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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. A survival horror game with no combat? That could be very interesting. So far it sounds like they aren't abusing the Wii controls either, which is refreshing. Never played a Silent Hill game before, but I'm looking forward to this.
  2. A Beatdrop/CotMM collaboration?! ...can't say I ever saw that one coming. These last few weeks have provided for some really great-yet-unorthodox remixes. This is definitely one of them. It's hard to describe: it sounds different from CotMM's usual, and it sounds different from Beatdrop's usual... though I'd say it leans more toward CotMM's style. The man has some the most interesting... sonic experiments... I've ever heard. Like a lot of his stuff, this sounds just plain evil. The source tune is perfect for this sort of thing. It's like Dracula just finished installing his new cybernetics. Of course, the lyrics just add to the sadistic quality of the song. I bet if you played it backward, you'd probably hear all about how he loves bunnies or something, because it seems all of the satanic subliminal messages are already there when you play it forward.
  3. Jimmy. This is just great. I don't even know where to start. First of all, the LAYERS. I love that as the song builds there are so many different things going on at once. They all fit nicely to getter, and it add quite a bit to the re-listenabilty of the song. I particularly loved the way the voices and the square(?) wave lead went together towards the end. Also, I loved the energy and the overall atmospheric-ness of the piece. The drums start out with a pretty cool groove that winds up being danceable, but also rather intense and exciting as well. Your choice of instrument sounds really captured the feel of Super Metroid beautifully, but also had some unique quality (I can't put my finger on it) that made the song it's own beast. The breathing was the final icing on the cake that made this whole thing awesome. Superb remix.
  4. That was some hot stuff. Simplistic and doesn't attempt to be anything unique. It just straight-up tries to rock out, and the rockoutage works brilliantly. Great job, Brian.
  5. Don't beat yourself up too much. We all know you're black on the inside. Also, congrats. Also 2, shouldn't you change your sig now?
  6. I had a copy of Bible Adventures. And I beat it. Repeatedly.
  7. New Radicals - Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too The album only reached #41, and it only hand one top 40 single (You Get What You Give, #36). The whole album is awesome. My personal favorite track is .
  8. I've never finished a Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, or Mega Man game. I defend the Wii like crazy but secretly think the game selection sucks. I HATE Halo.
  9. lol @ karma http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=519500#post519500
  10. Cool. This concept could make for an interesting DS/Wii platformer.
  11. Is it that old, really? Everywhere I saw it posted at was at least dated within the last few weeks.
  12. This guy takes an old woman hostage at gunpoint. The police spend over 10 hours in negotiations. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this situation? (Read the article). Source (It's from Brazil, but google does a pretty good job of translating it.)
  13. This is really catchy. I would certainly have liked to see this live, especially if the singer was better than the one in the clip like you said.
  14. Chow Yun-Fat needs to get his butt back into John Woo's films.
  15. I'm loving this. The repetitiveness isn't a problem for me. This is the kind of song that you let sit in the background and create an atmosphere. I've always had a soft spot for this kind of electronic pseudo-ambient style music. Ever heard of a radio program called Echoes? This track would fit right in with some of their playlists.
  16. It was random, promise. I probably could have come up with something better if I had thought about it.
  17. What a great idea. Seems pretty powerful, even in it's alpha stage.
  18. I'm going to say that they're probably late 90s pop-punk. EDIT: ImageShack hates me.
  19. I sent it to one of my old music profs, and this is what he had to say:
  20. ... or you could do that. *facepalm*
  21. That's the easiest way I can think of, though you'd probably lose a lot of quality in the process. I don't know if anyone has tried this, but I bet you could set up some kind of program to capture the data onto a device other than the DS wirelessly. What I mean is this: DS-10 can connect to other DS-10s wirelessly to daisy-chain several of the synthesizers. This means that the data is being sent out in some form or another via WiFi. Theoretically, if one could set up their computer as one of those DS WiFi hotspots, AND had some kind of program to capture the raw data, AND had a program to convert the raw data back into Korg DS-10 form (probably by hacking the ROM), you could record the music from your HD. If someone pulls that off, it's probably as close to lossless audio as anyone's going to get.
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