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where is it?

I guess this means I'm stuck on this page, hmm, I guess I could review this song :D

anyways, it's a pretty good song, I like the sfx in the beginning, very soothing. Although he was a wee bit on the "too much" side of reverb, it almost adds a nice effect to the background ambience. The way this song flows is very nice.

~dj carbunk1e


its hard to make out the actual music from the game, but it sounds nice. Its easy to spot at the end though. But overall, its a good arrangement. I recommend this. Plus, I was always awaiting the day someone makes a remix from Bahamut Lagoon. Another of Square's good games. If you haven't played it, give it a try.


I really dig just the overall feel/vibe/quality of this mix. I can hardly tell what the original tune was (and I don't know the original), but I really enjoy this as an atmospheric electronic piece. Nothing bad I can say about this. Everything is really smooth. Really nice job!


I definitely listened to at least half of this song. I definitely tried to rate as I listened. I positively developed my own personal opinion. However I have decided to not to share it as I don't think I can express it in socially acceptable terms. My advice to everyone is just listen to it for yourself and develop your own opinion.


Eech. Some pretty harsh critisism here.

Well, allow me to be the first to say that I LOVE this mix. It's got a wonderful sound, very soothing, ambient, but retains the ability to rock out.

Some nice sound effects throughout, kick ass drums and a really cool lead synth.

Never played the game, never heard the original, but this is just hella good music. I have to assume this song is from a stage in the game when you're flying, 'cause I'm definitely getting a flying vibe listening to this.

The only thing I could suggest about this mix: I wish it was longer. The ride's over way to quickly in my humble opinion. Let's hope PxFury decides to offer an extended version of this mix. It's that good. :mrgreen:.

Wonderful mix. Highly recommended.


ok, I'm going to try and forget my differences with PxFury right now (although I still think he is an arrogant, immature, ignorant, stupid fag) and try to write an objective review of this song.

As I listened to this I thought it had a pretty nice intro with the synth with the reverb and delay, although I thought it could have sounded a lot nicer and fuller if it were backed up by a couple of pads. After the synth ended I was expecting a prompt entry into the main part of the song. However, what I got instead was a SECOND intro, which was barely less minimal than the first. The piano plays a few notes accompanied by ocean and seagull sound effects. After 50 seconds into the song, the long awaited pads finally come in, although they seemed far too loud for my tastes and the overall mood of the song.

At 1:12 the music sort of cuts off with a falling synth sound effect (which sounded nearly identical to the sound effect in Final Fantasy 2/4j where you fall down a hole). It seemed rather out of place for the rest of the atmosphere PxFury seemed to by trying to create.

At 1:16 the song resumes at a faster pace with the pads (which are still way too loud), a very quiet lead synth, another synth in the background, some light synth effects, and a simple drumbeat. At 1:40, everything drops off and a harsher distorted synth takes the place of the entire melody that was playing (along with some really light hi hats). A lighter drum beat kicks back in with some sparce piano notes and more synth effects. At 2:25 is another one of those pitch bended synths, except bending up instead of down. At 2:30, the melody resumes once again at its fast pace with the synths, pads, etc. At 2:57, everything drops off with some piano notes playing, backed by waves and seagulls. The song finishes with a really loud (annoying) synth effect playing.

This song seemed to be somewhat of an attempt at Ambient/New Age. The samples seemed pretty high quality for the most part (although it was hard to tell because they were so swamped with delay and reverb effects; the effects more than likely covered up for bad samples). I haven't heard the original to compare it to, so I don't know whether it is an improvement or anything. Were this an original song, I might say it had some nice melodies and arranging that seemed to flow ok and it was alright to listen to. A lot of the arranging and style seemed pretty predictable. Transitions seemed to be pretty poor or nonextistant keeping the song moving. Inserting a random sound or dropping notes off with reverb doesn't necessarily prepare the listener for new ideas. Putting two intros into a song one after the other isn't exactly the greatest idea. It's like you're trying too hard to get attention and aren't even preparing for the actualy melody. The drums don't seem to add anything besides keeping rhythm in this song. They have so much reverb on them the song doesn't groove or anything. They might have helped with transitions somewhat had they been used more effectively. Overall, the song didn't seem to flow very well at all. The ending could have done without the little effect and it would have worked fine.

