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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. One-shots are a beautiful thing, especially for stuff like that.
  2. Ditto all of that, down to the very last letter. You sound like the kind of player I would enjoy playing in a game with. The GM who introduced me to role-playing is of the same opinion, and he is also a big fan of Vampire: The Masqerade, though he usually runs his own sci-fi modification of it that he's been working on for over 10 years. (Read: Vampires on Mars with lightsabers. Shamelessly nerdtastic and fun, without losing any of the depth of the original setting.). I like your ideas on character design. I tend to do something similar when I make my characters. Usually, I'll either play character who really doesn't know how to fight very well but always gets himself into trouble, or I'll play a combat monster who isn't necessarily predisposed to fighting. Two extreme examples of this that I have very much enjoyed playing are the 10-year-old autistic science genius who investigates ANYTHING that grabs his attention, and the pumped-to-the-max clone supersoldier and her handler (played by my friend) who were starting to get a conscience about all the people they were killing. I absolutely love role-playing, but it's really difficult (at least in my area) to find a GM and group of players who don't just dick around a kill stuff. It's not that I'm against having lots of cool fights or anything (my other system of choice is Feng Shui), but I like those fights to be dynamic and important to the greater story. Most people seem to prefer mindless dungeon crawling and rules-heavy hack 'n' slash, which I find to be incredibly boring.
  3. Ep13 was pretty great. One of the best character development episodes so far. I really appreciate that Mako and Kotoha's friendship is getting a lot of screen time. It's probably the strongest part of the show, outside of the action.
  4. I'm definitely in, however, my SD3 track will have to take priority.
  5. When I first saw this on the homepage, for a second there I thought that I finally got a remix posted. Oh well. Review will come later when I get headphones to listen to it.
  6. I wish I was a good enough artist that I could illustrate a man-eating Charizard or a rabid Mudkip. That would look so cool.
  7. I've got some pretty irritating sleep issues (sleep apnea, as well as some other not-yet-diagnosed stuff), but nothing that's scary or weird so much as it is annoying. I do have a friend though, whose psychology professor made some comment about how after 72 hours without sleep one could legally be considered insane (or something like that). My friend and some of his other friends who I don't know, then decided it would be a good idea to lock themselves into a dorm room, stock up on energy drinks and coffees, and play Silent Hill for the first time, all while depriving themselves of sleep for a full 3 days. He still talks about it to this day as one of the most terrifying experiences of his life. This actually has happened to me once when I was a kid. I was having a dream (in black and white) that a T-Rex was chasing me and my mom through our backyard. We were trying to get to the time machine which looked like one of those playground roundabouts. When we finally got to it, I turned around to see how close the dinosaur was, and it seemed that he had gotten distracted and was now playing with a giant technocolor-orange basketball. Then I thought, "This is too weird; I must be dreaming," at which point I woke up but couldn't get my eyes to open.
  8. Bump. I'm really surprised that despite the ridiculous levels of geekiness that ooze from this forum, this thread has not gotten much love. I would think there would be a lot more role-players on here than Jovian, relyanCe, and myself.
  9. Finally finished watching ep12. Definitely a great follow-up to the awesomeness that ensued in ep11. I love how Shinken Blue was basically like, "Hey guys, I spent a crapload of time thinking up this awesome idea that will save our butts, but I wasn't going to tell you until the 11th hour when we were all about to die. Before we left for battle, I printed out a graphical presentation and instruction booklets for each of you. If you need any technical assistance call the 1-800 number on the back cover during regular business hours." Also, what's up with the preview for next week? It looks like a bunch of red spandex ninjas are trying to hump everyone.
  10. Agreed. Brendan Frazer and Michael J. Fox's story arcs were some of the best moments of the entire show. Courtney Cox on the other hand... well, I was really happy that the way they sent her off was that all the characters pulled together their resources to get her fired because everyone hated her so much.
