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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Well that's bullshit, specially considering how well done (for being a wii game) the online aspect of MOH for Wii is done. I don't think it's entirely EA's fault as certainly nintendo's stubbornness about delivering a decent online experience and a good online platform for the developers had a lot to do with it. I'd rather save, get an xbox360+rock band.
  2. The fun for me starts at 70, unless you have a levelling buddy (a RL friend works best). Karazhan is lots of fun and there's the ocassional mag/gruuls pug, I'm at 1100 shadow dmg unbuffed with my shadow priest so its not hard at all to find a spot in a raid. There's also Zul'aman and in the next patch, Magister's terrace which will give us casual players more to look up to.
  3. Anyone around here plays horde on Burning Blade? My mains are on Andorhal but I started a horde char with some friends on Burning Blade, so if anyone plays there, hit me up. Andorhal \ Macrona \ Nelf \ 70 \ Shadow Priest Andorhal \ Jolichet \ Draenei \ 65 \ Disc/Holy Priest Burning Blade \ Anakleta \ Tauren \ 6 \ Warrior
  4. The Vocoder EQ does adds some level of latency, it depends on several factors (cpu and number of bands for example). I would not recommend using the vocoder as an EQ because it inherently "taints" or "colors" the frequencies even if you don't make any adjustments. The new parametric eq or the old 2band should suffice.
  5. Reason is fine without any VSTi. Enjoy the new (and great) sequencer.
  6. What is this bladiator thing kids talk about so much these days? is it one of those pokemans?
  7. uuhh... are we supposed to vote for our own song too?
  8. Well, can't believe it myself but I managed to finish my mix.
  9. You know I might finish today one of those mixes you've asked me to do and I've left halfway finished. That would make a great bday present wouldn't it? in fact I'm gonna do it right n... oh wait, look, shiny stuff!!! where was I? nevermind.
  10. No chococake = Failure Happy b-day old fart.
  11. hi there No I'm not dead Yes I still suck Maybe, I will mix something. I want to at least!
  12. Well I dunno but #OCRemix has always been an annoying place, that's why i go there sometimes when I'm bored. It's not about OCRemix, it's rarely about game music, or games. It's about Interwebs, it's about you and me XD. Keep it up Blue. EDIT: <3 emo Ness Mono.
  13. Horrible grammar aside, he sounds sincere, and that works for me.
  14. Go ahead, I'm sure my "Welcome to the metropolis" mix should be good material for crazy stuff.
  15. Well I'm 25 and the things I enjoy the most (music, games) are most of the time over 10 years old, so yeah. It's not so bad tho.
  16. Wow just saw the whole roster today. Although I was expecting more unexpected characters I think it's a pretty neat list and a big number. So yeah, I couldn't hold myself not to see them XD. But believe me if you don't want smash bros brawl spoilers you better unplug yourself from the internet until release cuz they just started popping out and soon they will be all over the place.
  17. For a moment I was worried I was going to have to wait another year for the damn batman movie.
  18. Oh, wow, vgmix is up o_0. Thought I'd never see the day.
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