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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. Hehe yeah I like that song too. I thought they were picking up on bad dudes in that one too, but maybe that's a different song.
  2. Dragonforce kicks ass. I've been listening to Dragonforce since Sonic Firestorm, not Guitar Hero 3, and I love 'em. You know why? Because their music makes me frikkin' smile. When every other metal band out there is putting on facepaint and pretending like life is a living hell, Dragonforce go up there and smile and drink alcohol, like I'm about to be doing after I make this post. That's right. Instead of whining and acting like a bunch of pansies in black clothing and bad makeup and then making fun of a similar scene that does the same thing (a.k.a. emo), Dragonforce get up there and kick some ass by playing fast songs that sound like video game music. Hating someone for their popularity is stupid. Hating something for being upbeat and in major key is stupid. Let's get to the real point. What I'm really trying to say is this: People far too often group anger and toughness with sadness and gloominess. These same people think that anything associated with happiness is fucking "gay" or "lame". I'm really tired of the whole "dark" thing. I'm tired of the promotional shots of mediocre bands that have every member frowning or trying to look like Satan. It's stupid. I'm not convinced. Those same bands are driving around and seeing the world, playing shitty, derivitive music while consuming tons of liquor and having sexual intercourse with attractive people while a bunch of kids line up to worship them. Whining and overcompensating by looking tough are common ruses of cowards. I'm not buying it. If you hate bands like Dragonforce and / or other upbeat rock bands, hate them for the right reasons. Hate them because the music doesn't appeal to you, and if you the music bugs you because it's too happy, then maybe you should consider lightening up.
  3. No mercy! He'd do it again if you gave him a chance. What did Gollum do when he was threatened? What does a criminal do when you catch him and put your fist in his face? He begs for mercy and acts like a little schoolgirl. No difference here. You suck Mr. Plagerizer. I hope you get no sleep for like 2 months. I'm drunk. You still suck though.
  4. I am so sick of these damn patent trolls. Those guys are suing Nintendo on the basis that Nintendo has kept them from clogging the market on those type of controllers. I'll be damned to the abyss if that company every produces any controllers for Nintendo. I know Ninty are jerks, but wow, you gotta draw the line somewhere.
  5. Well, you're selling your Wii, which you will buy back for even more money down the road. Plus, you have such little understanding of the information technology that you think the Wii is storing your credit information. Also, could you give us a reason as to why you're selling it? Do you have a good reason to do so. From this point I don't think you do. Nintendo sucked at E3. They sucked big fat donkey balls. Third parties, on the other hand, are ready to unleash the megaton. Sell your Wii so someone else can enjoy the games and so you can wish you still had the first party games that someone will still be playing two years from now.
  6. True. I'm now going to attempt to make a less angry post. I'm just disturbed at how backwards we've become. Sensitivity is important. I have fat friends. Some of them are simply fat. They're aware of it. I don't insult them about their weight, but when they gripe about it, I tell them to go exercise. That's what I do. I was up to 213 pounds and my face was getting chubby. Now I'm down to 195. I still eat tons of fattening foods and I still won't lay off of the beer. It's still hard to keep my stomach down because of that, but I'm doing it. I'm not saying that it's that easy for all people. Some people just tend to be fat, but a little exercise can go a long way. If you have 5 hours to watch TV (and you probably do), then you have time to exercise for one hour. Run, get on the treadmill, have sex, do situps, take the stairs - It's that simple. If you cut down on bad food and you exercise often, and you're still fat, then feel free to call me a jerk. I know people that do this and still have trouble with their weight, but they are still smaller and healthier after they do it. It is not my belief that all people are meant to be small, and I like diversity in size (yes, I like jolly fat people who are also active, but there are too many fat people). If anything, Fat Princess is just giving people more of what they hate - the truth.
  7. The truth is, we live in a stupid society of politically correct pussies who are offended by everything. "Don't use this word. Don't say this. Don't make fun of fat people." Well, fuck you too.
  8. I have seen their pictures and I already see their doom! You shall perish in the name of the great Mega Man!
  9. They still have Dave Wise, they'll be alright.
  10. I'll definitely be getting it. Keep porting those babies Capcom. Maybe Wii fans can get Street Fighter 4 in 2010 (woah, accidental pun some of you might notice).
  11. I still find it really stupid how Nintendo lacked the foresight to put a little hard drive in the console. Nintendo is frikkin' retarded.
