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Damn I need to get my wifi adapter so I can get in on this action. I'm excited for some new people to fight! Also, to those of you who have been experiencing some lag, does it happen more often when your opponents are further across the country, or does it just seem random? I'd hate to be restricted to just the northwestern states.:|

Actually, I think that if more people got the wired adapter for Wii, they'd get better connections and games. That's just me though. I think that you can probably challenge up to people in the midwest and Canada. But obviously, greater distance = greater lag. There's really no way around it.


I still suck pretty bad. Working 7 days a week sure doesn't afford much time to play, either. Nevertheless, if I can move my Wii into a room where it communicates with my router at speed (anyone else notice the Wii seems to have shitty wireless reception?), then I'll pop back in #clanocr and get my ass beat a bit.

You guys play with Skype? Never used it before, but I've got a headset for it.


I tried to play with you people in #clanocr when I was at a friends house a few days ago... it didn't work out so well. Huuuuuuuge lag. :|

If I had the right 'net I would be chillin there with you guys all day long.


Man, based on what you guys are saying... by the time I actually get a Wii, a copy of Brawl, and all the friend codes uploaded, I'll be so behind in skill that I'll get my ass handed to me on a silver platter within a minute of each match.

SWEET! :roll: Can't wait to play you guys, though.


Alright, I'm an IRC newbie, so maybe I'm just being stupid here. However, I'm trying to figure out how to get onto the ClanOCR channel, but ChatZilla's not letting me connect to irc://irc.enterthegame.net/ ... is it just down or am I doing something wrong?


So how does one lacking in Brawl skillz get their act up to snuff? Are we like the Saiyans, who emerge from every defeat a bit stronger?

I have never owned a Nintendo TV console, so I missed out on the first 2 (though I've played them at friends' and such). Brawl will be my entry point into TEH SERIUS FIGHT0RZ.

We're looking for more people in #clanocr. Come if you want to try your luck against me.

I'm workin' on gettin' in to it! But I can't seem to connect to the client. I would be quite quite quite interested in getting with people and playing. I loved melee and played it as often as I could. But because of that, I still haven't gotten my Brawl "legs" down. I haven't gotten used to the physics yet and haven't gotten the automatic responses out yet (wavedash backwards, wavelanding onto platforms and into grabs and such, jump canceling shines, l-cancelling, etc.. for falco).

And no bat drops on the home-run contest makes me sad :(

I got my code added to the database, here it is for those who don't want to look it up: 3995-6300-8335. So far I've added a couple people (atma, eulogic, !Nekko!, Neo Samus, Silent Mike, and Lord Rodericki, will get to add more later). If you add me, send me a PM so I can return the favor.

If you want to get better, play with people better than you and NOT care about losing.

Can do. But the only potential problem comes if said betters don't realize I'm a n00b and whip me soundly before I have time to blink. That kind of victory doesn't teach me a thing.


Yeah if you keep playing against them and getting whipped you'll eventually get whipped a little less worse as time goes by, and maybe eventually equal them.

This is how I was in Melee, and brawl when some of the better people decide to play. Don't get discouraged, you'll get better and not even realize it even though you've started winning more often than before.

So how does one lacking in Brawl skillz get their act up to snuff? Are we like the Saiyans, who emerge from every defeat a bit stronger?

I have never owned a Nintendo TV console, so I missed out on the first 2 (though I've played them at friends' and such). Brawl will be my entry point into TEH SERIUS FIGHT0RZ.

Train with level 9's alot (although that can only do so much) and fight LOTS of people.

That's how I *try* to get better.


Level 9s still have the better-than-human speed and reflexes, so when you're fresh to the game they help get your timing and spacing down on a lot of moves, helps a lot. Also, they can teach you things quickly, like the use of being fast, shielding, rolling and dodging, and they come with basic "insticts" like grabbing people using their shield a lot and whatnot, which are all good basic things to pick up.

Then it's all just play play play! as many other good people as you can, and never blame the game for a loss, always yourself. It's pretty fun that way.

i played gt and arek every night for long periods of time for a while

that helped

just play people who can kick the crap out of you

This is a good way to train. Though, I'd like to add, seek people who can kick the crap out of you who aren't douchebags about it. Nothing worse than trying to get good at a game and have your better rubbing your nose in it every time he /she kills you.

...Even if that can be motivation to kick his/her ass.


i'm really curious now as to how i'd do against all you guys. i've played a few times against strangers, and won maybe more than half the time. But they could all have been really bad =)

I added everyone on the database last weekend, so add me too!


Nah I don't recommend playing with people that piss you off about a game. That just leaves a sour taste in your mouth when you think about playing.


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