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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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Serious Monkey Business (aka the Donkey Kong Country 2 project)

OST link: http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?profile=set&selected=713


K. Rool returns (title theme) (claimed by djpretzel)

Welcome to crocodile isle (map theme)(claimed by Ross Kmet)

Klomp's Romp (claimed by Tensei-San)

Lockjaw's Saga (claimed by Hemophilliac)

Jib Jig (claimed by Patrick Burns)

Swanky's Swing (claimed by sixto)

Snakey Chantey (claimed by tepid)

Bayou Boogie (claimed by AnotherSoundscape)

School House Harmony (claimed by Nutritious)

Forest Interlude (claimed by Fishy)

Funky the Main Monkey (claimed by djp)

Flight of the Zinger (claimed by virt)

Cranky's Conga (claimed by OA)

Hot-Head Bop (Claimed by Nicole Adams, featuring Starla, MJ Ault, and Tepid)

Run, Rambi! Run! (Claimed by zyko)

Token Tango (claimed by zyko)

Stickerbrush Symphony (claimed by Joshua Morse)

Bad Bird Rag (claimed by Mazedude)

Disco Train (claimed by Zylance)

Boss Bossanova (claimed by zyko)

Steel Drum Rhumba (claimed by Patrick Burns)

Krook's March (claimed by Sole Signal)

Klubba's Reveille (claimed by DiggiDis)

Haunted Chase (claimed by Prince of Darkness)

In a Snow-Bound Land (claimed by Palpable)

Lost World Anthem (claimed by bustatunez)

Primal Rave (claimed by Joshua Morse)

Crocodile Cacophony (claimed by Nekofrog, Brandon Strader)

Donkey Kong Rescued (claimed by Dave Wise, featuring Grant Kirkhope on guitar and Robin Beanland on trumpet)

Stronghold Showdown (claimed by Nutritious)

The Flying Krock (claimed by Skrypnyk)

Mining Melancholy (Claimed by Geoffrey Taucer, Jose the Bronx Rican, and Hale-Bopp)

Bonus Intro (claimed by bustatunez)

Game Over (claimed by mithius)

Unclaimed tracks are in black.

Claimed tracks for which I have not yet heard a WIP are in red

Tracks for which I've heard a WIP are in green

Tracks for which I've heard significant progress in a WIP are in brown

Tracks for which I've heard an almost complete WIP are in orange

Tracks for which either I or Bahamut has recieved a completed track in .wav format are in blue

Note that I'm using the snesmusic.org version of the soundtrack. Some tracks have different titles in the zophar.net version.



So, Bahamut and I are running a DKC2 project.

A few months ago, we invited a number of remixers to participate, giving our favorite remixers first dibs. Yes, we're elitist twits. Deal with it. (though admittedly there are probably a few people that should have been on the original list of invitees who we forgot. Sorry)

ANYWAY, the first deadline was yesterday, and the project is now comming out of secrecy, and any unclaimed tracks are open. If you want to claim a track, send me a WIP, and if I like it, I'll give you the claim.

CLARIFICATION ABOUT HOW TO AUDITION: If you want to claim a track, send me a WIP OF THE TRACK YOU WANT TO MIX. If I like it, and that track hasn't already been claimed (or if whoever claimed it missed the last deadline and hasn't sent me an update yet), the track is yours.

Be forewarned: we're gonna be assholes about the due dates. If you miss a due date, your track is again open and goes to the first person to send me a WIP I like. If you miss a due date, but then manage to get me an updated WIP before somebody else does, you get your claim back, but if somebody else beats you to it, tough shit.


Right, I get it. You're trying to tap into PRC's immense fanbase by advertising right when Rexy pulls out a DKC2 theme. Real smooth.

By the way, act now and you can be a part of the world-famous People's Remix Competition, now featuring Donkey Kong Country 2! Just click the image below and let fate whisk you away to unimaginable heights!

Also: Good luck with this.


I'm a little confused, mainly because you didn't post any WIP date. What you're saying is that the tracks that are in grey and have not been claimed are now open to the general public? If so, by when should we submit a WIP to you to see if we have the track?

Also, I noticed that the song "Klubba's Reveille" was not one of those listed. Was that intentional to cut down on the length or just a typo, because I would like to give that song a shot if I could. If not, I think I'll work on "Disco Train"

Finally, is there any limitations in terms of genre. Are solo piano mixes acceptable?


ya I've already PMed you, but I might have done it the wrong way; by "Send me a wip", do you mean "Send me a wip you've made specifically for the track you want to claim for this project" or do you mean "Send me any old wip you have lying around so I can tell if you're good enough to join"? I did it the latter way, so I might have screwed up. :/

I'm a little confused, mainly because you didn't post any WIP date. What you're saying is that the tracks that are in grey and have not been claimed are now open to the general public? If so, by when should we submit a WIP to you to see if we have the track?

First due date, for those I invited to get first dibs on the project, was yesterday. Next due date hasn't been decided yet.

Also, I noticed that the song "Klubba's Reveille" was not one of those listed. Was that intentional to cut down on the length or just a typo, because I would like to give that song a shot if I could. If not, I think I'll work on "Disco Train"

I'm about to leave, but I'll take a look when I get back home.

Finally, is there any limitations in terms of genre. Are solo piano mixes acceptable?

No limitations. You just have to send me a WIP that I like.


Three words:


A few more words:

I've been craving this for a long time. Many thanks and good luck to you Taucer and all others involved with this. :)


This is going to be incredible. The DKC2 soundtrack has some excellent source material to work with, a lot of great 6/8 stuff. Can't wait.


This seems more like an announcement than a request. All the major tracks most people would want are already taken. Why didn't you just personally request people for all of them?

EDIT: I suppose it would be a bit odd to PM somebody and beg them to do like a bonus room theme. I guess I can see that.

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