DeepChild Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Deepchild is from Star Control II. It's a being that a certain race would send off to terraform a planet into a molten wasteland. Regardless of that, I thought it sounded fairly unusual, and I think it describes some aspects of my personality rather well. Quote
Moseph Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 My family used to own a goat for lawn control. He was a smelly little black-haired guy who we named Moe -- because he "mowed" the grass. I later decided that Moe was, in fact short for Moseph (a combination of Moses and Joseph, I guess). I liked the name, though, and I've used as an internet name ever since. The wonderful thing about it is that if it's already taken when I try to register it somewhere, I just spell it differently (my preferred alternate spelling is Mozzif). Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Anyone can understand the Jedi Knight part; I'm a Star Wars fan. Anyone who's kept tabs on the Expanded Universe of Star Wars should make the connection that GA stands for "Galactic Alliance." I made this account when I was reading the New Jedi Order series, and I had gotten up to the part where the Galactic Alliance was first formed not long beforehand. While I still differ with them on several important matters of philosophy and such, my beliefs are closer to the general ideals of the Jedi Knights during the time of the GA than at any other time. (Specifically, Jacen's ideals after meeting Vergere but prior to Lumiya's influence on him are the closest to my own. But again, with specific differences.) I've been trying to think of a different handle to use in the future, as I'm tired of both this one and my other handle, but I'm having trouble thinking of one. Quote
AzureZeal Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 My forum name was going to be GameFreak since I use it at other forums I go to. But seeing that it was already taken before, I went for a name that describes my favorite color. Quote
anosou Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I found it on the ground weeping so I figured I'd take care of it for a while. Sadly it was hard to get rid off.. Quote
dsx100 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 My username, is just something I thought up a while back, maybe around 4 years ago. DSX stands for DragonSlayer X which derives from my philosophy that anything can be done with the right amount of motivation and hard work. When someone says "I want to", "I am" or "I'm going Slay a Dragon", they usually mean they are going to accomplish a very difficult task. This is something I'm known for doing by my friends, family, and co-workers. I have that never quit and never lay down attitude. Plus I love taking on difficult challenges. So Thats why I call myself a DragonSlayer. I just added the X part for no real reason other than to make it less plain. As for the 100 part. I wanted to add something to DSX just so it wouldn't seem so short. Plus, a lot of the things I registered for had like a 4 character limit. So DSX just wouldn't cut it. Since I like everything to have a meaning, I am currently thinking of a better reason and meaning behind the X and 100 in my name, but I just haven't come up with anything yet. Quote
JackKieser Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Mine was simply a product of the strange way my mind works. I was wondering, way way back, what else I would have wanted to be named if I had the choice to name myself at birth, and I was always partial to the name 'Jack' for some reason. When I thought about it for the first time, I happened to be eating a Kaiser roll, and when I thought of the two words in sequence, I thought it had a nice ring to it. I was never a fan of simplicity, though, and so I changed the spelling of 'kaiser' to 'Kieser', and my handle was born. I have been using it since 8th grade, which, if my math is correct, means I've been known as Jack Kieser for six years now. Quote
EvilHorde Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 From Masters of the Universe. The Evil Galactic Horde. I used to dig Hordak like hell but then I came to my senses. Let's face it; Skeletor is WAY COOLER. And yeah.. no matter how cool the source of the nickname, I hate it. It was just something that popped in my head millions of years ago and then it kinda stuck. For some reason it seemed like a good idea. Now it just sounds stupid and lame. Blahh... If/when I get some new remixes done I'm thinking of starting anew with a fresh remixername. If its ok to leave my old stuff as "EvilHorde" that is... Mainly because, yes, I hate the nicnkame and secondly, I consider myself a totally different "artist" nowadays anyway.. Well, we'll see... Quote
Dyne Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Well, originally, I was MajinVejita2057. But, that name SUCKED. And people were annoyed because it was a blatant DBZ reference (over 9000 n' all). Anyway, I went looking around, couldn't really figure out anything, and then I remember playing through Final Fantasy VII (the only RPG to date that I have never gotten bored with, and have beaten it more than once). There's an obscure character by the name of Dyne, who lives beneath the Gold Saucer in the Sandy Badlands. If anyone knows anything about this character, it's that he was once Barrett's best friend, and is the father of Marlene. He also threw himself off a cliff after being beaten by Barrett in the game, and had a gun arm just like Barrett's. And that's how I got my handle. It's not only my forum handle, but also my remixer and artist name. At least, whenever it is that I release a remix or an album anyways. Quote
