zircon Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Not to derail the thread too much further, but let me just lay out exactly how Jill and I met/"dated" so there's no confusion We actually MET and interacted for the first time in person, at the 2005 NYC meetup. After that, we spoke online to each other on a fairly regularly basis. We started doing VGDJ together several months later which required a lot of talking via phone/skype and IM. In the process we met up in person four times for days at a time. We didn't consider at any point that we were "dating", but the effect was definitely the same in that we were really getting to know each other. We spent a good amount of time alone together, went out to eat, etc. But again, the (unspoken) understanding was that it was non-romantic, and that we were friends & co-hosts. The fifth time (total) that we met up in person, Jill was up in NY visiting for a "host-only meetup". Prior to this my feelings for her were definitely growing beyond just friends, but I didn't think it was realistic, so I didn't act on them. Of course, as it turns out, she was feeling the exact same way. She ended up hinting at it over lunch one day, when she seemed unusually happy in response to a comment I made that "it would be great if we [people on OCR] could all move to the same area after college." She refused to tell me why she was smiling so much after I said that, but at the very end of the day I worked up the courage to say "Did you mean you and I... dating?" (word-for-word) The rest is history. When we look back at it, we look at that day as the point where we actually became a couple, because in a sense we really had been "dating" before that, just without any romantic overtones. I wouldn't change a thing, even if given the chance. It was great for us to get to know each other and have fun doing VGDJ without any sort of pressure. We felt really comfortable with each other by the time I officially "asked her out" (so to speak.) So, I don't know if this really validates or invalidates what Larry is saying, but that's the abbreviated story for you Quote
Liontamer Posted March 3, 2008 Author Posted March 3, 2008 So, I don't know if this really validates or invalidates what Larry is saying, but that's the abbreviated story for you Oh don't worry, it definitely validates what I was saying. Gotta get that 1-on-1 time in and learn about one another in person. I dunno what other method Jeremy is suggesting for effectively doing the same thing. Quote
The Pezman Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Well, if what you're saying isn't incompatible with a "friends first" philosophy (and, rather, you get to know the person as a friend, decide you like them, and then continue to get to know them by going out) then I think there was just a big misunderstanding. What I've known dating to mean is when people meet and talk FOR THE FIRST TIME in a one-on-one scenario with overtones of further intimacy. I think that, as a concept, is dying. At the very least, I don't know anyone my age who finds an SO that way. To get us back on track, answers to my music questions? Quote
Liontamer Posted March 3, 2008 Author Posted March 3, 2008 Well, if what you're saying isn't incompatible with a "friends first" philosophy (and, rather, you get to know the person as a friend, decide you like them, and then continue to get to know them by going out) then I think there was just a big misunderstanding. Lemme clarify. If you meet a girl, you want to pursue a romantic relationship from the start, and you try "friends first", that's stupid and only works in films. It's stupid to suppress what you're actually after and have the girl classify you as "just a friend." That's basic Ladder Theory and wholeheartedly against a "friends first" philosophy. For the following, keep in mind this is because you're honestly not interested, not because you're bullshitting with "friends first" and hiding your interest. In zircon's case, and also my own, if you meet a girl and you're not pursuing a romantic relationship with her, then it's more than fine to be friends. But if and when you realize that you now want to pursue a romantic relationship, AND you get legitimate signals from her that she wants the same (very rare, and usually something guys don't realize is required for this to work), the friend dynamic from you then needs to be dropped in favor of dating. What I've known dating to mean is when people meet and talk FOR THE FIRST TIME in a one-on-one scenario with overtones of further intimacy. I think that, as a concept, is dying. At the very least, I don't know anyone my age who finds an SO that way. I don't know of anyone of any age who finds someone that way. No, dating is just the courting process after you've decided to pursue a romantic relationship. It doesn't matter when, where, how or how often you've met the other person. Not to sound insulting, but meeting and talking for the first time as a date is a blind date, clearly not understood as typical dating, but a subclass of dating. To get us back on track, answers to my music questions? Ok. As a new generation of gamers who are not as familiar with 0ld sk00l grows up, do you think that the nature of music submitted here will change? Or will this site cater to old fogies who sit in rocking chairs and reminisce about the glory days? Yeah, I think the nature of the submitted music has the potential to change. Many people born in the late 80s and early 90s probably got started in the 4th generation of consoles, while some younger kids that you may hear in the next 2-3 years started gaming in the 5th generation of consoles. Still, with retrogaming so strong nowadays with it going legit, I don't think people getting into ReMixing the classics will die off. Similarly, with game music becoming more orchestrally sweeping and less melody-oriented (and therefore, in most peoples' opinions, less remixable), how do you think OCR can (or should) address this trend? Retrogaming covers this somewhat, so the more melodic older stuff should still get some attention. Also, every time I have even minor doubts about the resourcefulness of the community, they collectively come out with some good interpretive material. So on that level, working with music into the 6th generation of consoles and beyond shouldn't be a problem that dramatically messes with the amount of ReMixes we'll receive. It'll be prohibitive to a significant amount of musicians due to a lack of MIDIs compared to older games, but I think we'll be OK. Quote
