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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. Wow, you don't hear this genre a lot around these parts. And by a lot I mean at all. Like I don't think I've ever came across someone else attempting this genre (except Hillbilly Rodeo, but that was years ago). It's a pretty good mix. I'd be interested in hearing/knowing what your enhancements would be, as my only criticism is a lack of a certain spice to this. The bassline plays through-out the entire song and doesn't drop out, or really changes the down beat pattern. There's no snazzy transitions from segment to segment, no spicy fills, just a pretty smooth sailing piece.
  2. Oof, I am not liking most of these samples in the first 30 seconds. The kick drum is fair, but the clap feels generic with the reverb not aiding much, the bass and synths feel like lazy presets. Nothing much is really happening either. :30+ it starts to pick up a bit. The synth slides are nice, the little spice at :40~ and :45~ are nice, but it still feels weak in energy. Any snare in this section is barely audible, there's no strong presence in the groove, and the overall sound is kinda cheesy. The added samples of Yoshi and Mario seem slightly out of place and add nothing to the mix. The transition @ :52~ is way too abrupt. This section feels very plodding, it's not developing into anything, it's not adding anything. Finished listening to the rest of this and... I dunno what to tell you. The cheesy synths, the lack of development and direction. Maybe work on smaller projects? Focus more on one aspect of the music production or composing process? Listen to something professional written and produce and just try to mimic their writing or production?
  3. I didn't mean that you need to have a key change in the mix. I'm referring more to you using the same 12 second loop over and over with little to no variation on it, a key change (if you so chose to create one), would simply add change to this repetition.
  4. Something about that piano intro bothers me. Despite it sounding rather sequenced (and maybe that does have a lot to do with it), it doesn't sound all that bad. It's soft, light, little delay, it sounds kinda nice, but I think I figured it out: You loop the first 12 or so seconds of the song. There is no variation. There is no layering. There is no key changes, different notes, nothing. And you continue this loop from :23 to ~:45. Even though you add some new notes, it doesn't help much of the lazy foundation. A rev crash and we're into the beat of the mix. Nothing bad, really basic stuff, but again you're just looping 8 bars with little to no variation and it gets really old really quick. There's no distinct feature to anything, there's no creative twists or sounds to this. Again, nothing sounds particularly bad, but this is a rather tasteless, flavourless, colourless mix. Practice getting bold with your DAW and experimenting with sounds, learn about making variations with your loops and how to better humanize your instruments.
  5. Try coffee or energy drinks to jack up your system
  6. Sounds like you've done a fine job as is. I dunno how you can really improve on creating a style designed around building an atmosphere other than playing with the sounds. It's kinda like asking how to improve on noise music. Experiment, do something different, see what works, share what you like.
  7. The piano playing @ 2:08 is really quiet actually the piano in general is rather quiet, didn't notice it the first time around @ 1:05 The woodwind (or string?) @ 0:44 sounds dry and exposed compared to everything else as well. and that's about it. Nothing really packs a solid punch, but this is a nice little ditty.
  8. and I guess There's 8 more speedruns on my channel.
  9. 2 tracks, free downloads via Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/1E4t4qe SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/1F5XFrB
  10. Some of the tracks I would substitute for something else, as I was doing the spring playlist I thought some of these tunes would fit better there but it was kinda difficult coming up with 25 songs from 25 different artists. 01/25 Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1 02/25 Thomas Newman - Arose 03/25 DJ Krush - Dig This Vibe 04/25 o9 - No Delay For Days 05/25 Daft Punk - Nightvision 06/25 Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.14 'Moonlight' (Movement 1) 07/25 Sigur Ros - Untitled #1 (Vaka) 08/25 Aphex Twin - Flim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhHkUg-QCwk 09/25 Tim Tetlow - Cyrenic 10/25 Them Stars - Turquoise 11/25 Cex - I Said It Knowing Full Well I Had No Intention of Doing It 12/25 Frédéric François Chopin - Nocturne Op.9 No.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGRO05WcNDk 13/25 Dave Wise - Stickerbush Symphony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73n7HTcmb5g 14/25 Oneohtrix Point Never - Cryo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDEkafR05zM 15/25 Boards of Canada - Turquoise Hexagon Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoYNn_nptJs 16/25 Le Knight Club- Chérie D'Amoure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vC4aQw-S6E 17/25 Venetian Snares - Hiszekeny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRiyk-8LV5o 18/25 Claude Debussy - Clair de lune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvFH_6DNRCY 19/25 Mum - On The Old Mountain Radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpqROK7cFmk 20/25 Cassius - Interlude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X7SRoc7nKc 21/25 Skrypnyk - Closed Circle https://soundcloud.com/skrypnyk/closed-circle 22/25 Mr. Scruff - Jazz Potato https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmOArLdg9d4 23/25 DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH5He9TW0mE 24/25 Clark - Night Knuckles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgDu1zJVD3g 25/25 Wolfgang Amagaus Mozart - Piano Sonata No.11 'Alla Turca' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VZK4zkDWJ4 No way of disabling video embedding? Or is the option hiding somewhere?
