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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I played the PS4 beta of this game this weekend. Pretty fun, actually. Playing this game with a controller was surprisingly easy. I might pick this up for PC though. As nice as it is on PS4, communication is an issue with the controller.
  2. Well, we don't judge sources, we judge remixes. If the sources are basically the same, they're basically the same. We'll compare the remix to the source that the artist indicates. If a remix sounds super-liberal or is doing stuff that isn't present in the source they provide for us, we might do some further investigation and check other tracks in the game to see if that material is used.
  3. It's pretty neat. DarkeSword, on Origin.
  4. Hey everyone. I get notifications when there are group messages that are moderated, so there's no more need to PM me when your votes are unapproved. I (or another mod) will take care of it.
  5. No show tonight. Enjoy Valentine's Day with your significant others.
  6. I'll close this thread for you. It looks like you signed up for these forums just this week. Generally speaking you probably want to get more familiar with the forums and the community before trying to run a compo or an album. If you're really interested in competitions on OC ReMix, it might be a better idea to take part in a couple of ongoing competitions first, just so you get a feel for this place and how everyone interacts. Check out the People's ReMix Competition (PRC) or Meat 'n Potatoes (MnP). Those are regularly running competitions that don't have things like sign-up periods or long, multi-week commitments. You can basically just compete week-to-week if you want. Good luck and welcome to OC ReMix.
  7. Try to actually take part in the discussion happening rather than trying to "end" it with a patently inaccurate over-simplification of the issue at hand.
  8. Generally speaking, working for "exposure" is an empty promise because that "exposure" doesn't actually net you anything. This hearkens to all that stuff you always read about never working for free and devaluing your profession when you give away work, etc., etc. The Super Bowl, however, is an exception to this, because the Super Bowl is arguably the most watched entertainment program in the US every single year. Working for "exposure" at an event on the level of the Super Bowl translates into real monetary gain. The kind of attention you get by working as an entertainer during the Super Bowl halftime show is higher than any other concert you could ever perform.
  9. Bravely Default is a spiritual successor to 4 Heroes of Light. If you're excited for BD, give 4HOL a try.
  10. vBulletin does this weird thing where sometimes it will "moderate" your messages that you post in a social group. If you notice that your posts are "unapproved" or "awaiting moderation" please contact me. I will approve them so that your votes are counted.
  11. Definitely worth it. Love that game.
  12. Begoma added. In the future, please use PM.

  13. I know you're trying to help, but please don't answer questions if you're not a Judge.
  14. My friend started a modest Kickstarter (goal of $650) for a history research project concerning Japanese tops. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1001301289/carving-community-oral-history-of-us-and-japanese It's super nerdy but I think it's pretty neat. Help out if you can.
  15. We can merge the accounts. EDIT: Accounts merged. You are now Coaltergeist.
  16. More about Apex Series! http://apex-series.com Download it! http://apex.ocremix.org Torrent! http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Apex_2014_-_A_New_Challenger.torrent
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