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Everything posted by A-RoN

  1. A rap-rock remix of the mine theme with THE rap from Jose'? That already gets some good points out of 10. This should be good. The instrumentation sounds like a lighter but darker version of John Reuben's Make Money Money, only in C rather than A minor and without the quirky banjo loop (there's clang-age and guitar riffs that are very similiar to both songs). The rap is more like very well-written spoken word, but yet with very savage masculine rhymes as djpretzel mentioned in the description. I love "Vanish from opposition like we're magicians." That is poetic sickness, hands-down! Underground rappers will love you, Jose. Not a fan of the whole ape-**** bombs, but the lyrics are focused more on the feel of the war between apes and krocs rather than graphical slug spraying and all that gangsta straight west coastin' Yet there's still some silly battlin' within the mix that does sport some cheese, but nothing lacking phatness though. At 2:23 is where the lyrics really push the emotion of the track over the edge. "All I know is pain, to give the same All I have ingrained is hate Misery of shame forever will remain So I must regain my fate" The critique I have for this part is that it portrays Diddy and Dixie as life-less assasins out for revenge rather than heroic chimps on a rescue mission. But it's one of the catchest bridges I've heard in a rap/rock song that WORKS WONDERS the way it is sung. The guitar solo break-down is great stuff and pays homage to the original. And yes, the rap could be louder, but Hale's vocals are great and bright to me (could be just the headphones). It's not my favorite rap track on the site, but it's a great approach to how rap should be spit these days, even in the mainstream. I would have faded out at 4:55, but apparently, we all need to know that Diddy and Dixie are going...you listen to the song and find out yourself. 8/10
  2. Wow, OC Remix # 2000 features the composer of one of my favorite video games remixing his very own stuff. I don't even know what to say in terms of that. But yes, Serious Monkey Business was a great album listen. I downloaded the whole thing and listened to it before hitting the sack, on a school night. Anyway, this track opens with a cool synth and a chunky bass sample with some pads. The rock has a little bit of and Eye of the Tiger fill that transitions into a section with a latin trumpet lead. Yummy. You get various leads coming onto the scene from electric to saxophone. Dave and crew did some amazing work to upgrade the original track. Lots of variaty and awesome-ness in a 3:21 time package. To type anything further would result in an absolute disaster if I continued with this review as this track is very excellently executed. It's too good for words to describe. This is a great day for OCR indeed. Download the whole DKC2 Monkey Business album. You will not be dissappointed.
  3. This song is surprisingly my favorite on the Serious Monkey Business Album. The vocal work is simply amazing and some classic bass and pad patches are choosen to create a beautiful track of ambience. The chord progression in C minor was an absolutely fantastic idea. For some really strange reason though, this kind of reminds me of something that would play on newer Smallville episodes as it has kind of a depressing yet hopeful drama feel to it. The drums are minimal yet keep things flowing nicely. Although I miss the bass-line of the original which is always thrown in a remix, the way the melody rolls over the pads will always keep me playing this one on repeat. And yes, I find the lyrics a little cheesy, but the simpler a song of love a friendship is written, the better and catchier it is. Although it's good for what it was, the only thing negative I can give is that the ending leaves me begging for more. 9.7/10
  4. Juvenille, but hilarious. Haven't we all done it at some point?
  5. It doesn't take a hip-hop listener to realize that not all rap songs have a party-centred theme to it. In fact, alot of raps are created to make the listener reflect on the lyrics rather than get a drive to dance or do something different with their lives. The purpose of a radio drama is to paint a picture rather than move the crowd. Think of it as an audio version of what happens when the TV show Smallville collides with The Hero of Time on-line movie (only with cheese and quality).
