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Everything posted by metaphist

  1. If I had to say anything, it'd be that there is a little too much up and down in terms of arrangement. This is due to the length, or course, and the nature of Trance. But it seems as if the climax right before the end isn't the strongest in the entire 6:00 like it should be (being the final climax). Sound-wise, it seems like you fixed your issues.
  2. Has a fun sound to it. Can't really see any flaws off the bat. Why exactly was wrong with it that it couldn't be judged yet?
  3. Sounds pretty run of the mill for Trance, which could be good, or bad... Seems to me like the build might be a little slow. The good Trance tracks I've heard always seemed to have heavy layering as a common denominator. You achive this near the end, but it's kinda booring up until then. The best trance type track I've heard on OCR is Icon by Binster (if you need some inspiration).
  4. Latest: ** Nemo Wip 4 ** Submitted about a week ago, but still taking suggestions. ------ ** Nemo Wip 3 ** I could talk about it, but that's your job 12/30 - made a minor levels adjustment and re-uploaded. ------ ** Nemo Wip 2 ** Added about a minute to the track. A new rhodes section comes in with varied basslines, plus slightly edited drum patterns throughout. Changed the background synth and added lots of details to the soundscape. I didn't get a chance for a final check after I rendered the mp3, so hopefully there's no glaring issue I missed... ------ ** Nemo Wip 1 ** "Nightmare King's Dream" got me listening to Nemo tracks, and something just spoke to me when I heard the ending theme. Comments, suggestions? I think I hear some distortion at 1:08, but I'll let it stand for now (tips on distortion would be nice )
  5. My first reaction would be NOT to resub this. Just because a track doesn't cater to OCR criteria as a "remix" doens't say anything about the quality of the track itself. I have personal experience on jumping through judge panel hoops to get a remix submitted, and in the end it's not worth it to make something sound they way THEY think it should if you already know what YOUR looking for. On the other hand, actually getting something of this nature through would be great opening up perceptions on OCR. In that way, I won't say it's a bad idea to give them what they want
  6. Wow, this one fell under the radar big time on me. I'm just now hearing it for the first time (having the entire OCR playlist on random will do that to you). Nice downtempo hiphop with and electronic feel, my favorite style .
  7. I have an OC ReMix from Zelda 64 called Ocarina Boogie, downloaded from the torrent collections some time ago. The artist ID tag is missing, as is the case with many of the remixes from the old torrents (don't know if that's be remedied). Anyway, this track is not listed on the site anymore? I can't find it, and I really want to know who made this remix! Any help?
  8. While I heavily dig the liberation here from a musical standpoint, the oldskool in me can't help but pine for a little more theme recognition. Having said that, this is sick, both creatively and technically. I was actually beginning to wonder if anyone could do something this liberal with such an iconic source as Green Hill Zone. Guess I got my answer. Way to make 'em listen, guys
  9. Hey, I recognized it right away. Do I get a cookie? I usually find straight piano boring, but this was just so beautiful (I guess it helps that I'm familiar with the source). Definitely one of the handful of piano mixes I wish to keep, and I really do love it.
  10. This deserves more than one page of reviews. It's one of those simple songs where less is more. If you tried to fill the sonic space in this one, you'd be missing the point. It just plain does what it does and is so sweet to groove to. Mustin described the chords as "intense". You wouldn't normally say something like that about such a laid back affair, but it really does have that quality. Awesome.
  11. I feel the same way. I appreciate what was done here, though. All in all it had a very different sound and feel than most remixes of the theme, which is good.
  12. Like, 20. I was just thinking that myself. I, also, have issue with the drums, only because I think they should sound less muted. I'm a drum whore, though.
  13. Another hot Sewerage remix, right up there with Waste Water Wipeout. Keep the TMNT 4 Goodness comin, guys! Metaphist loves every minute of it!
  14. What the hell man. This is the greatest freakin remix on the site. I wasn't even familiar with the source before hand. So masterfull...it just takes you on this journey. All time favorite, right here folks.
  15. Just like WC is one of the millions of interpretations of the dwarf/elf/magic storyline, SC is an interpretation of the galactic battle storyline. Comparisons could be drawn for days, there's absolutely no point. It will be badass.
  16. Not bad, I think the idea works. The leads seem a bit boring, as if they need some interesting effects going on with them rather than just flat synths. Reminds me of Marble Dash which is hosted here, might wanna check it out for some inspiration.
  17. BTW, I believe the missing track is "Sappy." I PM'd you, but in case your box is still flooded I can post a link here. Let me know.
  18. Wow, never thought I'd see something like this being attempted. I actually tried a remix of Dog Robot back in the day, Prohphet might even know what I'm talking about. It was...weird, like the source . I can't wait to here what you do with the other gameboy style tracks (snowy mushrooms, anyone?).
  19. Tell me this dude still has the mix in mind. He couldn't have forgotten it, it's too good. Or at least, did he finish it up for whatever project it was for? As I remember he said it was for something other than OCR.
  20. I thought the possibility of thinking the impossible was quite possi...wait...what? Good work in general.
  21. Love this track. Yeah, it's vintage Ziwtra, but you can't go wrong as such. It's that beautiful groove we all know and love.
  22. Nearly 5 years later, this remix still pwns. It's the kind of track that makes you want to check out the source if you never played it. Apparently I missed out on an awesome game that many say rivals the great Zelda series. Good stuff, Neostorm. Come back to us
  23. This was probably my absolute favorite remix on the site when it first came out. Even now, while I'm not quite as fond of it as before, I can still feel the undeniable beauty that most use to describe this mix. Definitely a hall of famer.
  24. Are you serious? This thread needs way more than 2 pages. I can't stop listening to this, the groove is just so sick. We all know the SFX are good, yeah yeah, but listen to how he adapted the melody so well to the style...just sick.
  25. LinkGoesToNewOrleans was pretty rockin'...but THIS...just, damn. It's my favorite piece from Nev, it goes a bit more into the upbeat direction compared to the trademark dreary style of most other pieces from them.
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