  11. How do the strings from Action Strings, Session Strings Pro and Kontakt Strings sound? Do they sound good? I'm guessing that it's how you're sequencing and mixing that's making what's being produced not sound "good". Do you have examples of what you're doing? Examples of what you want to sound like?
  12. I had done something like this when I asked about winter themed music. Created a 25 track playlist of winter and spring so far, but they aren't very video game related. Share?
  13. https://soundcloud.com/skrypnyk/dreamcatcher-remix a remastered and slightly edited version of my remix from the lucid dreaming album
  14. I've just gotten used to them ever siiiiince... FL3? FL4? Waaay before they even introduced automation and audio clips. So I'd have a bunch of pattern blocks in a project, name them what I want, etc. etc. It does suck going into older files and trying to figure out what it is I was doing if not everything is labelled. I've since been merging all of my pattern blocks into 2 types, instrumentals and drums, and have been slicing them up into song sections recently. I'm finding that that's an easier way to tweak sections and write transitions better, and it organizes all the random blocks into one. Could probably do this with pattern clips but again, I'm just used to blocks. Not a big fan of change when what you already have works.
  15. Just popping in to say I'm in the FL10 boat too due to pattern blocks.
  16. Sounds like you're more eager to appease your audience than you are yourself. If you release something that your fans aren't enthusiastic over, that's unfortunate. If you're proud of what you made and how it sounds, that's really all that should matter (unless the entire goal was to make something profitable, then it starts becoming less of something you can be proud of and more something that can be marketable and easy to consume). You could always use different aliases to differentiate between the two styles, build up separate fan bases and then see them cross over when people start recognizing that you are involved in different projects and want to hear more from you.
  17. and that's fine, you're a producer. As a producer, the creation can be meaningful, but your average listener isn't going to know or even care about the process of your creation, they're only interested in the end result and whether they like it or not.
  18. No, they're not. You can use all kinds of presets and make an amazing song. You can also customize every piece of sound in your work and have a boring waste of time. It's the end result that matters.
  19. Try renting a mic from a music store. Or see if you can make nicey nice with the administrators at a school. Otherwise tell your parents you were really born March 30th and you want a new mic as a gift.
  20. I could be wrong, but panning usually refers to moving sound away from center. Panning to center isn't a thing, it's just centering a sound (which, again could be wrong, is usually the default). You overlay it by mixing the vocal sample into the rest of the song. Ideal it starts with a good recording of the voice, that requires knowing about the room you're recording it in, the microphone you're using, the sound of your voice, distance from mic, positioning, etc. etc. etc. I don't think the HD recording app is going to make any difference in terms of recording quality compared to a non-HD app, or any app really. You're limited to what microphone was installed into your phone, which was meant to be used to talk to people, not record quality vocals. Record your voice in mono to have a 'centered' sound, then throw the stem into a daw with the backing track and mix it in. EQ the vocals to make it fit, and add reverb or delay if you think your recording sounds really dry or want to have a neat effect on it.
  21. Listened to your track, read over the judges review, and concluded that I am not the best person to be giving advice when it comes to realistic, or orchestral songs. But here it goes The quickest fix if you want to get the mix louder is to throw a compressor or limiter on the master channel, and then just adjust the gain and threshold to bring up the softer sections enough to make them louder, while keeping an eye out that you aren't squashing the louder sections too much. As for reverb, load a vst into the instruments you think need it (I'm guess the intro strings), load a setting and tweak accordingly. I don't think you need too much or to saturate whatever it is your putting it on, but add just enough to give more depth and character. You have a fine mix, hopefully this is all you really need to do to get it to pass. Also hopefully someone else chimes in with advice or suggestions too in case I'm full of s
  22. A couple of clarifications: Listening to the 1:36~ transition again, it doesn't sound as bad as I probably made it out to be. However, here's a section in which you 'should' do something different, have some sort of build, some climatic point to shake the listener a bit, but all you end up doing is throwing the metal drum loop, rev crash and a little arpy synth on top of what's been playing for the last minute and a half. That's sloppy. That's boring. That doesn't keep my interest in the song. Filter the pads out during the 1:20~ section! Mute the bass! Play different notes or something! Excite me!!! To say this mix 'is what it is' is a cop out to my question. I'm asking you 'What are we having for dessert?' and you're serving me a bowl of brown mush. I don't know what this brown mush is, it isn't tasting like anything I'm familiar with, and I don't want to keep eating it to find out, so what are you serving? What is it that you're trying to present?
  23. I for one have never, ever, at anytime, anywhere, wanted to all of a sudden listen to cinematic trailer music just for my own personal pleasure. I've never ever ever got my friends together and told them to check out this youtube video because the fanfare in it blew my mind. But I guess I'm just weird like that. You're wondering if it was a complete waste of time? That depends. Do you want to score music for trailers? Video games? Movies? TV Shows? Then no, I don't think it was a waste of time. While I would say there isn't anything particularly amazing about your tunes, nothing really stood out or grabbed my attention, I will say its decent enough to be used as background noise for whatever the style calls for.
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