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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. The OneUps Summer's remix, Neskavartetten's stuff comes to mind, If you would work the original vg tunes angle I'd recommend songs like Plok!, Mario Paint, maybe some Sonic, selected next gen FF and some Seiken Densetsu series.
  2. The speed wasn't the selling point. The improv was clearly there, he had an excellent speaking voice, amazing vocal control, and all around impressive skill. No doubt about it, the man is an entertainer. The best beatboxing PRESENTATION I've seen to date. Oh and yeah; GET THE HELL IN MY IIV THREAD!
  3. Just thought I'd mention; if you're in to cute platformers, that both Kirby Squeak Squad and Yoshi's Island DS are solid choices. Both deliver action much like their prequels, full of character, colour and fun... BUT If you have to pick one, defintely Yoshi's Island. I've probably put about 15 hours into Yoshi's Island and 5 into Kirby and, from what I can tell, Kirby's 1/2 done while Yoshi's sitting, more difficultly, at about 1/4. Y Hello thar replay value.
  4. I remember this... I never saw it in action but the concept always intrigued me. You were a bunny and the ground was actually crafted from the graphic EQ's output right?
  5. 'Good' is highly relative. A lot of us are probably getting sick of the themes you mentioned by now. Could you be more specific? Perhaps by telling us what genres you like or which artists you enjoy?
  6. At least it was just a guitar, a classic phallic symbol, and not just some random acronym. That makes it stick out so much worse.
  7. Is this thread STILL here? Honestly, I haven't followed the front page stuff for about 2 months. Without VGDJ telling me how to think and feel about the mixes, and encouraging me to listen to 30 second clips I would just feel akward listening to them on my own. It's weird, I downloaded all of them... but I seriously haven't listened to most of them. Quality of what's put out, as always, is relative to season, mixer, opinion, genre's being pushed, creativity, and yes... even the judges have SOMETHING to do with it. But basically, seriously, shut up about it. If you want to hear some polka-fused beat-pop progressive blues, and no one is doing what you want, DO IT YOURSELF. Wow... this isn't worded well. I'm gonna go drink.
  8. Unsuprisingly to me; I'm out again. There's two prep guys in my kitchen. We lose 1 and I suddenly work 9 hours every day this week on top of my scheduled work. At least the paycheck will be good.
  9. Is that the one I have but I'm not playing yet? Yeah... That's the one I have. ... See, it has to do with my list, on my site, and... Y'know what... yeah I got it.
  10. Oh. Right. The PRC's happen in the Competitions section now. ... Right up my alley too... here's hoping I can give it some thought. Man... I can remember when the PRC's were like... all I could think about.
  11. I'm quite familiar with the song from BT before it hit us here at OCR. Very good, but, I'd expect my reaction is similar to many others that might spring up. The vocals, they're great, they slap you hard with a serious blast of concentrated beauty... Then... they are gone. The song is short; it is good, but it is short. I always feel like this song needs just one more minute.
  12. ... Oh... my... God... friendlyHunter; I am going to give this idea some SERIOUS thought. then, when I re-structure/re-order the list... I'll make "...and turn it all into a movie" #100. just the kind of conclusion I've been looking for. I think I have to do it. So... ... Think I should try and get a charity drive going to help with it or just wait till it's in my budget?
  13. Come on; is that all the creativity OCR has to offer? I need a whack of fresh ideas to compare and contrast; not 2 or 3. My site's brought in 0 e-mails. Depressing.
  14. To run a competition on a busy schedule is impressive in and of itself hun, especially since both University and PRC are relatively demanding... it's because of that that I'm both astonished and glad to see that it has been more on time now than ever. I think something I have to continue to do to motivate me to participate in PRC's is enforce strict limitations on myself like I was doing before. That always seems to help. So ok, let's do it. Here's my next goal: My next PRC contribution, preferably PRC86, shall be made entirely with a piece of software which is completely foreign to me.
  15. I heard a similar story one time about an intoxicated teen... she was unable to realize JUST how much water she had drunken... Anyway... yeah... definitely wins the most-humourous-and-exciting-thread-title-followed-by-the-most-depressing-content award.
  16. http://lukewilliams.org/Audio/ringtones.htm
  17. So in the last New Year's Resolution thread I posted this: 100 Things To Do Before 2010. It has come to my attention that numbers 76 and 86 on my list say the same thing: Snowboard. What I've decided to do is actually POLL people here as to what I should put in it's place. Common suggestions I'm likely to pass on: -Skydiving -Tattoos -Paintball -MORE travelling Go ahead guys, get creative.
  18. Rexy; update your sig. It's Thursday. Also; I'm likely a pass yet again, and this depresses me.
  19. Way to revive a dead thread. What's the latest anyway; still getting boxes? Get any dead animals yet?
  20. You just KEEP setting yourself up for mom jokes don't you.
  21. :cool: Drum that is totally hideous. I approve of this thread. More please.
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