixes.
    And recently I have found that he went through a lifebreaking incident - his whole home has been damaged in fire that broke out and he lost not only his place to live, but also pets and his way of living - musical equipment...
    So I decided to create a post in the forum, as for some of you guys you may have know him, if you can or know someone that can as well back him up - please do so. We can't let Jordan's faith go away!
    This is the link to the fundraiser that Jordan started - https://www.gofundme.com/aguirre-fire-fund
    If you feel that his post is somewhat inappropriate, please do as you see fit with it. I have absolutely no interest or any gains in this, other than Jordan's well-being and getting him back on his feet.
    I thought about this forum as a first thing I could go on, because this is the place I first met Jordan on and thought of you guys...
    I will thank backers in my stead, as Jordan is not aware of this post - so each and every backer has my own personal - thank you! Though it may not mean much, I really appreciate everyone's help!
  23. Like
    Thirdkoopa reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    As you all know, bLiNd has been a contributor to this project from near the beginning. We haven't seen an update form him in a while, so I sent him a couple of pokes asking him about this recently, but he never replied. Then I came across this...
    bLiNd's Jade Catacombs was THE track that led me to OCR. Before that, I was cynical and disdainful of most electronic music - I don't know exactly what it was about this track that changed my mind, but it certainly did. Since then, bLiNd has been one of my favorite remixers to listen to.
    I am VERY sorry to hear about this - as someone who has made such awesome music and has been such a strong contributor to this community, I want to lend my support to him and Jenn in this awful time and so, I encourage everyone to do the same. As stated in the thread, there is a GoFundMe campaign to help bLiNd out financially - you can make a donation at https://www.gofundme.com/aguirre-fire-fund. 
    Take care of yourselves, @bLiNd and @JenZ - we're all thinking of you.
  24. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hey @The Nikanoru I'm working my way through reduxing the arrangement some from ground up; John Stacy is making a lead sheet so I can better jazz it up, and then I think we'll have something good with the best elements taken from the previous WIP's. I'm super pumped.
  25. Like
    Thirdkoopa got a reaction from Ridiculously Garrett in Nintendo Lo-Fi/Chillhop Collection   
    I'm game for helping the organization of this project. Thinking of what song I want to take....
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