OverCoat Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Yeah, we don't really accept those [chiptune'd modern game songs]. I kind of wish you did There's that one SID tune by Mazedude, but that's like... 2 sid chips at once? so it doesn't really count? also: lol at zircon saying it's not technically a chiptune. Though I have plenty of old posts with embarrassingly incorrect shit in them myself. So am I to understand that if I make a chiptune arrangement of a streaming audio tune [that is, stuff like redbook audio and mp3], all I gotta do is slap some DSP on it and it'll be all good to submit? This vexes me, as I dislike DSP and I set sample interpolation to off :V then again, hurrrrr off to vgmix I go Quote
Dafydd Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 www.underclockedmix.orgGet on it. I've been close on a few occasions, but realized I wouldn't have the time to run something like that. I suggested a chiptune competition a while ago but it'll fallen off the edge of the forum. All that's left of it is this... Quote
zircon Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 I kind of wish you did There's that one SID tune by Mazedude, but that's like... 2 sid chips at once? so it doesn't really count? also: lol at zircon saying it's not technically a chiptune. Though I have plenty of old posts with embarrassingly incorrect shit in them myself. Just because that mix uses C64 sounds doesn't make it a chiptune. It is more full than a .SID could be by itself. Quote
danimal cannon Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 I prefer broader use of the word chiptune as a genre of new original music meant to sound like old FM synths. I would qualify your definition by calling them "authentic chiptunes" with ones that only use a single SID. Quote
Dafydd Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 They don't all use FM synths, you know. Some use other synths, and some use samples. Some even use the PC speaker. Quote
Dhsu Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 They don't all use FM synths, you know. Some use other synths, and some use samples. Some even use the PC speaker. Well, by definition chiptunes don't use samples (unless you count noise channels I guess?). Otherwise you could start referring to PS2 and GameCube music as "chiptunes," which is ridiculous. In fact, that's actually been brought up before on this forum... Quote
danimal cannon Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Well whatever, I do recognize the difference between a Disasterpeace song and an authentic C64 chip. However, I'm still going to call that Disasterpeace song a chiptune because its just way easier to classify it like that. Quote
Dafydd Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Well, by definition chiptunes don't use samples (unless you count noise channels I guess?). Otherwise you could start referring to PS2 and GameCube music as "chiptunes," which is ridiculous. In fact, that's actually been brought up before on this forum... What, NES and SNES songs doesn't count as chiptunes? I sit corrected. Quote
The Pezman Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Lemme clarify. If you meet a girl, you want to pursue a romantic relationship from the start I don't understand how someone could do that. I can't look at a girl and decide I want to date her. At the very least I need to talk to her a few times so I can discover more about her. At that point I think we're considered friends. Then, once I know enough about her to decide that yes, I do like her, I continue to talk to her and see whether it will evolve into something more as it did for you, Andy, and every other non-single friend I know. Does R:TS or VGMix accept chiptunes? Quote
OverCoat Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Does R:TS or VGMix accept chiptunes? Yes, and download Espergirl 2AO3 while you're at R:TS Quote
Lanodantheon Posted March 4, 2008 Posted March 4, 2008 Getting the thread back on track.... Several judges have been vocal about not wanting dissertations and/or acceptance speeches for the Oscars or the Nobel Prize. So, what is an acceptable write up in terms of length and content? Aside from technical data and other arbitrary information, you want the Remixer's approach and this can vary in length. But, how long is too long and how short is too short? From what I can tell, you don't want "Making of.." Malarkey, you want to know why you did what you did. From what I read, you don't want this: "This is a remix of favorite song in the whole wide world... It's dedicated Hiroki Kurata, whom I met at a convention. He waved at me, then I waved back, then I tried to cut in line and got beaten by secrity...BLAH BLAH BLAH... THe appraoch I used is a Counterpoint Technique I read about in this book on the Baroque era....BLAH BLAH BLAH...I wanted to use sonata allegro form, but I think it's just stupid...BLAH BLAH BLAH." From what I read, you want something like this: "This remix is based off the premise, 'What music would you play when the Mana Fortress comes out? When everything stops cold and everything is nuts? Then, it goes all Death Star and kills everybody?' So that's what I did. It starts with Color of the Summer Sky, then moves to Star of Darkness then into a mixture of the Mana Tree all screwed up. The last part with the syntethic choir was meant to be a thousand voices that cried out int terror and are suddenly silenced. Hope you enjoy it." That one might even be too long now that I think of it. I may have answered my own question while typing this but, I believe that other people need crystal clear answers with no exceptions when it comes to questions like this. Last thing submitters want to do is bore the judges to death. Second question: Do you ever find yourself NOing a submission because you don't like that kind of song? "Not more Opera-metal Megaman...." Or even the song that's been remixed? You know, "Not another Fing version of,'Terra' from FF6..." Unless it had lyrics and vocals or something.... Quote
