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  1. It's dangerous to go alone, take this! Come join us for Office Hours, a time and place where you can ask your burning VGM remix questions, get feedback on your WIPs, and/or learn some tips, tricks, and techniques to take to your next project! This weekly event is an open forum for remixers (both budding and established) to bring their WIPs forward for an extra set of ears and eyes. You do not need any audio engineering or mixing skills to participate. We encourage you to bring your skill to the stage, even if it's none! These weekly-formatted events take place in the Discord Office Hours stage channel. Audience members can participate via chat or voice (raise your hand while in the audience using the button to request to join the stage). Screen-sharing is helpful for visuals but not required.
  2. until
    It's dangerous to go alone, take this! The Sages are hosting another Office Hours, a time and place where you can ask your burning VGM remix questions, get feedback on your WIPs, and/or learn some tips, tricks, and techniques to take to your next project! Hosted by @pixelseph this week! The agenda is TBD at the moment - let us @Sages know if there’s a specific topic you’d like covered!
  3. Here's a sequenced demo I made -- inspired by one of my favorite books. Before recording anything I'd really like to know what you guys think of it and what needs to be improved. Thanks in advance
  4. This is my first full length EDM song (with lyrics) that I am composing. It deals with the disease of political correctness and following others absentmindedly. I am posting it to see what people think of the concept. I will be working on the transitions and extra verses in the mean time. The vocalist in the chorus (myself) personifies the world and the powers of evil (Satan)...while the verse is more me singing to myself as myself (and to whoever understands what I am singing about)...I'll let you guys connect with the lyrics before I reveal the rest.
  5. I started this some years ago, and now im thinking about reentering the remix-scene and get some feedback. I was trying some more "movie like" approach, like a tense scene that is building up to a battle.
  6. I originally did this as a joke, but I kinda like how the arrangement went. This is mainly for a comedy sketch with a King Boo puppet I PLAN on building. Basically its just King Boo playing this song on the pipe organ, with a humorous ending. My samples are crap, I'm well aware. I'm looking for ARRANGEMENT feedback. What could I do to make this sound more like a classical/spooky organ piece for most of it? then the humorous ending shows up as a way to throw you off. I wanted it to remain somewhat true to the original and not arrange it TOO much. But I don't want a carbon copy either. as for quality I was thinking of collaborating with someone here who has better organ sounds/mixing skills. Let me know what you think ...PLAY BALL!
  7. Working on some Altered beast remix. I'm kinda stuck on what I should do next with it. I may leave it alone for a while and come back to it in a couple of months. Let me know what you guys and gals think. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0tjUIj320E4cGhYVU4tTjI5dWs
  8. Here I am toying again with an old Lemmings song: Remaking it with Fruity Loops. So far drums are looping but the soundscape is taking shape https://app.box.com/s/z5xw1eqhjk7vj85lt463ojhxg8y8c2mr Feedback is always welcome. Hope you enjoy anyway
  9. I have the basics of a novel titled Remorse: Nothing More that I would love to publish one day alongside an album with each song corresponding to a chapter of the book. The album would all be orchestral (at least mostly) and each chapter's song would correspond with specific events in each chapter in mood and style. In this chapter, chapter five titled "Sustenance," the main character and the supporting character are resting after spending an entire day burying the martyred townsfolk. This rest after the weary and sad work is what the beginning is based upon. The supporting character then reveals that he grew up and lived some of his adult life as a soldier of the dictatorship ruling over their country. This dramatic revelation occurs with a flashback to his military days and is what the second part is based on. The final part (which hasn't been started--it is only a piano cord at the end) will be the main character staring at the partially burned church as a he falls asleep in prayer. Even if you don't understand what I'm trying to convey with the story please have a listen to my work in progress. I recently purchased new instruments so I am not that proficient with them yet. I use the DAW FL Studio 12. The following is the link for your listening pleasure. Please, I ask for feedback so that I can finish this piece! I also have a sound cloud account under the name of Tonal Bliss so please check me out. Thank you! http://www.tonalbliss.com/other/ChV-Sustenance6.mp3
