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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. I've been tooling around with this very cool program, mostly just tinkering with my own remixes (don't feel like transferring files from CDs right now). The end results sounded like something out of the game I of the Dragon with "The Dead of Winter,", "A Few More Miles To Go" was pretty soothing, and... I don't know to say about "Brinstar's Good Enough" Can't wait to try out others, and studio-produced songs.
  2. Why be a GYM coach when VGZ sounds so much better? That don't make no sense, man.
  3. Head coach? Very nice, GT. Very nice indeed. Sorry to see you go. You've been around for a good while, and even though we didn't always see eye to eye, you were fun to read and chat with. Getting head coach is a big jump, and knowing you've wanted to do that kind of thing for a long time makes me smile for you. Props on your career continuing forward, and props for the music you've made. Hopefully you won't abandon music as a whole, as you've got the skills. It'd be a shame for it all to just get 100% dropped. But whether it does or doesn't, I wish you the best of luck as a head coach. May it last many, many years. Take care old timer.
  4. Indeed. But a warning to you Luke... -=STAY AWAY FROM THE GBA VERSION OF R-TYPE III=- Holy shit is it messed up. The got the graphics right for the most part, and nothing else. Music? Horrendous. Sound effects? Meh. Hit detection? Completely and utterly fubar. Screen space for maneuvering? Noticeably smaller. There's a spot that, as far as I can tell, you can't get past normally because there's less space on the screen (GBA's lower reso than the SNES) and the buggered hit detection. It's botched... badly. As such, stick to SNES version. True. I've 1CCed it twice on my PS2 compilation. Not easy, but doable.
  5. So... skip the SNES version he's bad at, and go to the noticeably harder arcade version. ... Are you trying to make him cry?
  6. Re-read the article, especially the third paragraph...
  7. It's a legitimate concern, and I can understand why it would upset some people since we're still in the middle of fighting that conflict. As the article mentioned, we're not removed from it yet as it's not become a "past" war. That said, it's a war video game with fictional characters and events put in real-world settings. It's fiction. Plus, many games let you play as one side or the other, so why should this one be any different? It's not going to recruit people to the Taliban cause, and it's not going to belittle, disrespect or make a mockery of the real soldiers who have given their lives. This isn't going to be some joke like the JFK assassination game, or the one where you could fly a jet into the Twin Towers, so I sincerely doubt the multiplayer will have "YOU SHOT A FILTHY AMERICAN DOG! ALHAMDULILLAH!" and show pictures of dancing Arabic villagers popping up every time you frag an opponent. I also doubt the names of the soldiers in the game will be taken directly from the casualty list of the current war. As a result, I don't see how it's being disrespectful at all. This game's multiplayer will do what scores of others have done... have virtual good guys and bad guys, let you choose a side, and then have polygons firing polygons at polygons. It doesn't really matter if it's a past scenario or a current one, it still boils down to that. And if being able to play as a Nazi, the Soviets, the Viet Cong, and other U.S. adversaries in multiplayer games has come to pass, then why not the Taliban? I don't believe there's a 20 year "wait until the war's over" clause somewhere, so... ... Strikes me as bit strange how some have no problem with a virtual us shooting a virtual them, but let it get flipped around, and then it's suddenly going too far.
  8. I've tried GI more than once over the years. I honestly gave it a fresh chance each time. But frankly, $5 for a subscription is too much. It, GamePro and "Official" magazines are good for catbox liners... and that's about it. IMO of course.
  9. I'll say goodbye when you're about to leave, Bahamut. Saying it months ahead of time seems... odd. But I will say thanks for the work you've put into helping this site run. A nod indeed deserved.
  10. Just for the sake of easiness, for the Genesis soundtracks, go to Project2612. All you need is Winamp, ChipAmp and the VGZ zip file in question from 2612, and you'll be good to go. As for the Sega CD soundtracks, throw me a PM and I can point you to handy sites that'll make getting their music pretty easy. If you want the Saturn games, I also know of a site that has their soundtracks. PM me if you need to. For the Amiga games, all you need is Foobar and to visit Exotica.
  11. An awful lot of Nintendo stuff there. Let's see if we can't help balance that out... - Genesis - Alien 3 Alisia Dragoon Batman Castlevania: Bloodlines Devilish Dragon's Fury Elemental Master Heavy Nova Master of Monsters Mega Turrican Midnight Resistance (namely, "Flood of Power") Phantasy Star IV Ranger-X Red Zone (namely, "The Habam") Revenge of Shinobi Ristar Road Rash (namely, the title screen song) Rocket Knight Adventures Streets of Rage Super Fantasy Zone Sword of Vermilion TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist Thunder Force III Thunder Force IV Whip Rush - Sega CD - Android Assault Ecco the Dolphin (especially the unused track, which is on )Robo Aleste Shining Force CD Soul Star Stellar Fire The Terminator ... and a few random ones from other systems... - Saturn - Blast Wind DoDonPachi Hang-On 95 (for this one track) Panzer Dragoon Panzer Dragoon Zwei Thunder Force V - Amiga - Shadow of the Beast Turrican Turrican II Turrican III - PS1 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (Especially "A Dragon Temple (with Choir)" and "Credits (with Choir)") I could go on for a while, but I'll stop.
  12. Shmups that give you, in essence, "Congraturation! You are great!" and then credits. RPGs that do the same after playing for 40 hours. Perhaps I was spoiled with the likes of Thunder Force IV and Phantasy Star IV, where the endings were rather long for their respective genres without being drawn out (like say, Golden Axe's ending on the Genesis). But the ending is part of the reward for beating the game. If you don't get that reward, the experience feels cheapened. I can remember fighting my ass off against the final bosses of Shinobi and Thunder Blade, only to get a quick picture with "The End" on it. NOT EVEN FUCKING GAME CREDITS! Sure, playing is fun and all, but that last little bit called "the ending" is important. When you leave it out or make it unimaginably short, it just feels wrong.
  13. The somewhat prickish question that comes to my mind is, "Who's fault is that?" Even back before I officially joined OCR, browsing the forums told me that each one was different. Gen Dis was about games, movies, music, etc. and was more moderated, UnMod was semi-controlled (fun) chaotic nonsense, the WIP forum was generally helpful advice on making remixes... and this was seen by me back in 2002 when I was a complete forum newbie. That's why you have to check things out. See what goes where, how things are run... basically "lurk moer!". It's the best way to find out if it's someplace you want to visit, and works far better than just going with a knee-jerk reaction and turning away before you even give the community a shot. After all, if you walked out after the first bits of "The 5th Element" because of how it initially makes the movie seem, you'd miss out on how entertaining it gets later. Right? So, why treat forums any differently? Give them a shot and stick around. Like the movie, they may get better as you see more. Of course, that analogy only works if you liked that movie, but you get my point
  14. How could a single forum keep people from joining a site (be it PPR, UnMod, whatever)? It's not like it sought you out in the middle of the night and kidnapped you, only to tape your eyes open and force you into watching loops of the various "shock" images or abortion arguments. ... You had to donate to the site to get that ride
  15. I AM going to name names, but I'll do so in a text and color that can only be viewed with the special OCR decoder cursor that will be going on sale this upcoming November. Be sure to keep an eye out for the official announcement. And now... - - - - - - - - - - ... and those are just the ones who were there at the beginning.
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