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I was excited about Vader until I read he was a PS3 exclusive

The flaw with that is now Blu-Ray is all but assured to win the format war now. Recent changes in the stances of one of the biggest movie companies on the planet all but seals the deal. You probably have heard that news however.

This is disconcerting...if they get it right i might be happy but...damn it. *sigh*

The flaw with that is now Blu-Ray is all but assured to win the format war now.

See the big thing about the war between BluRay and HD is that nobody gives a fucking damn except tech nerds of the highest caliber

See the big thing about the war between BluRay and HD is that nobody gives a fucking damn except rich tech nerds of the highest caliber

fixed that for you


I'm a little disapointed to find out that the 360 gets Yoda and Vader is over on the PS3. I was hoping you could pit them against each other at least. I could really care less about Star Wars characters in a fighting game though it'll be the best SW fighter ever.

I'm trying to think of better characters that I'd like to see in SC4 but I'm having trouble thinking of any. Raiden from MGS would be a good one since he uses a Katana. I suppose Master Chief with the sword could be on 360 but that sounds lame as hell. Microsoft doesn't exaclty have many characters with melee weapons.


Namco is just trying to get the crazy sales they got when they put Link in SC2 on the Gamecube... and that kind of bothers me that they're actively relying on 3RD party characters (at least it would seem) instead of solidifying their engine and making the actual game an excellent experience. Don't get me wrong I had a blast playing various iterations of SC, but ... the game is far from perfect and is largely imbalanced....


I'm not exactly sure as to why they decided to put characters from the Star Wars universe into the next installment of Soul Calibur. One major part of Soul Calibur is the variety of weapons, each one takes off a different amount of damage per hit, some heal you when you hit your opponent, etc. For Vader and Yoda, however, all they have is a lightsaber; what are they going to do, change the coloring of the hilt? To me, changing the coloring and appearance of the hilt seems like the only viable option. Darth Vader's lightsaber is red, Yoda's is green. It wouldn't sit well with the Star Wars fan base were the coloring of the beam changed.

One other thing about Soul Calibur is that each character generally has at least one alternate costume to change into. Vader? Are they going to remove the helmet or something? Will he be in standard Jedi regalia before going over to the dark side? With Yoda, the possibility of a costume change seems non-existent. "A blue Yoda in red clothes. A red Yoda in blue clothes. A green Yoda in yellow clothes. Do you like my hat? No I do not like your hat! Good-bye. Good-bye."


I think that this is pretty cool for Star Wars fans (a.k.a. everyone in the whole world), but I also think that Namco are greedy and cheap. Why? The two Star Wars characters are split on different consoles You have to buy both a PS3 and an X-box to get both Yoda and Darth Vader. This is going to be a fanboy war in hell, but it's going to be interesting.


When I first read about this I thought it was ridiculous but after looking at the pictures I can see how they somewhat fit in though Yoda is more of a believable character in Soul Calibur than Darth Vader who looks too...futuristic.


I'm all for weird crossovers like this. Completely unexpected. The worst thing that they did, however, was to keep each character console-exclusive. That doesn't make any sense at all. I mean sure, it was a good fan-boy war with SCII, but with Star Wars characters it shouldn't be like that. Let's just hope they release the left-out characters as downloadable extras for each console somewhere down the road.

Nonetheless, whoever thought of this idea deserves a nice pat in the back.

Topic title may as well have been: 'Next Soul Calibur to suck slightly more ass'

Agreed, I've always wondered why namco needed a second rate fighting game series when they already make the best out there (sorry capcom. besides you dont even make fighting games anymore, you make interactive anime scenes with one rediculous guest star after the other. "waaaah dont judge me, button mashing takes skill waaah" yea Im sure you you need a docterate to figure out how to make cable fire his cannon that takes up 93% of the screen).

After the yoda fight scene in episode 2, when all the fucking hicks in the theatre guffawed and clapped and hooted... I knew it was just a matter of time before lucas started whoring him out in new and revolting ways. The story of the starwars franchise is a sad one.

And since when does vader have corduroy pants and sleeves? Time to get your character model designer some glasses or something.

Agreed, I've always wondered why namco needed a second rate fighting game series when they already make the best out there (sorry capcom. besides you dont even make fighting games anymore, you make interactive anime scenes with one rediculous guest star after the other. "waaaah dont judge me, button mashing takes skill waaah" yea Im sure you you need a docterate to figure out how to make cable fire his cannon that takes up 93% of the screen).

After the yoda fight scene in episode 2, when all the fucking hicks in the theatre guffawed and clapped and hooted... I knew it was just a matter of time before lucas started whoring him out in new and revolting ways. The story of the starwars franchise is a sad one.

And since when does vader have corduroy pants and sleeves? Time to get your character model designer some glasses or something.

finally its snk's time to shine

ya man ya


Agreed, I've always wondered why namco needed a second rate fighting game series when they already make the best out there.

That's strange, because I've always wondered why you can beat Namco fighting games by just pushing random buttons with your feet, or how a pro can get canned by a 3-year-old who sticks the controller in his/her mouth.

sorry capcom. besides you dont even make fighting games anymore

Yeah, there's this game called Street Fighter 4 coming out. Yeah, and there's this Street Fighter HD Remix game, too. Kinda contradictory if you ask me.

waaaah dont judge me, button mashing takes skill waaah" yea Im sure you you need a docterate to figure out how to make cable fire his cannon that takes up 93% of the screen

As opposed to side-stepping the enemy and pressing two buttons to grapple the enemy over and over again? I assume you were praising Tekken, am I correct?

By the way, I like pretty much any fighting game out there besides Bleach. I just saw your post and I had to rip on it. I hope I wasn't too hard on you.

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