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Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2008 (Phase 3: Match-Ups, Mixing, March 16th Deadline

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GAME: Shatterhand [NES 1991] (wiki)

SONG: TRACK 1 FROM THE NSF (does it have a name?)

COMPOSER: Iku Mizutani & Kouichi Yamanishi

COPYRIGHT: 1991 Jalesco

NSF: http://thasauce.net/vgm/nes/Shatterhand.nsf

MIDI: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/Shatterhand-First_Stage_fixed.mid

MIDI is pretty crappy but what can I say.

Bonus points if you include other tracks from Shatterhand in a medley! LULZ


Since I posted a request for the full soundtrack in the Requests forum, I'm requesting my favourite song here:

GAME: Jill of the Jungle

SONG: Song 5 (Castle Theme; not sure which level number)

COMPOSER: Dan Froelich

COPYRIGHT: 1992 Epic Games

MP3: http://media.putfile.com/Jill-of-the-Jungle-Song-5

MIDI: http://www.ngst.nu/JotJ.zip (Dan.mid)

I did a homemade recording of the AdLib original since MIDI doesn't have the same feel to it.


I know this is a special annual thing, but I just sorta wish it happened more often because more music can get made and more people get to hear their requests. I could just grab some from the requests forum I guess, but there are SO many in there and I don't recognize the majority of the songs, so I don't know where to start.

At least this way, I sign up and then someone else forces me to pick a certain song. It's almost like a PRC, except someone doesn't have to win the competition to hear a song they love get remixed.

I guess what I'm saying is that I think it'd be really cool if you could do this more on a regular basis. Maybe with shifted emphasis just so it doesn't lose its annual favor.

Sorry to be a bother, but the "Moonlit Grotto" MP3 linked on page 1 totally has half of the instruments missing.
I already sent Rama an MP3 ripped from the .gbs. He'll update the first post at some point.

Just a reminder, the first post wasn't updated yet ;-) A longer link name might bring it over the character limit though =/ Will it be necessary to make second new thread?


Ok, so I totally can't decide which one.

Pokemon Red .gbs file

20 (Route), 22 (Gym Battle), 25 (Champion Battle), 36 (Rocket), 41 (Silph Co)

There seem to be a few different midis of each on VGMusic.com with the exception of the Route theme (Someone remind me what number route it is?) which has none.



Game: The Sims

Song: Building House or Buy Mode or something

MIDI: It's on Vgmusic under PC/The Sims. The one called "Building House" is the best one, actually gets the chords at the end right. The other ones "Buy Mode: Track 1" are the same song, but they don't get the chords right at all. But for a feel of the first part, they all work.

Sorry I suck at links (i.e., don't have any).

EDIT: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/computer/microsoft/windows/Piece_from_The_Sims.mid


In a bizarre, unforeseen circumstance, it is beginning to seem as if we'll have substantially less requests than I expected (in fact right now we're still 4 short of 1 per mixer). I'm looking to have AT LEAST 80 total, so if we don't hit that before the deadline I MAY extend requests and give everyone more, or I may (and more likely to ensure quality) just fill the last few slots myself.

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