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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i'm a bit of a new-game snob. i just don't like bad graphics unless they're mario-on-NES kind of bad.
  2. racist? racist how? that's like the racist zombie RE5 thing, where the zombies were black because IT'S IN AFRICA, MORONS.
  3. i got live-a-live as my source a year or two ago, i think.
  4. i saw that on geekologie the other day. thought it was pretty cool.
  5. i can't touch mmo's right now. too dangerous, if you know what i mean =) i keep having mixed feelings about EVE online, though - some people say that it's awesome, some hardcore players say it's boring as hell and anyone trying to get into it now is going to be helplessly behind in exp and levels. i knew about freespace 2's graphics updates. are they finished? last i heard, they only had like half the game updated.
  6. see the title. freelancer was good because of a solid (if cliched) storyline, simple interface that didn't require a joystick or a ridiculous number of button macros, and fun, complex combat. considering the game came out in 2003, the graphics in-flight are ridiculously good, too. way better than i'd have expected. i like newer games, and i'd love to try X3: Terran Conflict, but i've heard stories of it not running on w7 machines, or utilizing more than one core in a multicore system or more than 2gb of ram - which is ridiculous for a game has been getting expansions for years. does anyone know if it runs on w7? beyond that, what are some good games to try out? i'd prefer a relatively new game, and DorkStar One does not count (worst story and voice acting EVER. i'd rather they didn't have anything at all).
  7. i just saw this film tonight. sorry for the necrobump, guys =( SPOILER ALERT. i really enjoyed it - particularly the filming style. very graphic (i'm not talking about the blood and gore, although that was pretty serious too). i REALLY liked the storyline, particularly. i thought it was excellent, all considering. probably my favorite thing (once i figured out that i needed to turn subtitles on to understand what the heck the aliens were saying) about the movie was that there was NO backstory given whatsoever. they just were. no hard info regarding where the aliens came from, why they were living in such filth in the ship, or why "christopher johnson" was so technologically knowledgeable. loved it. want the bluray now.
  8. i WANT to, doug. pick a topic!
  9. good to see we're keeping the ppr in the ppr section nice track, though, analoq. if and when the pkmn project ever releases, you'll notice my track is in a mix of dorian and traditional minor, and it's just a retonicization of the original track (regardless of what the judges decision on it was, with them saying that it didn't sound like there was any source in it). it turned out pretty good, i think.
  10. does someone want to update the first post with information regarding who is remixing?
  11. you can mention it once people have started to turn in tracks, i think. i accept mine. i just sent the email.
  12. andrew's got it right. if you like sax jazz, trane's tracks are easily some of the best. parker's a little more uppity (bebop is generally a lot more uptempo, but his ballads are fantastic). if you want more jazz/rock fusion on the sax, breckers are the best. bitches brew (miles davis, don't remember which iteration of it) is considered to be a seminal record in the field, crossing most of the boundaries that it doesn't break entirely. if you're looking at piano only, guys like hancock, bill evans, and o-pete are always fantastic.
  13. tx-3 (and to a lesser extent tx-4) is a lot of bang for a lot of buck. as-5's just easier. not like those last two or three degrees really matter that much more.
  14. you forgot the vi and the IV. you need them too.
  15. updated. sorry it took so long, i've been out of town.
  16. just want to clarify - timpani and toms are definitely two totally different things. generally speaking, while a tom can be tuned to a pitch, it's considered an unpitched percussive instrument. specifically, toms are what a rock drumkit has. i think you're talking about taiko or other ethnic drums, like what you'd hear in the soundtracks of movies like "the last samurai" or "gladiator". timpani is a clearly pitched instrument, often used in orchestral pieces as far back as bach's day (often called kettle drums). look one up on youtube if you don't know. it's the thing that does the big roll at the end of an exciting fanfare for just about every movie ever =)
  17. it'll be two years in early july =) also, props to djp!
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