  10. I wanted to produce a synthwave arrangement of the source but couldn't help using "organic" instruments for the leads and drums. I thought it could be interesting to try and find a right balance between synth and organic sounds -- keep those guitars, piano and drums and use only synths for the arrangements (which I'll start exploring way deeper when I find someone with a decent knowledge of synthwave music willing to help me ^^'). Original Source: Remix: I visualized Sonia telling her newborn son the tale of her adventures -- like it's a bedtime story -- when remixing this. Feel free to share feedbacks and whatnot :3
  11. Hey there, i've made a remix of the song "Reconstructing more Science" from the Portal 2 game and require some feedback. I've submitted the first version of the song but it did not make it to the judges panel. This actually is not a bad thing because i've got some very good feedback and worked a few days on the song to improve it. Here are some problems listed in the feedback email i worked on after getting feedback: Now i need to know if any of those problems still are present in the current version of the song or if anything else might be a problem. I thank everybody who is giving constructive feedback <3 _Edit: So i got a very good evaluation after i marked the post as "ready for review" and continued working on the song after i got the feedback. After almost two weeks i've finished working on version 7 and are ready for more feedback. New problems mentioned by Rozovian i am/was working on: -daWaschbaer First version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwdkFkYm9jVGkxMHM Second version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwMV9kT1F5QmxMc0k Third version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwVGNSWk1wcTNKNlk Fourth version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwZmJJZjhfMjJnZWc With version 4 i've tried to solve the overcompression problem. Fifth version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwY1loeFhTbTNYc1U I've increased the volume by 3 dB. Fifth version of the song [short]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwSFFmdEV3VWNheDA I've shortened the song so the length fits the content. Sixth version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwZWs1WUFwNXZjVFE (Made the reverb less intensive from 2:00 to 2:15 and lowered the volume of the piano from 2:56 to 3:28 (because i wanted the piano to be in the background in this part). Current version of the song that requires feedback (v7): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4qhWIS85-GwNDV5UmJSOW1zOUk (Tried to fix the problems Rozovian mentioned like the mixing problem,the transitions and the drums. I've changed the piano and need feedback which piano is better. And yes, i was ending on the wrong note and i did not realise it until mentioned. I hope that there is not any overcompression anymore.) (When listening to the song keep in mind that it is meant to become more chaotic the longer you listen to it (especially at the end) Title of original song: Reconstructing More Science Link to original soundtrack: http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php (Reconstructing More Science found in Volume 2)
  12. Practically done, just need to re-track some vocals and add some instruments towards the end since it kind of gets boring. I probably won't release the final version (like Facades) until the EP is out.. https://app.box.com/s/u1orz0yyukg3qqes6ekxzvcab4iyexs9 Lyrics: I've set aside myself for you I'm not too sure you understand I was sitting here Thinking over what we could (Live my life for you) Take this pain with us or Separate ourselves from these mistakes Don't talk about it. I've got a score to set with you I'm not too sure you wanna stay I was watching as my Lies were being put into place Chaos raining down We tried too hard to run away from this Don't talk about it I was sitting here Thinking over what we could do Maybe hoping there could be Something between me and you I was watching as my Lies were being put into place Chaos raining down We tried too hard to run away from this I'm not too sure you understand Just how fucked up I really am I was watching as my Lies were being put into place Chaos raining down We tried too hard to run away from this
  13. Link:https://app.box.com/s/qy2ypsucjoiw3fwbm3xlbmzy2loi8pm0 Hey guys, I'm working on an EP to be released by May 5 this year. I posted on the facebook group for some online vocal lessons, but I'm probably gonna have to get my hands dirty and just go do some more at a nearby school (expensive! lol). But I figured while I wait for that, maybe people here wouldn't mind giving a review in the meantime. Tell me things you like, hate, etc. I realize the last line I sing is a little off, it was kind of rushed, sorry about that! If you are a seasoned singer I'd love to hear some comments thank you. Lyrics
  14. Going back to my original roots and trying my hand at house music again. This time i thought should give some love to one of the must overlooked Sonic games of all time, Sonic CD! So who is the real hedgehog here?
  15. Hi, finally decided to make an account here and share stuff that I've made. This is Jake's theme from Advance Wars DS, hope some of you enjoy it.
