djpretzel Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
MoeFeaux Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 I liked it a lot. I'm a big fan of solo guitar (like the intro) and pipe organ, so no complaints from me. I like synths but it's nice to hear a real instrument once in a while Quote
The Coop Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 First off... kudos for the guitar work. Well handled and nicely performed. I enjoyed the opening, the return to the same style of guitar work at the end and the riffs that were being pounded out at the 3:00 mark on. I thought these areas were the strongest compositionally. The transition at the 1:00 mark lead me to believe that there was heavily metalization heading my way... but nothing hit until the 3:00 mark. For me, this extended build up was the weak point. I'm not speaking of the guitar playing, as it was good through out... agains, kudos there. I'm speaking compositionally. During that two minutes (1:00 - 3:00), it seems to build up, then return right back to the beginning of a build up. By the time the dual metal guitar riffs start at 3:00, they feel too delayed in their arrival and then overwith far too early. Listening, I thought those dual guitars should have had at least a minute of that two minute stretch, to really give them time to thrive in the spotlight, and to contain the build up into them. Despite my feelings on that point, a good mix with some great guitar work. Quote
Psycrow Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 Very cool and with subtle yet powerful uniqueness. Would love to hear you do more guitar and/or castlevania stuff. I had a suggestion a while ago that was never picked up: mixing C:SOTN's Dance of Illusions with its Crystal Teardrops. Maybe you'd be interested in picking it up Quote
Vortex RuneCutter Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER! I know you probably didn't know, but I've been requesting this mix for a long time, and it's day has come. It's great! THANK YOU GOAT!!! Vortex Quote
DaleNorth Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 NICE! Some very spiffy playing. A slight upgrade in the mixing, and this would be album material. And what I like most about this is that it sounds like it was Fun to make. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 Alas, a remix from NES. Well, it's been over a month! Anyways, I was glad to see it was by goat. I was impressed with his last work covering an uncovered tune from CV2. Now, he covers a bit of Dracula's Castle, or Castlevania as it were. And when he gets to that part it's great. I covered this song once, and I must admit I like goat's interpretation of this part much better. My only complaint is that there is so little of the actual source material in the song. Yes, the rest of it is good, but with the transitions to and from the parts that are Castlevania, and the ones that aren't, it sounds like a bunch of jamming with Castlevania in between. It's still cool, but imo out of place. At any rate, good work. Quote
The Infernal Storm Posted January 30, 2003 Posted January 30, 2003 Awesome mix! I was wondering when someone would finally touch that track. So far Goat has done two of the more 'offbeat' CV2 tracks, and neither have disappointed me thus far. The production quality has definitely been improved upon from what I'm hearing, and the arranging is much more refined. The parts of note to me, were the clean opening leading into the theme to Dracula's mansion, and that section in its' entirety. It does an amazing job of capturing the doomy and foreboding atmosphere of the original. The double bass at 1:40 was a really nice touch, and was well-executed. Also, the other part that stuck out was the changeover at 3:00, I can hear a strong Maiden influence in the rhythm and in a lot of the lead work as well. All in all, an awesome mix, it's earned a spot on my playlist! Nice work Goat, keep 'em coming!! Quote
Rize Posted January 31, 2003 Posted January 31, 2003 I was picking up some strong Megadeth vibes during that solo. Nice work, especially on the Dracula's Castle theme (I was going to do that once, but I didn't feel that it was long enough, and I was having trouble splicing it all together... I should send you the midi "idea" file for fun though ) Quote
The Hiryuu Posted January 31, 2003 Posted January 31, 2003 Yeah...the intro was a bit too long. Perhaps if the fast/distorted section of the song was longer, and had more riffs in it, then the intro would be fine. Other than that, it kicks major ass. Sounds a lot like something I would do, if I could get a halfway decent guitar tone out of my damn Line6 Spider... Quote
IanthePez Posted February 1, 2003 Posted February 1, 2003 Wow, great song....I wish we could have some more heavier guitar stuff, I just love it. Keep it up! Quote
DarknessTear Posted February 1, 2003 Posted February 1, 2003 To tell the truth.. this scared me when I first heard it. Why? Because this is exactly how I pictured this song in my mind and I was going to do it this exact way.. well maybe a little different here and there but the guitar parts are like right on the dot. Aside from that, this is really good, yummy, delicious, tasty. Quote
Snowman Posted February 1, 2003 Posted February 1, 2003 To bad that at the ending of CastleVania 2 they didnt have an FMV of Dracula and Belmont busting out on gutars and one of thoses swamp guys on the drums playing that song. Quote