  6. This is sick! It sounds like an underground industrial/rap child of new-school John Reuben-ish beats and something "SongsToWearPantsTo" would rap on. It's not a normal rap sound which may turn off some people who are hard-core into the genre. I like it though. We need something different rather than wannabes going "yo-yo" and "ugh-ugh!" The narration and the sound effects around 2 minutes (the bit where Kid Link screams) don't seem to match well with the transition to another song, but it gets better with the verse that comes up. The lyrics aren't cheesy to me and have some nice wordplay and flow, but need to dominate a little more on a production level. The last verse and the end were kind of ...well...shaky for lack of a better term. Not a bad mix for what it was. This is the kind of feel Terminator and Big T from VGMix 2 should have gone for with their raps. If they did it successfully, this track is what it would sound like (ZEEEELLLLDDDDAAAAAA RRREEEEEEMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!) You get 9/10 (1 bonus point for not cussing which is hard to do in rap). Move over Crazy Crackaz! This is the best thing to hit since Jose redid SA2 Knuckles' Theme!
  7. The following link is a bad idea IMO, but if you want the easy way out, download the Genesis soundfont at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-6ulun8epM You'll want to put some effects on it to make your sounds more meaty, and it only has Sonic DPCM samples. But yeah, VOPM is the way to go if you need a VSTi.
  8. I'm working on something for The Evil Mist's Rebirth. I'll PM the track if I have a good WIP in progress.
  9. Although he gave me the worst reason for a NO for a remix I sent (Mega Man X Destiny of the Reploid Race), he's still an enjoyable dude. Maybe that could be what got me pissed off at him at the time. But yeah, still a good guy.
  10. My dream remix would be a DJ Premier style beat based off an easily recognizable source tune from Earthbound done with sliced up 70's soul samples instead of the lo-fi SNES sounds. That wouldn't be considered liberal, would it? And if Midee sees this, "STFU, Double A Ron" is the wrong answer.
  11. I think it's a good idea for game designers to try something different when it comes to game sequels, but not stray too far out of the box right after one game. I'm not saying that's what these game creators are doing these days, but games should to be more subtle when shaping the mold of the gameplay into something different as series go along. Crisis Core was a good shift in terms of its action battle system as it still kept the main fundamental elements of the series battle system and put a great twist in materia customization. Dirge of Cerberus was the complete opposite from what others tell me. That's my opinion, Don't like it, enjoy whatever games you play and I'll enjoy mine.
  12. This remix owns! I love the mix of drums, slap bass, and chiptunage. They're very well mixed to produce a drum and bass-ish funk mix with some strings and horn work. I especially enjoyed the marimba transistion at 1:56 - 2:03. 10/10
  13. Found a new NES vsti by monx that emulates the 2a03 chip almost flawlessly. It's pretty much good for anyone who finds FamiTracker hard to play with. Here's a link http://www.mattmontag.com/mmi601/NES%20VST%202.dll Thread: http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=17976 Edit: After trying it out, I forgot to mention that CPU sky-rockets whenever you have it playback arpeggios. But if you have a real solid computer, I don't see it being much of a problem.
  14. No, that would be what would happen if VGMix took over OCR...epic FAIL.
  15. I'm looking forward to that match!
  16. Are there any good J-pop artists out there that offer free music legally as a download on sites like www.jamendo.com? Considering the genre name has the word "pop" in it, I'm thinking this is highly unlikely. All I found was this
  17. Don't forget to add Earthbound to your collection if you're an RPG-head.
  18. Now, that's how you make a rap beat!
  19. I like it. It's kind of got that classic Mega Man feel to it. If you ever want to expand or tweak your sound a bit, check this site out as well: http://woolyss.com/chipmusic-plugins.php
  20. Wow, shocked ya to the point of speechless-ness eh? well then, my goal in the rap game is complete. I plan not to release any more hip-hop tracks to this site. Thanks for the lack of feedback. Goodbye.
  21. I'd buy it if there was a way to hook it to a guitar pedal and an amp. I tried learning guitar. Everything is great about it except holding the strings makes my long fingers hurt. Here there are no strings which will give my fingers more comfort. Otherwise, no. I've never been into midi guitars since 2003. I'd rather be Rick Roll'd into this thing than research it out online.