  16. Hey guys, I'm fairly new here and am just getting started on making original compositions for video games! I made a couple of tracks so far but may need an extra ear to see whether I'm heading in the right direction. Castor's theme attempts to exemplify the logical demeanor of "a man of few words", cold and calculating. Miranda, on the other hand, is a serene yet unyielding spirit. She represents a peaceful return from calamity, a gentle affirmation of small victories. In other words, the Kairi to your Sora for KH fans! Lastly, last chance plays when circumstances have turned for the worst and the protagonists must overcome their plight in absolute desperation I would love to hear what you all think! In the meantime, I'll continue making music as always. Thanks! Jescmo
  17. Samus Aran: the prolific bad-ass from the Metroid series and my personal favorite Nintendo character. I recently started replaying the older Metriod games and forgot how awesome this theme and level was. Watch out Ridley and Kraid there is a new bad-ass on this planet now. This very much a work in progress!! I am still not happy with the transition from Brinstar Depths back in to the regular Brinstar theme I am also still looking for a better space lead for the main theme and a way to work in the main theme during the dubstep parts. I am also considering adding the Super Metriod prologue intro to the beginning and possibly the during the transition from Brinstar Depths into the regular Brinstar theme. Anyway, I appropriate any feedback.
  18. So here's a thing brostep-y I started workin' on one day when I just had a lot of free time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElWHhyM0NKVjBqYnc/view?usp=sharing This is currently the running rough draft, but there's gonna be a bit more added to it soon, along with some mixing fixes (as far as I can tell, there seems to be a bit too of the highs like hi-hat and saw chords while the subbass is not loud enough under some synths). Also, I might add an atmospheric sort of orchestral part between the drops with violins and horns. Any other advice?
  19. Hello. I have uploaded a short excerpt from an original song which I am attempting to mix... Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ftbejny6abxvvfh/S02T05 test.mp3 Here's a slightly different version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/v96hp02tq9zaip0/S02T05 test - ver 2.mp3 I plan on eventually having the full song done by a professional, but currently I would like to know if my mix is of an acceptable quality for demonstration/preview purposes. Is there anything in particular that should be changed in terms of EQ or volume levels? Does it sound noticeably amateurish? All the instruments are programmed (including the guitars), since I'm a keyboard player and not a guitarist. I used Toontrack's Meshuggah EZdrummer demos as reference mixes. Edit: I compared it to some more tracks. I'm not really satisfied with the sound. I think the tone of the guitar and drums could still be improved a lot. Currently I am busy with another music-related project (not metal), but I may return to this later.
  20. This is an original track that I've been working on for a little bit. Part of me has been wanting to morph this into a game remix (there is a song I have in mind) but I've been hesitant to because I really don't want to force a song. The instrumentation is kind of a weird blend of electronic and some jazz-hop elements. I was trying to imitate the flute sounds I've heard at Native American festivals. Trying to reduce the clipping from the rhodes pianos, hopefully I can do that with another update in the not-to-distant future.
  21. O Yes my Darlings! Fret no longer for I, Mettaton, am finally here for all my glorious fans! This kind of a work in progress but I would like some back before I continue working on it. Thanks!
  22. source: I have my remix built, and not very well mixed yet. However, I'm trying to grab a little feedback: if you know the source - does it grab the nostalgia well enough? if you don't - would you say the arrangement is interesting+coherent enough? Was originally going for straight dance/trance and it turned into a sort of garage-y progressive vibe. wip wip wip wip wip
  23. Hey all, I'm excited to be here; I'm really hoping to get some of my mixes officialized by OC Remix so let's start here. I'm looking for whatever critique's you have. I like to use one defense first to preface it so I'll preface it here by saying: I didn't really do much mixing and my speakers are currently in a bad position. I went for a newer more synth version of jazz... so lots of synths and chiptune stuff here. Please enjoy. (or enjoy ripping it to pieces)
  24. Hello again, everyone! I'm currently arranging and fixing a couple of things on my old Vectorman mix before recording instruments and stuff and was wondering if anyone was interested in providing vocals (male or female) for it? The lyrics are available on SoundCloud and Youtube, so feel free to check them out. They were written by my good friend SuperSonication. Feedback is also very welcome and anyone else who wants to collaborate and re-work this piece with me is more than welcome -- for providing real instruments or arrangements purposes. Thanks in advance
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