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  1. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Arceace in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I haven't had a chance to sit down and do some art design for the compo yet. Once that's locked down I'll see about putting some sigs together.
  2. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Thanks. We will start the first bracket tonight.
  3. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  4. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  5. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Black_Doom in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  6. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Starphoenix in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  7. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Gario in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  8. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jamphibious in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  9. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Deathtank in Sonic Mania   
    Beat Mania mode and got all the Emeralds with Ray. Working on Mighty right now.
    I think I prefer Ray's play style. The glide takes like maybe one Act to get used to, and then it's second nature. Really good.
    I got as far as Stardust Speedway in Encore Mode. Pretty tough. Can't seem to find character boxes. Wish there were more sitting around.
  10. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Arceace in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  11. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tex in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  12. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from pixelchips in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I didn't see anything from Esperado, so Chalis makes 16.
    Alright, fellas. I'll run the draft sometime this week and we'll get started with the first round this Sunday.
  13. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    We have 12, which technically can work because it will give us a three-way battle at the end. It would be nice to have 16 but if 4 more people don't sign up in the next couple of days, we'll roll with this.
  14. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  15. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Arceace in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  16. Thanks
    DarkeSword got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Fake Man is OKAY.
  17. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from HoboKa in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  18. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from orlouge82 in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  19. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Arrow in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  20. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  21. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  22. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  23. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Tex in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  24. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Starphoenix in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Rise again, Robot Masters! The year is 2018, and the battle for musical supremacy returns! Bring your phattest beats, your wailingest guitars, and other superlatively described musical elements!
    Current News
    Round 7 is over. The matchups were as follows:
    Remixer and Source VS Remixer and Source Arceace - Air Man vs Garpocalypse - Tengu Man Voting is live and will last until November 14, 2018.
    Past Rounds
    Music downloads for past rounds are available in voting threads. A tournament archive will be provided at the conclusion of the competition.
    Round 1 - Mega Man Bracket Round 2 - Proto Man Bracket Round 3 - Mega Man Bracket Round 4 & 5 Round 6 - Proto Man Bracket Round 7 - Grand Final Eliminated Competitors
    Eliminated competitors are welcome to challenge other eliminated competitors to friendly matches during any mixing stage. I will encode, tag, and host any friendly matches and provide voting along with tournament entries.
    Remixer and Source AxLR - Metal Man Ronald Poe - Cut Man pixelchips - Tornado Man Supercoolmike - Shade Man Realme - Wind Man Gario - Cloud Man Trism - Top Man Starphoenix - Grenade Man SuperiorX - Ground Man Ridiculously Garret - Crash Man Chalis - Flash Man PlanarianHugger - Freeze Man Mak Eightman - Fire Man Jamphibious - Charge Man Submission Instructions
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    Filenames must be in the following format:
    Your Artist Name - Your Remix Title (Your Robot Master vs. Opponent's Robot Master).wav For example:
    DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Blizzard Man).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for Robot Master names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphen the Artist and the Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Robot Master names have a space between the element and Man; e.g. it’s Ice Man, not Iceman. There should be a period (.) after vs. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. How Does it Work?
    Theme Selection
    Choose three Robot Master themes from any of the following classic Mega Man games:
    Mega Man 1-6 (NES) Mega Man 7 (SNES) Mega Man 8 (PSX/Saturn) Mega Man 9-10 (PSN/XBL) Mega Man V (GB) (This game has Stardroids instead of Robot Masters, but that’s okay) Mega Man & Bass (SNES/GBA) Post your list of three in order of preference. A draft will be run to determine your Robot Master theme assignment. This is the theme you’ll be remixing as you progress through the tournament.
    The Tournament
    The GRMRB is a single-elimination style tournament, with scrambled match-ups every round. The tournament will have 3-4 rounds (depending on participation). Each round is divided into two stages: the Mixing Stage and the Voting Stage.
    At the start of the Mixing Stage, you’re matched with an opponent. You and your opponent have one week to write, produce, and submit your own respective remixes that arrange both of your Robot Master themes. Once the week is up, all remixes are submitted to the Competition Organizer (i.e. me). This is the end of the Mixing Stage.
    At the start of the Voting Stage, the remixes are uploaded and made available for voters to download. Voters will listen to the music, and decide which remix in each pair “wins the battle.” As the GRMRB is an arrangement competition, the primary criteria voters should look at is how well the remixes incorporate both themes. Production quality and enjoyability should also be considered. After a week of voting, votes are tabulated and the winners of each remix battle are declared. These winners are scrambled and new match-ups are posted for the next Mixing Stage.
    Defeated competitors are welcome to challenge other defeated competitors to “friendly” matches while the tournament progresses. These matches won’t affect the outcome of the tournament and won’t be tracked in any kind of bracket, but I will collect, upload, and provide voting polls for friendlies.
    The tournament will continue until one remixer remains. That remixer will be crowned the Grand Robot Master Remixer.
  25. Like
    DarkeSword got a reaction from Ridiculously Garrett in Legend of Zelda: Zelda's Lullaby Jazz Arrangement   
    Fantastic arrangement. Wowow.
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