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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. guess what guys! I'M GOING!!! WOOO this will be my first magfest ever. I CAN'T WAIT
  2. LAWL yeah, i can't wait! I'm staying with jill and andy
  4. God, if changing the key is a musical no-no, then I'm musically retarded.
  5. I got this: http://www.yamaha.com/yamahavgn/CDA/ContentDetail/ModelSeriesDetail/0,,CNTID%25253D64572%252526CTID%25253D205800,00.html happy happy joy joy
  6. that's what SHE said! She being female. like dragonavenger (i'm just givin ya a hard time coop )
  8. jill, let me know when you've chosen a color so I can go shopping for my dress
  9. Congrats on this getting posted man! I really liked this one, I remember spending a lot of time with it on the WIP boards. It really sounds great
  10. The Irony Is That My Sig Is Not Too Big
  11. Damn, Jimmy done smack-down Anyway, I'm reading "Judges and Professionalism", but I feel like the mentality here is much akin to a deviantart sonic fan art circle. First of all, as someone who is constantly seeking out and dealing with criticism on a day to day basis, I thought Jimmy's feedback was actually extremely direct. I hear from people I respect and admire things like "that part was just downright awful" on a regular basis. And of course, that bit of ego that comes with being human does feel bad each time. However, that bit of ego also gets the message and I spend the next two weeks fixing whatever was wrong. Perhaps I'm not speaking for everyone, but at least for me, a site like this is about showcasing work and improving as a musician--getting my ego stroked is a nice perk, but only comes as a reward to whatever hard work I have to put in first. Second of all, when we talk about professionals in the real world, chances are the language you'll hear really wont get much nicer than Jimmy's post. If you get hired to make music/perform music for somebody else, if they don't like what they hear they're not going to let it go nicely because they don't want to hurt your feelings. Even worse, if they do like what they hear they might not even express any sort of satisfaction. What's important to them is that they get what they want. So this is why in general, when dealing with feedback, I follow the "leave your ego at the door" philosophy. Take any criticism, no matter how it's worded, as only rational, literal feedback. Avoid attaching an emotional element to the feedback, as well as to your response. This way, it leaves the musician less vulnerable and allows him/her to accept the information more lucidly.
  12. here's the answer to 2.5 if you want it: http://drumultima.googlepages.com/2point5.jpg this game is the shit!!! so pretty ~
  13. It's possible that coldplay may have been inspired by satriani, but I don't consider coldplay's version a rip-off. It is a bit weird that they're in the same key, but I don't considering IV-V-I-vi a particularly innovating chord progression. I admit, I love Viva la Vida--but the melody is only a small part of that, and god knows the chords aren't. It's the colors and textures, the instrumentation, and DEFINITELY the rhythm. I think this is more a publicity stunt on satriani's part--because honestly, I didn't even know who he was until I heard this. If it worked on me, who else will it work for?
  14. well, i thought the 4th was a friday--but it's a thursday, which is the one evening in the week i work. So i guess i can't make it after all
  15. Oops! Yes, that's the one I'm thinking of. Thanks!
  16. escariot is actually right on. The only thing those two motifs have in common (aside from the G and Gb) is the contour. The reason you listen to them back to back and go HEY WAIT A MINUTE is because of the G and Gb. But in reality, final fantasy is using that Gb (or as I prefer to think, F#) as a modal mixture, going from a minor i chord to a major IV (modally dorian), whereas the batman, just for that motif, is staying in a purely natural minor state (modally aeolian). Honestly I am not familiar with the soundtrack to batman with anywhere near the same intimacy as I am with FF7, but even though I hear similarities between the two tracks, I hardly think nobou was "stealing" from danny elfman any more than any composer steals from any composer. In fact, I think coincidence is just as likely a culprit here as theft is. The FF7 motif, as mentioned earlier, is a motif used THROUGHOUT the game (I think Aeris' theme is the strongest example of this motif). Listening to just the batman track that Neko posted, the motif is used melodically much differently than the FF7 motif. Though I do admit, I hear bits of jenova in the batman theme opening The other thing is that there is only so much music that can be contained in the genre of cheesy japanese video game music, so it's practically impossible to avoid sounding like other cheese incidental music without making a bold move. So all in all, I don't think nobou stole from danny. But I still think nobou rehashes his music all the time
  17. So I'm really impressed by the way you fit all these themes together just about seamlessly. Wow. Fantastic work.
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