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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Well, I for one would hire you for free, but I'm not working on any games.
  2. It sounds peaceful, but kinda sad too.
  3. POoowwahawahwahwahwahwah!!!!!!
  4. Past tense, dude. He just said he took your advice (which I actually agree with for the most part, if I'm understanding you correctly: MIDI+soundfonts for recording; electric piano for live.)
  5. Going to have to side with the laserswords on this one, for obvious reasons. And yes, I realize that I stared the whole nerds thing ITT... and yes, I realize that by posting this it's coming back to bite me in the ass...
  6. I'm not sure if this was meant to be sarcastic or not. I have not had a single encounter with a Cincinnati cop that left me with a good impression of them, save for one instance which was technically outside of cincy, in the suburbs. They usually hassle me or act condescending in some way or another. Mind you, I am very respectful and compliant, and I have a squeaky clean record with the exception of a couple of minor speeding tickets. My experience so far has been that all those popular kids in high school who used their powers for evil, realized that the only thing they were any good at was bullying, so they got a job bullying professionally.
  7. Sorry. I didn't realize he was submitting this. For some silly reason, I thought it was a WIP.
  8. I've been pretty sick, but there's a hunger walk in my town which I'm going to try to participate in if I'm feeling any better. Otherwise, I'm just going to stay inside and sleep.
  9. Justin, you have now been added to an extremely short list of people I would be willing to be gay for. But only if I was really drunk.
  10. Didn't realize that one was out already. I'll have to watch that when I get home tonight. But yeah, Ryuunosuke is definitely over-the-top melodramatic about everything, so silliness is kinda to be expected if the episode features him heavily. Funny, because when the show first started, I expected Chaiki to be more of the comic relief than anyone else.
  11. Yeah, you're right. No midi file could ever possibly be a real remix. As for the song in question, it is pretty impressive considering it's your first attempt with midi. Besides that, I don't think I have much to say that hasn't been said, though I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. It's probably a moot point by now, but the best explanation I've heard is that this site is really looking for rearrangements of video game tunes rather than "remixes"... it's just that OverClocked ReArrangement doesn't sound nearly as cool as OverClocked ReMix.
  12. Wow. You guys are still fighting over this? Nerds.
  13. That was the greatest thing I have ever seen.
  14. I'm actually a big fatass... however, it does seem possible that I was hitting something with my arm. Surprised it didn't wake me up though.
  15. Sounds like Restless Leg Syndrome. I know some people who suffer from it. You really should go see a sleep doctor, as it can seriously effect how much rest you get when you sleep. As for dreams where you actually feel things physically... well, I've only had one nightmare in my life. Basically, I was in a holding cell, and someone kind of officer or something was questioning me. That person left, and sent in one of my friends... someone whom I trust and look up to very much. I was very relieved to see him, but he didn't say anything: he just put his hand on my arm... then he took his thumb and started applying in VERY hard to pressure points on my arm (that don't exist IRL, but did in the dream.) It hurt like hell, but the feeling of betrayal was even worse. When I woke, my arm was extremely sore in all the spots he had pushed on. One of them even bruised later. Normally when I wake, I can dismiss all of the emotions I experienced in the dream as being based on fiction, but I just couldn't shake this one. I was in this weird rut all day. Even years later, I wonder if the dream had some sort of significance, as if it was more of a vision than a dream, because it was much more vivid than any dream I've ever had.
  16. It's still unlikely, but leave me on the interested list. I'm still going to try to find a way to make it.
  17. Uhhhh, what does that have to do with Republicans? BTW, I am not a republican, and I don't particularly care for a lot of their views myself... I just don't see how this is a partisan issue at all.
  18. I've probably reviewed this before, but it's worth saying again. This remix ROCKS. This is also a great one to start with if you're new to the site.
  19. I am Sinewav, and I approve this thread.
  20. Neko summed it up best. I am very christian myself, but I did not take offense at the title. I don't expect people to operate within the christian ethic if they aren't christians. Also, the title parodies my favorite lolcat pic evar, so that helped too. As for the song, I've been waiting to see someone try to do this source for a long time, and I'm glad it was Doug who finally did. It's even better than I could have imagined. Mad props to the judges for letting something so different than usual make it to the main page.
  21. That would be absolutely amazing. Just thinking of the irony of that makes me smile.
  22. Hmm... on second thought, I don't think June 12-13 would work very well for me. 1) it's not far out enough that I'd be able to acquire the funds, and 2) I'm already asking for a lot of time off of work in June, and I kinda doubt they'll give me any more around that period of time. The farther out the better, really.
  23. I think you've got some extremely catchy songs stuck in your head, and your girlfriend is full of bullhonkey.
  24. I'm certainly interested in coming, though we'd have to work out the details before I can say for sure.
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