  11. Really now? The biggest reason I loved this movie so much was because I enjoyed the original series, and I appreciated how well the new actors breathed new life into the old characters, while keeping them fairly true to the originals. Sure, the original series wasn't action-packed by any means, but Kirk & Co. were always beaming down to some planet and winding up having to fight their way out of some alien prison or something, while Kirk made out with some green princess, and Spock followed Kirk to the bitter end, in spite of questioning the logic of his plan. I enjoyed the philosophical aspects of the show as much as anyone, but what made the original Star Trek so cool was that it was just plain fun. I feel like they brought those aspects of the old show into the new movie very well.
  12. Just saw it yesterday, and I was thoroughly entertained. Yeah, it was cliche at some points, but it was Star Trek cliche dammit, and that's exactly what I was paying to see. Personally, I get really sick of people going to see movies and complaining that they're "predictable" or that they "all ready guessed the ending". Woohoo. You're smart. But unless you're going to see a mystery or a thriller, you're barking up the wrong tree. Movies like this don't aim to have twist endings. In fact, 99% of stories are the same thing packaged differently, and that's the way it has always been and will always be. Everybody knows within the first few minutes (assuming they didn't see the trailer) that most action movies are about some horrible thing that's going to happen and that the hero(es) have to overcome insurmountable odds to stop bad thing from happening. This plot has been used over and over. What's going to make it special and unique is having interesting characters, and watching them grow and learn to overcome those odds. The new Star Trek movie is a perfect example of this. It's got essentially the same story as every other film of it's kind, but what makes it fun is watching young Kirk, Spock, and their crew develop into the Kirk, Spock, and crew that we've known for years. At least that's what I think.
  13. Supposedly, ABC is still considering a season 9. Bill Lawrence said that if they do bring it back, they're going to try to do something different with the show instead of trying to drag out the same old, some old with new characters (personally I think this is a wise decision). I remember reading somewhere that if a season 9 comes into play, they're hoping that it's more like what Frasier was to Cheers, rather than something like Saved by the Bell: The New Class. As for a show based on the interns? It would probably flop, but I enjoyed those characters, so I definitely watch it. I wish they had played up the Suni/Denise partnership more, because that was effin' hilarious.
  14. This probably isn't relevant anymore, now that you've changed your name and all.... but shouldn't it be "betteryodais"?

  15. Does this mean we're finally going to see Medea Goes to Space?
  16. I, for one, love this idea. Though comparisons to I, Mario are obvious.
  17. Daaaang. These sound great. I wish I had the money .
  18. Yeah, I know it actually aired on Wednesday, but I finally got a chance to watch it on my DVR today. Personally, I think the last few seasons of the show overall weren't really up to par with some of the earlier ones (too much dating dramarama), with a few glorious exceptions (My Musical, My Long Goodbye, My Last Words to name a few). They tried to end the show at season 6, and after that it kinda felt like they were dragging it out after that. Still, that paved the way for some great episodes, which I'm glad I got to see. As for the finale, I don't think it was by any means the best episode, but it was a good ending to the series. Even though I'm glad they finally ended it, there's a part of me that is sad to see it go. So who here watched it, and what did you think?
  19. Crazy. When I posted that, I had no idea this was going to happen.
  20. If sinewav is already taken, I'll usually go by either "ahhitsalion" or my real name "Bryant Pritchard". In the distant past I have had a lot of aliases including RedBubby007, GunganHunter, tr0gd0rburnin8or, Neil L. Shapio, and Rev. Bryant. On OLR, I shared the "Math Blaster" account with several other guys.
  21. Finally watched ep11 with DarkeSword and Ashamee. In honor of that...
  22. Glad to hear it gets even better. I'm going to try catch up so I can watch it with you guys. Do I need a webcam to use Skype?
  23. I liked it a lot more when I was younger, and then over the years it just started to get on my nerves for some reason. Don't know why. Same thing with Pearl Jam and other singers like that. Funny thing is, though normally I sing pretty high with a lot of falsettos, I have been compared to that group of singers whenever I sing low. I don't know if they are saying that because it's true, or if it's just because those are the only low singers in popular music and people have nothing else to compare me to.
  24. All the comments in this thread made me download ep1 against my better judgment, and wow, that was awesome. I love how everything blew up for no reason. That and the huge-ass sword.
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