zircon Posted March 4, 2008 Posted March 4, 2008 I think 5-8 sentences of actual commentary on the mix is acceptable, maybe more if there's a really interesting story. Of course, if you don't have anything to say, you don't need to say anything... don't just put stuff down for the sake of having comments posted with your mix. I personally like to hear any unusual or unique details about the production of the mix, as well as a simple explanation of what setup was used to make it (eg. FL, Cubase, Reason, hardware workstation.) If the mix was inspired by a specific song, artist, or style, I think that is good to put also. Second question: Do you ever find yourself NOing a submission because you don't like that kind of song? "Not more Opera-metal Megaman...." Or even the song that's been remixed? You know, "Not another Fing version of,'Terra' from FF6..." Unless it had lyrics and vocals or something.... Inevitably this has a subconscious influence, but we do our best to not let it really affect us. If something is really just uncreative compared to existing OCR remixes on the site, I might be harder on it, but that doesn't come up much. Quote
Liontamer Posted March 4, 2008 Author Posted March 4, 2008 Several judges have been vocal about not wanting dissertations and/or acceptance speeches for the Oscars or the Nobel Prize. Doesn't matter what it is, I read them all. I don't mind when we receive lengthy submissions letters. Second question: Do you ever find yourself NOing a submission because you don't like that kind of song? "Not more Opera-metal Megaman...." Or even the song that's been remixed? You know, "Not another Fing version of,'Terra' from FF6..." Unless it had lyrics and vocals or something.... Nah, that's a bad reason to NO a submission. Like zircon said, personal preference is just one potential bias we have to put aside. Lemme clarify. If you meet a girl, you want to pursue a romantic relationship from the start I don't understand how someone could do that. I can't look at a girl and decide I want to date her. That's what intense physical attraction is. When you first meet someone, you mentally size them up. There aren't really many exceptions. If they pass your physical attraction test, they're potential dating material. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily try to move forward with that (especially if you have no other info to go on). I'm just saying that based on physical looks only, you quickly lump the person into either yes or no on whether they're potentially date-able. You're doing this whether you realize it or not. At the very least I need to talk to her a few times so I can discover more about her. That's fine, that's what you should do. I certainly haven't said otherwise. You yourself just don't want to use dates for that; that's also fine. Many people though will ask girls out just off the physical attraction test, using dates as a forum for learning more about them and deciding if it'll go anywhere. To many, beauty is a very compelling factor; enough so, that they don't need more info than to pursue something romantic. They'll fill in the blanks later. At that point I think we're considered friends. Then, once I know enough about her to decide that yes, I do like her, I continue to talk to her and see whether it will evolve into something more as it did for you, Andy, and every other non-single friend I know. There's nothing wrong with being friends when you're not compelled to want a romantic relationship with that person. But once you truly know you want to pursue a relationship, you have to drop the pretense of friendship now that your feelings have changed, and you ask the person out on a date. That's where most guys makes the wrong decision and stay the friend, not wanting to rock the boat. Under no circumstances should you continue playing the role of the friend and suppressing your own interest after you know you'd want to date the person. When you act as a friend despite wanting more, you're basically saying to a girl "Don't think of me as a romantic interest. We don't have those kind of interactions." Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted March 4, 2008 Posted March 4, 2008 So, when are we going to see all of this wonderful data be made into a blog post? Quote
Florio Posted March 4, 2008 Posted March 4, 2008 Just wanted to say I love the parallel discussions in this topic. Quote
Abadoss Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Larry, how do you get to know a girl who doesn't exist because you've got standards up the wazoo? Quote
Ramaniscence Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 There's nothing wrong with being friends when you're not compelled to want a romantic relationship with that person. But once you truly know you want to pursue a relationship, you have to drop the pretense of friendship now that your feelings have changed, and you ask the person out on a date. That's where most guys makes the wrong decision and stay the friend, not wanting to rock the boat. Oh but sir, I beg to differ. But that's another discussion entirely. Quote
Liontamer Posted March 5, 2008 Author Posted March 5, 2008 Oh but sir, I beg to differ.But that's another discussion entirely. Nah, I'm right. Besides, we're not really discussing the same topic. The only thought I had walking away from your blog post, Doug, was "Man, he sure knows how to pick 'em." Quote
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