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Everything posted by A-RoN

  1. Some points to consider: - the noise lead in wasn't necessary before the e-piano. If this was live, you'd think the beat would get people hopping up and down afterwards but they would be let down by that single E-piano chord. - Love some of the bass square-ish sounds. They could use some fattening. Maybe adjust some mid his and mid lows. Also have some of the "portemento'd" parts cranked up a bit. - Your melodies and saw chords are excellent! They're very catchy and go well with the e-piano. - Some of the side chaining is a bit overdone as it drowns out everything except the kick drum. - based on a Youtube comment, you have a lot of work to do mastering-wise.
  2. I used to hate Final Fantasy games with a passion after 7 was released just because every single person was playing them. Then I tried Final Fantasy 4. Never hated any of the first 9 games ever since. EDIT: It was Final Fantasy 4 and 6 that got me into Final Fantasy 9 and Advent Children that got me into 7.
  3. Tempting, however, I think some form of new 90s sounding hip-hop may need to go viral on YouTube first.
  4. Just released an original album. Feel free to take a look at my stuff before getting in touch with me: http//aarpar.ca
  5. *facepalm* Wow, no buzz... I'm guessing I either picked a wrong time to get the word out there, or people don't want to "Just Listen." What is the malfunction here?
  6. First off, links for those who don't like reading: Album Preview My Website Just Listen on iTunes Bandcamp Page Facebook Twitter Page So iTunes now hosts these "terrible" raps that your midwest VGMix 2 Filipino Canadian veteran, Double A Ron, has been producing all these years. Not that getting music on iTunes and Bandcamp is really a big deal at all. I'm just sayin.' So now, the reason I post this is because I'm damn proud of this album I've produced and I only accept cash for the best of the best. Just Listen's vocals and beats were recorded before I went out of the heart of Canada to upgrade my interactive skills in 2009. I could say it's a remix album as I redid some of it during schooling. It was finished early 2010 and I spent my last year trying to find a low cost distributor that will get it out there for me. I'm not great with sales pitches but what the hell; go to Walmart, get a $15 iTunes card, buy a few apps and this album! If you're tired of listening to Backspin or want something new that's similiar to rap from back in the day (AKA the 90s), or even want something similiar to Gangstarr, NAS, or Biggie, this is the album to "Just Listen" to. After listening to some horrible rap for years, it's time for something fresh, new and something that actually IS hip-hop. Plus, if you prefer not to buy the album, you can dip your feet in the water with my single Further Than Nuts on my website, or my Hear This Right Now album produced in a small town now on Bandcamp (however, it's not the most positive of my jams you've heard). So what are you waiting for? Buy a frickin' album from iTunes or Bandcamp or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or just check out my colourful website to find more info! Note: bare with me if you're watching my introductory video on my site; I was pretty dead tired and starving so that's why I either look stoned or high. Enjoy! -Aaron "Double A Ron" Parsons
  7. I just caught this now after seeing the other remix by Anti-Syne. I listened to it and I'm beyond impressed! I'm a guy who loves studying rap lyricism and the writing behind this track is so deep that it would even stand as competition to the skills of Big Daddy Kane, Biggie Smalls, DMX, 2Pac, and even Rakim. It seems to me like Navid was able to pull off cooking a brilliant masculine gangsta variation on the story of Julie and Julia in poetry. The two stories seem to collide in a cauldron of heat seeking detail and wordplay that can only be done from one who "developed his own tech to keep the dough fresh." It also provides those wanting to get into the rap game a word of caution as well. It sheds light on the effects of selling out and what happens when you hit rock bottom from fried beef and lack of wisdom when presenting yourself as a rap superstar(plus, was there a play on words regarding what happens when an artist "goes south?" Well played, Navi, very well played). Those lyrics are thought provoking, funny, and can speak on a skyscraper of different levels. Musically, this track is filthy in a good way! I love that vinyl sound and the voices in the back both in the intro and exit. The gated synth thing in the back works. For some, it can get a bit annoying sometimes but it's not distracting. I like the acoustic bass-ish type patch used here. Sometimes having a natural sounding bass does give the mix a bit more of a organic feel to it and it does help to bring other parts out. The beat is very "thump/snap" but the effects laid on it really flush it out nicely. The beat also switches around quite a bit when it comes to basslines and instrument parts. It shows Navid put tons of work into everything in this remix. All in all, I like the fact that this is very grimey and goes back to the roots of "two turn-tables and a mic." The sad thing is that there's no scratching. This mix could have used some. I'm going to let people, especially those in my past who know me, in on an honest note here. I'm not going to judge a hip-hop song or album on the amount of profanity or the fact that there's sex drugs violence and all that other stuff. I'm over that now. I'm looking for lyrical substance. I want a track to PREACH A GOSPEL TO ME. I'm looking for a track that sticks to what hip-hop really is (from the streets, not the nightclubs). This tracks not only delivers ALL of that; it serves twenty course meals on a large French hotel platter to one individual. This rap track is probably one of the best raps to ever hit OCR and deserves higher than 1000 out of 10. This explosive track destroys every other VG raps out there. Enough said. Edit: Also listened to his stuff on Bandcamp, there's hit and misses to me but it's worth your money.