Gman Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 WOW, that was some WONDER F'in TASTIC MOTHER F'n GUITAR WORK! like Dale said, little touchups and you got yourself some album matirial...PMM Heavy Metal tribut maybe?!?!? PLZ!! I'd write more...but I have to listen to it some more!!! Gman Quote
M.P. Reyart Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 ...are easily clear in this mix. Reminds me of when I whooped the crap outta this game, long, long ago. CV2 is still one of my favorite games to this day, and this track is a beautiful reminder of that. The guitar riffs are well laid out and make a fine accompaniment. Excellent. -M.P. Reyart Quote
neostormx Posted February 4, 2003 Posted February 4, 2003 2 reasons why i like this remix a lot. One, it screams professionalism and two, the remixer's name is Goat. my only gripe is the uneasy transition at 3:44 Quote
k-wix Posted February 8, 2003 Posted February 8, 2003 Hey Goat.. Beautiful Stuff here, i dig the guitar work. A Few very minor things a don't like, but overall, an excellent piece of work, my Detailed review follows Worth the Download everyone, Especially fans of Castlevania music.. as everyone is. 0:01 - Excellent work here.. I love the introduction..Sounds Reallly good. 0:46 - Don't know about this part, but the title reaffirms my faith, this part fits it rather nicely.. The organ sounds Really good. 1:20 - Sounds like it needs something more in through this part.. I love what im hearing..i just think something else could push it even farther. 2:11 - Cool guitar work. 2:36 - Really Cool guitar work. 3:01 - Goood stuff here, A Very professional quality surrounding the entire thing, I love this part. 3:20 - A Few Shakey things here, but you quickly recover. 3:45 - Don't like the sudden change, It sounds like you just threw it right on top. Id prefer a nice ease out, or a Sudden drop..then this to kick back in slow and mellow-like..but its like an instant transversion which i don't like ..(is Transversion a word?) Quote
Valhalla_Steed Posted February 9, 2003 Posted February 9, 2003 WOW. I like. I was always a fan of the theme from Drac's castle in CV2. I think this piece did a wonderful job of remixing it. I'm not much of a remixer, though I do enjoy playing guitar. I basically don't bother figuring out entire songs, but just riffs that I like. I must say, after listening to the intro to this tune, I almost instinctively reached for my guitar to figure it out. Other's have mentioned the abrupt transitions from section to section, especially at 3:47, but I thought it worked quite well. I do think that it would have been an interesting idea to have the abrupt dropoff and then the fade in of that intro riff again as was mentioned in a previous post. But overall, I am thoroughly impressed and am looking forward to future submissions. Oh yeah, NoFleshAllowed also rocks, but that's a whole other post. Keep up the good work. Quote
danny B Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 This song is gorgeous. I've never heard a song on OC that so strongly expresses emotion. The intro and outro are simply beautiful, and the innards are very-well produced metal chuggage. Could have stood a longer ending, but still excellent overall. Quote
PhantomMagi Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 Excellent work. Quite nostalgic, actually. Anyway, I love the transition at 0:50. All in all, a very good piece. Quote
Gnam Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 I don't really recognize the original tune (but then I never played very much CV2, hated that "wander around the towns aimlessly" 8bit RPG format) but this mix rocks anyway. The mood has a lot of range, going from solemn to desperate with the guitars, then the hauntin organs, then the agressive rage of the distorted electric guitars, and back again. Unique, interesting, and rockin. Quote
Zebceponaf Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 Awesome! I want more! download this now if you haven't Quote
Taffin Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 This track couldn't be much better (and kudos for picking a neglected CV2 song). The darker side of CV is well captured and features my favorite use of gothic organ in a metal song outside of Avenged Sevenfold's "Eternal Rest." OCR has but a small sampling of goat's work. If you love his particular brand of CV Metal as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to check out I didn't notice the link on his remixer page for a while, so I'm pointing it out for those who may have missed it. Quote
bladiator Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 Really nice piece. The break around the 1:00 mark made me think something was going wrong with my car and freaked me out. The electric guitar shredding is the same stuff you've used throughout your mixing career and that's A-OK in my books. The classical guitar intro and outtro were really tasteful, but that transition back in the outtro at about 3:49 made me want to poke my eye out. But seeing as how I know the way you've grown, I don't mind it too much. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Great intro, I love it. Once the metalz comes in it works pretty well too, with some cool riffing and good rhythms. Lot of parts that I don't specifically recognize as castlevania melodies, but it certainly had the feel, so if it was original material, nice work. If not, I need to brush up on my CV listening. Nice playing, decent production, and a good flow. Rock fans have been requesting Goat since 2004, and with good reason. I'd love to hear what he's been up to recently. Quote
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