Sixto Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I was the 6th guy to join a certain graffiti "crew" back in high school. I didn't have a tag so we joked about using number6, seis, 666 and so forth. Then I thought of 'sexto' which is sixth in Spanish, and just tossed an I in there instead of the E. The name stuck, I 'bombed' one building, became too chicken to ever do it again, and the rest is history. Quote
Kanthos Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 From the NeverWinter Nights random name generator. Kanthos is the character name I've used since then, occasionally sticking on a last name (NWN, Guild Wars, Oblivion, and other games where a last name made sense). The last name likely changes every time; in Guild Wars, all my alts have Kanthos as a first name. Quote
kitty Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Back in the day when I was making my first AIM sn I was looking for things I like to make up the name. I was way into SSBM at the time and Marth was my main and I happened to see in his trophy description that his sword was named Falchion or something along those lines. 3 was and still is my favorite number but I wanted more syllables so I made it Falchion39. (3x3 is 9 so I just added it at the end to make 39) Kinda silly if you ask me. Quote
MechaFone Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 My handle, as is, isn't so hard to figure out. I'd been married to my wife for about eight months. I thought I'd be a little louder than I am right now (pay that statement no mind, really) so...amarriedmegaphone. Nothing profound, really, but I'm really wanting to change it to MechaFone. It blends my love of Sonic (MechaSonic) and my love of the Bone comic series. MechaFone. I'm gonna look into it. Quote
Kirie Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I first decided on this name a few years ago when signing up for a journaling site. I was playing Fatal Frame at the time, I liked the name Kirie, so I went with that. It also means 'light' in Latin. A very exciting explination, yes? Quote
!Nekko! Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Some classmates and I were playing counter-strike during one of my computer classes in high-school and I realized I didn't have a suitable gaming name. My nickname in Spanish Class was Nico and had been my personal nickname for a while. Nico was kinda boring, so I wanted it to be iNico!. I didn't realize I could just use a lower case i as the first exclamation point, so I just used another exclamation point. !Nico! still felt kinda boring and conventional, so I made it !Neko!. Knowing that Neko meant cat in japanese, I threw on another K for good measure so it would be more unique. Since then, I've been !Nekko!. If I can't use exclamation points on a site or in a game, my name will be either Nekko_Chavez or Nekko_Suarez, keeping up with the spirit of my Spanish nickname. Quote
OptimusShr Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Found a couple Transformers sites years ago after I got back into them and went as Optimus after my Favorite TF. Changed it to OptimusShr a few years ago for uniqueness. Quote
Skummel Maske Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 My old nick, Avenius, came from the random name generator in the game Tibia. My current other nick, Skadred, popped into my mind when I had to conjure up a name for a LOTRO character. The game was said to have lutes and such, so I figured he'd be a skald/bard. And finally, Skummel Maske. I came up with that when brainstorming for a new band name with my old band, and it's norwegian for "sinister mask". A silly name, yet it sounds alright to anyone who doesn't know the language. Rawk. Quote
The Pezman Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Because this made me laugh a lot when I first read it so many years ago. My friends and I (well, only a couple of us) will still quote C&H on occasion. I became quite happy when I first saw your name because I knew exactly where it was from. My last name is Pesner. My dad's friends used to call him Pez as a teenager. I took the idea and ran with it, ever since my account in 2000. It's been my handle everywhere ever since. There's another Pezman here... he and I will have to throw down someday. "Your mom is a Pez dispenser!" -Bustatunez at MAGFest Quote
Lemonectric Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Someone on the Zelda Central forums years ago put together Mountain Dew, Mario Kart, and Zelda to make "The Speeding Hylian Lemon." A little long for a username, so I shortened it to Hylian Lemon and that stuck. Quote
Crazyonr1 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Mine's pretty boring, it was supposed to be Crazyone1 but I hit "r" instead and hit enter too fast, but people liked it so I use either crazyonr or crazyonr1 usually Quote
Zombie Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 At the time, I was listening to alot of dragonforce, and pretty much combined it with the word zombie, because, well, I like zombies. That is how my username came to be. Quote
Antipode Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 An antipode is a polar opposite, or something extremely different from something else. Aside from the actual meaning I just thought it was a cool word, and it stuck. It took on additional meanings when I started making original music with the goal of making something really different from other stuff I'd heard. Also if memory serves it was a cool attack in chrono trigger, but that wasn't where I got it from. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 I get the Jam from my first name. When I was much younger, I wanted people to call me that because I thought it was so cool. A few years ago my brother started calling me Jam again, and he threw Stunna on one day. I've used that ever since. My old tag used to be Rags, and that comes from my last name. Quote
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