  12. Yes! I just heard this too. I love Capcom so much.
  13. Me too. I honestly remember playing Ninja Gaiden 2 with friends and we were drinking and doing voice acting during the cutscenes, and we did a much better job. Doing voice acting for a game would be super awesome.
  14. Yeah, that sucks. Nintendo sucks for not doing something about that, because that's a real problem. Not for me though, because I don't have room for rock band or guitar hero in my apartment (it lacks storage space as well).
  15. Guitar Hero 4: World Tour is coming out on the Wii with dl, online, career, and all that jazz. There. Done. Everyone who's checked it out says it's just as good as the 360 version and that it outdoes Rock Band. Wii Music? We still barely know anything about it. Nothing about it sounds crappy to me. Playing Nintendo music (and God knows what else) with 60 instruments sounds pretty cool to me. What else do you want, Nintendo to come and change your diaper? Seriously, Mad World exclusive, Tenchu exclusive, Fatal Frame exclusive, a new Animal Crossing (with online voice), a sequel to Wii Sports, several new first person shooters, wiiware and virtual console games every week, an upgrade to the Wiimote, Mario Kart Wii updates, Mega Man 9 (for all systems), Deadly Creatures, Clone Wars, The Force Unleashed, Mushroom and a freakin' Castlevania game that plays like Power Stone. Spore? Gasp! It sounds like all of this lack of games is complete bullcrap to me.
  16. I wish they would have showed some of the "hardcore" titles coming out through third parties (Fatal Frame 4, MadWorld, Conduit, Monster Rancher, Tenchu), but still, you gotta love 'em. I think we'll get some surprising anouncements tomorrow too.
  17. I wish I was a pothead because music sounds amazing when you're stoned.
  18. There are tons of games that are undermixed and almost just as many that are overmixed. The most common reply you will get is "Do you them yourself". And if you really want to, you can, but yeah I'm too busy with originals (add that to the fact that my band is also supportive of playing original rock songs and not requests of video game themes), so I just sit and wait for the day Legacy of the Wizard or Fantasy Zone will appear on the upper right side of the site. You can, however, go to the recommendations thread and recommend things to voice your desires, or you can even propose money or blowjobs to gain support for your cause.
  19. I know that most game fans go off of what was originally released in Japan, and that's understandable. I know the whole history of Doki Doki Panic, but when I was a kid, the box said "Super Mario Bros. 2", and Final Fantasy 4 said "Final Fantasy 2" in the US. That's what I grew up with, so I stick with it. I know that it originated in that place, but I still go by with what the box says. Anyway, they were all really cool games. I almost have a spiritual respect for Super Mario Bros. 2, known to you as Doki Doki panic. It had Mario and co's sprites in it, so that makes it Mario. That has always been enough for me. But, of course, no bones at all, and that's not sarcasm.
  20. A box of chicken nuggets? Someone really likes chicken nuggets. Well, I kinda like them too, but sometimes I think that the developers really meant for him to look like a Zippo lighter.
  21. I really like The Lost Levels. It's really cool (especially level 9), but I'm going to stick with the real Super Mario Bros. 2, the one with radishes and cherries and mouses who wear sunglasses. But I feel ya, Japan Mario 2 is a ton of fun and one hell of a challenge. The level with in the clowds with invisible blocks and the lakitus kills me at least three times every time I play it. I can't even beat the game without the cheat at the beginning.
  22. A certain poster friend introduced me to this game. It's really good, but I was wishing the sprite would be Mega Man the whole time (thanks dude). Anyway, here's what I was wanting to say: I think it's awesome that people are getting excited over an 8-bit tribute, even moreso than many "current gen" games. I'm really hoping that this is going to be a long trend. I mean, imagine if the same thing goes with Mario, Zelda, Double Dragon, "insert your favorite franchises here". I'm really happy about Mega Man 9, and I'm anticipating it more than any other game right now. Welcome back Mega Man.
  23. A passage from Matthew - I'm sorry I couldn't find anything better, but here you go sir: 3Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" 15Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. 16As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Super Metroid, one of the best games ever made. No sir, that's wrong. The best game ever made. Blue, red, and green for you: http://www.scratchdoctor.co.uk/assets/images/blue_red_green_discs_web_page_size.jpg Electronic music - None other than yourself sir http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00609/ A cartoon from what I guess is your favorite RPG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1MpWfNDtWs&feature=related Take care Blind and his Majesty's lady.
  24. Let me know what he likes please. Also, we (ocr posters) might be able to come together for something nice. I'll be glad to help or just send something encouraging. I doubt I've ever posted around your man but I'd be glad to offer encouragement and/or something of his preference.
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