  22. http://www.unsigned.com/aaronparsons Stick a fork in mainstream rap music! To me, it’s done! There’s no more soul to it! It’s so freaking mechanical! I’m tired of it! Hip-hop is from the streets, and started with a conscious goal to see change! Now all it's too much sizzle and not enough steak. It is now all about self promotion, bling, pre-marital sex, and shining life-less lies! Enjoy or hate the song and bring the critique with fire! Vinyl fanfare’s hitting the spleens, underground flow has currents farther than the mainstream! My main theme is a style of congress that will distribute shovels for the heads with bonnets. Don’t be scared of a foreign frequency when rap is in accord with NAS’ agency! The 50 club hits and the southern crunkies; clean out the filthy tracks that's produced by monkeys, and bring back all the best hip-hop with a DJ in the back and the beat don’t stop! Tell a story or spark a revolution, Wired in your iPod relaying retribution,and watch as the feeding frenzy halts, With mindless consumer zombies in the vaults sent to the lake of sulphur in judgement, spinning the crackle for defeat of redundance! And it don’t stop! And it don’t fade! Underground hip-hop won’t go away, yo! We be bring back the records on a triple double decker from the East coast here to stay! Okay, (2X) I said it before and I’ll say it again, this ain’t Old skool it’s the goal of rap without the pain. But rec-execs wanted to go the long way! Meshed -eat through the field of bling and henesay! I’m not saying that southern hits are really bad, But when 60 cats vocode tracks that ain’t rad, I may sound cheesy and I may not push subliminal, But novelty in rappers books are minimal! Flow is all the same, it never has a change. Even gospel rappers go with what is all the rage! Lyrics have no focus, we bounce till the locust Of consumerism drowns the message on the tokens. I will never take a record deal unless Producers will inaugurate a grimey appeal. If rap doesn’t change, my mission will be jaded To the vegetator copy-cats are never over-rated! What makes you hip-hop? The style or rhymes? The Coast you from, the porche, or the coffee or grinds? The fact that you flow even better than him? Or the fact you have a message for the fans of Slim? I ban the Sim rappers that be doing the whims. You say Notorious, but only spin some rims! Get out of hip-hop with your mask and task just to get some booty and a whack of cash! Learn the East and West Coast and study MPCs, and get some records outside of HMV! Forget glass; I’m baseball battin’ the platinum, Cosmetic surgery of Sodom’s attackin em Gangsta-persona that be more over-played Than Wizard of Oz musicals and pop charades! Before making beats up in your hot soufflé , know YOU'RE “RAP” IF YOU CAN DROP IT LIKE BEFORE 2K!
  23. Yes we do! Maybe just not at this time or for this project. I mean come on! A good chunk of the soundtrack has the potential to be re-done with a Primo flavour since it's got alot of hip-hop-ish sound and rythum to it.
  24. Wow, this is a really solid arrangement. The chord structures mostly maintain themselves and keep things in perfect motion. The at break 3:03 to 3:17 leading to the strings and drum beat's entrance is a refreshing touch. Usually a drum track makes it's debut in less that 2 minutes in a mix, but it pops in later, making this thing a beast. Despite simple words, the lyrics are also extremely well written compared to alot of mainstream rock music I've been hearing these days. However: Although, I do not have anything negative to say about the actual vocals in general, I also read the judges panel on the vocal mastering and I still have to agree on some level that the mastering is still incomplete. Part of the problem too lies in the auto-tune/vocoder effect that was added. Lots and lots and LOTS of producers use vocoder effects and many of the harmonic frequencies are still drowned out on the low end. Some of the words seem like they're "missing" in the song too if you listen closely. I also find that the vocalist can sing, so why bother throwing a auto-tune effect on when he'll sound just as good with pure and raw aside from compression and EQ? Is it really necessary just to add something for the sake of smoke and lights to get more DLs or because everyone else is doing it? Sorry. It's just an opinion, but vocoding to me is highly over-rated. 9/10
  25. I don't know why, but I got into the sountrack before I played the game. Then once I played the game, I enjoyed the nostalgia of both game and OST.
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