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Rather than type in excess I'll just say the basics: All in all, a pretty good song... Granted, not the best, but definitely something I wouldn't be in a rush to change if it started playing from my random OCR Playlist. While I would say this song does go a bit overboard with the profanity, this song wasn't made for people like me, so I won't complain, considering beyond that it has a lot more going for it than against.

If anyone thinks I'm one of those 'o noes a bad wurd1 hide teh kisd1' types, I'll be the first in this topic to tell them "Stop being a fucking bitch and get the hell over it, you are blood in the stool of humanity, get a life!".

Good song. n_n


Glad this was finally posted in OCR.

Been a fan of this track ever since I listened to the old version in the vgmix 2.5 forums. I'm pretty sure Zyko has read my comments over at VGmix X, so I'm not going to repeat myself here. I was surprised that he revised this track. Love the new version even more, but there are a few stuff I loved in the old version that are not present in the newer track. Nonetheless, excellent track overall.

Keep pumping up more tracks, Zyko!


I think zyko knocked it out of the park with this one. The basic concept is a really great match for the song, and the little details give it a lot of replay value. I've loved it since I first heard it a few months back. OCR definitely needs more hip-hop.


I didn't like it. Mostly because I dislike swearing. But to be fair, I gave it a full listen through. I felt that the actual music wasn't different enough. And...yea, that's all I'm going to say.


Great concept for a mix, the source really lends itself to the genre.

Right out of the gate, the percussion was tight, and the backing arrangement was nice; I think the low strings could have had a slightly sharper attack, but they worked well enough; the synths and flute were great. Later on, the guitar solo was tasteful and well played.

Chorus was great, and was the strongest part, great conversion of the melody, and well performed singing.

For the verses, the flow varied from being really good to above-average, with some verses being really strong.

Nice work, pretty inspiring stuff. :-)


Not a big fan of the lyrics, but they're obviously not for all people. While the song won't end up on my iPod, I was definitely impressed with it. Solid delivery, good polish and production, and while this won't turn the hip-hop world upside down, it's definitely innovative for this site. Awesome work zyko!


Honestly, I'm not a fan of this mix. But there are some really good points.

For starters, zyko is really good at what he does. So, his rapping in and of itself is great; he's got a good flow and rhythm to the words. Also, I do like it whenever there's another vocal mix added, rap included.

But, the lyrics themselves seemed pretty empty. It's like a song with a good melody but meaningless lyrics; this has a good rhythm and sound to it, but no meaning. It may as well be gibberish. (The bad words don't really affect me; I mean I still really liked Asterix - Niggaz 4 Life, though for different reasons).

I'm not a big fan of the source tune, but I won't hold that against this mix. I mean, other than the one point above, it's all right. But when it comes to rap, especially, I like the lyrics to have more to them. KF


Subjectively speaking, I am not a Rap fan, and didn't really like this remix.

But I think that you guys did a great job on this and took video game music remixing in a complete different angle. All I can say is good luck with that and that hell lots of people loved your track and that's really great!

Good continuation!



I am not always a huge fan of excessive swearing but at the same time it's not about the words themselves but how they are used. However, in this instance it works because it seems more like you're using them to help the flow of well thought out lyrics and that you mean business rather than just spitting them out every other word to take up space if that makes any since :).

On the arrangement side I would say things are slightly minimal but in a good way :). The light sine flute section and guitar improvisation really add a lot to this piece and I think the beat is cool and doesn't need much variation considering the style, but I'd still opt for it anyway :).

In any case, small criticisms aside this is quite good. I always enjoy the unique style you have and this is no exception. Keep it up man, this is a fine addition to OCremix. :)


im not a hiphop fan, but i definitly enjoyed listening to this mix

the only thing that bothered me was the beat.. i just felt that it lacked some presence. judging from past experience - making awesome/perfect hiphop beats is definitly difficult, so don't be hard on yourself

great job and i'm sure you'll manage to give us a more phatass beat next time!


boom diggity

i've been away for a few weeks, re-adjusting my bearings but i'd like to thank everybody who took the time to listen and share their thoughts. i appreciate all feedback, it serves a critical part of my creative process... without, i have no brakes (quality control) on the machine

a few thoughts:

ah, the profanity =) after years of stirring shit, it becomes so routine, i don't know if i'm being controversial anymore or plain abrasive. I've grown accustomed to the expectation that something i say will surely light a fire somewhere but i strongly believe my uncompromised determination gives it the value and the meaning that some believe doesn't exist in my lyrics. after all, the most valuable characteristic of the freedom of expression is that we shed the training wheels and break down the barriers by doing PRECISELY the things that might offend some. to deny that art has excelled throughout history at tearing down limitations by being bold is to deny a lot of great art

that said, the profanity is not by design (in other words, i'm not tryin to "be hard" as it may). sometimes, it isn't the literal significance of words that give what is being said its ultimate meaning. in this case, the simplicity of being "a bad man from a bad land" does no justice to the depth of the point... by way of the lyrics, i'm speaking on behalf of gau (the videogame relevance is cute at best but that is what videogame remixing is all about, no?) but mostly on behalf of myself. i'm the bad man and you better believe it haha. the veldt essentially becomes the virtual counterpart of long beach and the same territorial fervor that gau shows most newcomers to the veldt is... well, familiar to me, to say the least.

still, some will sense the sincerity in my voice and others will simply remain detached; the more you are familiar with the person behind the voice, the more likely you'll understand what the voice is saying.

anyways, the instrumental aspect, ha! i'm not so lucky. to the cat who mentioned fruityloopy beats... kudos to you, that is a standard fruityloops kit =) i'm not particularly experienced in the genre from an instrumental perspective, i've always been just the voice. still, feelin' my way around the jungle of music is why this was ever fun to begin with. if all i was ever concerned with was impressing folks, i wouldn't be zyko...

really, thanks for the comments!

see you on my next audio experiment...

  • 2 weeks later...

I download these mp3s at my work cause my boss doesnt mind. And if there is a song I dont like I just leave it on my hard drive. I got plenty of space. But this song got deleted. Combining geeky RPG,s from the old school past with rap music is about as retarded as it gets.

"Imma bust a cap in you armor with my 20 sided die G!!!"

  • 1 month later...

That which I could have was ruined by rap...

Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.

This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.

That which I could have was ruined by rap...

Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.

This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.

I'm sorry for you. :lol:

  • 2 months later...
That which I could have was ruined by rap...

Rap tends to just plain tick me off. Rap artist who sing the rap tend to tick me off. Once in a while... I may hear something that I have no problem with but that is few and far between.

This wasn't one of those few. I am sorry.

that's too bad - you're inadvertently missing out on a lot of really good music, then. you're probably also limited to what is made readily available to you which, of course, isn't your fault but i suggest you do a little digging of your own before you cast off an entire genre.

but then again, i may be spittin into the wind


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