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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I don't think it's a crackdown on spam at all, just Facebook trying to monetize their service more.
  2. Everything is updated now. Final scores are tallied and the scoreboard is updated. Check the first post for this year's winner. Thanks everyone for a great competition. I'll be taking a break from running compos for a little bit. Look forward to my next competition sometime early next year. It will probably be a remix battle tournament, as opposed to another gauntlet, most likely Mega Man, but possibly something else. I haven't decided yet. In the mean time, please check out the Apex 2014 album project thread in the Recruit & Collaborate forum. I still need to fill out the roster as soon as possible, and there are many talented remixers here who would be a good fit for the high energy music I'm looking for. As for what's next for the WCRG, there's still the archive release which is in the works. I'm working with an artist who's planning on drawing some nice art for the competition, but if anyone else is interested in contributing artwork (maybe depicting some of the events of the storyline detailed in the first post), please contact me.
  3. Somewhere else. Maybe a catch all speedruns thread in Community.
  4. It's not "Darkesword's competitions conduct." It's "The Competitions Code of Conduct." You can take my name out of the first post.
  5. YOU GUYS This game comes out next Friday on Steam. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  6. If you want to talk about the Zelda franchise feel free to make a Zelda thread. This is the Wii U thread.
  7. As cute as your doggie is, your sig graphic is too tall. Needs to be 250px or less. Please adjust accordingly. Thanks.

  8. Love it! The issues I had with the previous version are all fixed now. Love the subtle brass in the background. Like I said in my last vote, the guitars are so joyous here, which is exactly the way to approach this song, IMO. Really wonderful stuff. YES
  9. Agreed with Larry. Drums are boooring. You could do a lot more with them to keep things fresh throughout the piece. I like the guitar performances, and I think you could easily add some variation by doing a middle section with some Chrono Trigger inspired improv before you double the lead. Think about it. Pretty conservative, but not bad at all; really relaxing. Let's take another look and give it the push it needs. NO, resub
  10. Larry and Deia direct post stuff because they are the inbox judges (they handle the queue directly from the submissions mailbox). Other judges could conceivably direct post tracks as well, but it's mostly those two and djp.
  11. Awesome, however Community is only for album releases, not for single tracks. Single tracks by anyone (OC ReMixer or not) should be released in Workshop.
  12. Yeah we're going to do another one tonight at 9PM EDT.
  13. I just want to give a quick shout out to all the non-competitors who followed this competition every week and voted. Thanks guys. Also I think I need to make a new rule about voting for the next compo that says to actually write the titles of the tracks and not these trying-to-be-funny approximations some of you guys do sometimes.
  14. Sure man, just send me a quick sketch of what you have in mind. Also if anyone else is interested please reply in that thread, not this one. Thanks.
  15. Slightly unrelated. I need remixers to fill out tracks for the Apex 2014 album http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43510 I'm looking for really good remixes, so if you're a novice, please keep that in mind.
  16. You're probably in a small minority in thinking 3D Land is forgettable.
  17. How? It's not even out yet. Did you play it at PAX or something? Why? Zelda is always great. Skyward Sword was really good, save for a couple of interface issues. Nice casual racism.
  18. Not bad at all, though it's pretty conservative. Kind of straightforward. My issues with it are that your melody is in the piano, and it's getting completely lost behind all your arpeggios and stuff. The balance on this track is way off. Middle section with the breath fx is nice. I agree with Deia that there's some weird harmonic stuff going on with the pads. Give it another listen, around :21 and :35. I like it but I think it needs some work. Maybe some stronger leads with more rhythmic variation. Change up that four on the floor drum pattern too. You could do some really fun syncopated stuff in the breakdown in the middle. Needs some work. NO, resub
  19. Definitely not enough overt source usage, IMO. I generally don't like Larry's stop-watching but he's actually being really generous here. I'm a big Prime fan and I remixed this song too; I listened to it a TON when I was making my remix and I'm having a really difficult time picking out the source in most of this. Aside from that the lo-fi muffled sound is really killing this. Needs some EQ for clarity's sake. Original writing is creative but for me that's mostly what this piece is; an original piece that's quoting Phendrana every once in a while. Needs major arrangement attention and mixing work. NO
  20. I know you edited your personalized link out but I just want to say that posting those kinds of links for the purposes of winning a contest isn't something that's allowed here. Thanks for editing your post.
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