I wouldn't really recommend this song, unless you're looking for a mediocre ambient song and enjoy the tune.


You can see the progress he's made since this song was submitted, and I hope to see more from you in the future. I'd have to agree with ghetto lee lewis, I mean, I like the piece, but there isn't anything out of the ordinary about it, it sounds like a mediocre ambient song. Pxfury, ur a great guy, but I think you could expound a bit more on this song.

in my book, appropriate soundfonts gets an 8

appropriate rhythm gets a 7

overall effect gets an 8

so that'd be 7.66/10

download if you like the game or if you just like pxfury's style, like me =D


Hey Furry... Cool stuff man, Diggin' the piano here, there are some slight volume issues, but it does little to detract from this excellent piece of work, keep it up!

0:01 - Cool Intro.. Diggin' the vibe here..waiting for it to pick up...

0:25 - LOVE the piano work here...the backround also, gives it a MUCH deeper feel, very good work.

0:54 - Cool work here, but the piano is getting drowned out just a bit too much here. the strings seem to overpower it a bit, also, that synth sound is odd, but certainly a hint of whats to come :P

1:25 - I like the beat here.. But the lead is being drowned out, which is BAD. never drown out hte lead.

1:50 - Cool addition with the bass line, But.. it feels kind've empty..a lot of stuff kinda thrown in.. but it Does work. the piano holds it together loosely. The drum changes are too sudden here.

2:30 - Don't be afraid to mix this part up, because it needs to be, take some instruments higher.. some lower.. you could've pushed that fartehr then you did.

3:07 - Beautiful Piano Outro - Delicious :P

3:18 - Dig the chords used here. The Echo is also of note. Cool Ending aswell. The synth's ending up being a Good addition, i think. they were used very well.


Odd to see there's quite a bit of controversy over this one...I can honestly say I *love* it.

While I'm no technical master when it comes to listening to remixes, I especially like the melody of Yoyo's theme under the uhh....other stuff throughough the remix.

Uh, yeah.


I really loved this one. The kinda....celtic??? feel to the music was great but the best implement was the dropping tone that, at least in my head phones, seemed to go from one ear to the other repeatedly. PxFury did an outstanding job on this one and i can't wait for his next release of something this great. WTG!


Overall a very good piece. I think it has too much groove to be new age. I always consider new age a bunch of really drawn out chords but I don't listen to, well, I won't say "any" of it, but I don't exactly love it. Anyway, I liked the reverb, gives it that nice otherworldly sorta feel. The wierd "transition" synth that sounds like your falling seemed sorta outta place, but I thought it served nicely in preparing for the next part of the song. I also like the litte effects that came on every now and then. On the whole, a good track.


Well Sean, I have to say that i am impressed. I love the beat change, and I definately spin this next time I'm with friends that are rolling. Took me a while to get to this, but i genuinally loved it. (also it skips a couple of times, i downloaded it on 3 different machines and it skips at the same spot.) but it is substance over perfection. Great jeorb!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

It's excellent music. I was listening to it for the first time while working intently on a paper. It caught my attention. Like others have said: It's a very soothing song. NewAge-ish.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I guess I'm one of them people who like it.

I'm not a critic or anything, I just enjoy listening to music, and I think this is one of my favorites.

Maybe I don't have the musicians ear, but I really don't see what the issues people have, but thats just me I guess.

Makes me want to go play the game again :) Its really a good game, shame it didn't get 'officially' released over here.

Its not a perfect song by any means, and I could think of a few things that could be changed, even with me not being a musician at all, but I still think its worth listening too....

Personally, I think if your getting so caught up in the little flaws or ways a song could be improved... you need to take a few steps back and just learn to enjoy music again...

  • 5 months later...

Like others said, New Age-ish without much of a visible melody. All depends on whether you like the style or not. There may be a few minor flaws in it, but it's not bad as a whole.

Worth listening to at least once or twice to form your own opinion of it.

  • 5 months later...

Cool remix! 8)

I don't like that added instrument/sound or whatever at 1:40 to 2:22 which in my opinion ruins the remix at that part but overall impression is very positive. It sounds new.

This remix deserves place in my favorites. 8)

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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