  8. Tron Legacy's Son of Flynn-ish intro FTW! LOL The textures and vocal samples are placed very well. That bassline is also very nicely done! I'm going to keep this review short. This remix definitely shows Kraftwork quirks and Daft Punk stylins. I do loose my focus after a while during the song as there's a bit of a repetition-ish issues, but it's well done and composed. 8/10 Edit: BTW, I <3 the drums!
  9. Very moving testimony, and congratulations! God has blessed you greatly. I am very encouraged. Keep up the good work, and don't be ashamed of your relationship with Jesus!
  10. Not compatible with iOS 4. Stupid 3rd Gen iPod Touch.
  11. I was pretty impressed when Sonic Adventure first came out....and then they had to milk it and the feeling just wore right off.
  12. I wish I could go, considering my cousin is good friends with Bit Shifter.
  13. One word: Skrillex EDIT: Try Reptile. It's got some pretty mean splittage with the Mortal Kombat Samples
  14. http://www.myspace.com/thejoehiphop/music/songs/apathy-61691040
  15. I choose A and D because your arms make you have to lean to the right when using both the mouse and the keyboard's arrow keys. I will be showing this demo off at a conference in Toronto next week to illustrate to Canadians what you can do with HTML5. I still have my doubts about long-term goals for this game too, but I think that it should be ported to an executable RPG if the game itself doesn't get good reception by May. The story, as my girlfriend writes the dialogue, seems to be getting better and better, so I will definitely continue the project regardless of the outcome. Thanks everyone for the critique.
  16. Update: HTML5 can be pretty finicky sometimes. I fixed some of the music loading issues as well as the floating sprite bugs. I can't guarantee everything will work smoothly as I've discovered issues with Chrome cutting some sounds off and certain animations freezing on me in Safari. I'll keep updating the project as time goes. Thanks for the feedback so far!
  17. So yeah, I'm an interactive media/game artist, and a web designer now (although audio is a sideline). Take a play at my new HTML5 platform action game demo! I'm deciding based on user feedback and reviews wether to continue with this project or scrap the whole thing and make it into an RPG. Here's the game: http://www.interactive-media-arts.com/techdev/2010/parsonsa2228/html5_game/index.htm Everything, including the fake-bit music, is produced by myself except for the dialogue and narrative which is written by my beautiful girlfriend. Adobe and Scirra Products were used in production. The story is about a prarie state where a factory dumps toxins into the main river. Because of vegetation on the affected plant life, both humans and creatures develop mutations and super-powers. The government persecutes the creatures while others try to establish unity between the creatures and the regular humans. Within a government family, a boy who has super-powers is born and after discovering his powers, his mother goes into exile while his father takes him away to a small town outside the corrupt capital city. when his father goes to find his mother again, the boy follows him into a war between the creatures and the corrupt government of the city. You get to play two levels in the demo. One where you play the boy following your dad, and the other where you help people in the military defend a small town around the city. Let me know what you think. And yes, the introduction was meant to sound like the intro to Streets of Rage with a hint of novelty. Enjoy!
  18. I love the gritty underground feel of this! The samples are perfectly placed. Question on the lyrics: Have you ever heard of The Joe from Alberta? You sound exactly like him! I'm looking forward to this if it makes it as an OCR. Excellent! Classic underground East Coast sound 4 life!
  19. Bah, my stuff was worse when I first started.
  20. Hell, NO! (don't re-sub)
  21. I love the arrangement but those wubs are way too overpowering and can be very annoying even with the various LFO changes. If there were more various wave forms wubbed and they had different cutoff and resonance changes and variations, it would be utterly sick! Vary up the wubbing and use careful compression and leveling with each patch and you should have an excellent track.
  22. As long as she doesn't send mixed signals or sleep around with more than one guy.
  23. This. If you watch carefully at some movies back before the 50s, sometimes the way women dialogue and use body language alone can be very erotic. Of course, the other side of it too is that women can seem slutty but they just want to establish a friendship. Think about Curly's wife in the book "Of Mice and Men." She seemed slutty but the fact is that Curly kept her at home and she was treated like property and just wanted a friend to be with. I know this is about women in games but I just wanted to flush out my agreement with Archaon. Also, can someone point out an example where a female game character with full clothing did something slutty or erotic and it actually aroused you (and no Aerith from FF7 doesn't count).
  24. One of my Maya professors is going. Too bad myself and the class won't be able to go with him.
  25. You said, ANY, right?
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