djpretzel Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
DarkeSword Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 I'm listening to this for the first time right now, and I'm really liking what I'm hearing. I'm a big jazz guy (I know it doesn't seem like it), and I can definately say that this is some great, unique stuff, with lots of great sounds, especially your brass and sax sound. Really wicked groove you've got going on here. I really like 2:09; that's some great chorus stuff you've got there. This is definately a keeper man. Really fantastic job. I'll be sharing this with all my jazz buddies. As I am often inclined to say: SOLID™! Quote
endblink Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 Wow. This is just... wow. Mazedude continues to impress the hell out of me. Nice jazz sound, which is an altogether under-represented genre here, cool piano, dig that "pause" at 1:16. GREAT finish. Very cool tune. Quote
Tappy Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 I think every remixer on this site has done at least one remix that I didn't like. Except Mazedude. He has not disappointed me yet. Amazing stuff. Yes, it's jazz, but there's this hint of something else beneath the surface that isn't jazz, but totally makes the song work. Almost like it's an industrial song disguized as a jazz song, but at the same time nothing like that. Does that make sense? Whatever it is, it works. Another excellent mix from Mazedude. Quote
DCT Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 This is probably Chris' best jazz work to date. I could not agree more. I got this song a little while back from Mazedude's site, and my friends and I have been loving this mix. It's a really laid back piece and that's (almost) always a good thing. I have even used this mix as inspiration for one of my own songs...but of course, I'm no Mazedude. Bottom line: download this. Now. You're only hurting yourself if you don't. -DCT Quote
OmNiExiZt Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 I remember the first time I heard this song while playing Rygar on my NES.I've been wanting to hear this song remixed since I got to this site and the dude maze delievers.Kind of feels like I'm having mocha at some snazzy cafe listening to poetry.Good isht, mazedude good isht. Quote
Thesaxman Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 I absolutely love this song. When I started the song, I was thinking what jazz CD do I have in now and who created this awesome piece. Never heard it until now, but the way you worked this and intertwined all the sounds, and the abscence of sound makes it is an absolute masterpiece. Makes me feel good! Quote
Nigel Simmons Posted March 5, 2003 Posted March 5, 2003 ... Dude ... Trippin'! ... I looooove it! ... Quote
fisherman Posted March 6, 2003 Posted March 6, 2003 9/10 I liked it. Industrial jazz, yeah... something not really done often. Something sounded slightly amiss though, somewhere in the gumbo. Maybe it was trying to do too much, I'm not sure... But the trombone was the definitely the weak link to me. Intonation was just far enough off a couple places that I winced... plus, the tone on the 'bone was odd - too mellow throughout... it would have sounded much more at home backed up by a contemplative drumset and lazily walkng bass rather than the funky, energetic, beat it's with here. But that's only a small part... overall, still very good. Not only is this industrial jazz thing not done often, it's done well here, so props. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted March 6, 2003 Posted March 6, 2003 Extremely excellent. I love this style. Usually, when I really like something, I even find something to pick at, but here, I've got nothing (not even the fading ending, because it was appropriate). One of the best songs on OCR, I feel. Quote
Quinn X5 Posted March 7, 2003 Posted March 7, 2003 Pretty cool. MY favorite portion was in the center, where the meat of the original melody was really kicking in. Lots of neat ideas, and well executed. My only problem with this mix was that I would have liked to have heard more of the original bassline intact, at least at some point. That's one of the most delicious bass riffs in NES history. But as it is, neat ideas....nice change of pace and direction, and GREAT song choice. I also dig the neat sax swirls and guitar wahs.... 8-10 ~Quinn Fox Quote
TheVoid_Jeremy Posted March 18, 2003 Posted March 18, 2003 Normally I don't even visit message boards, but for this mix, I had to join up. Mazedude, I'm going to fricking kill you. Why? Because this is the second -- no, the third -- time you've gotten one of your mixes stuck in my head for more than three days straight. I wake up with it in my head, and no amount of listening to other songs gets it out. As soon as there's a moment of silence, poof! Trippin' on Snails. Not that that's a bad thing. I fricking love this song. It's so delightfully funky -- a previous poster called it "industrial jazz". I didn't even know that style existed, nor that I would even like it, but dangit, I heard this mix, and it became another favorite style -- and mix -- of mine. Hat's off, Mazedude. Keep 'em comin'. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted March 23, 2003 Posted March 23, 2003 This mx kicks ass. I'm a big jazz fan, and I would have to say this is almost not jazz. It's really some wierd jazz techno hybrid with that driving beat. Not one bad thing to say about it. Keep up the goodness Mazedude. Quote
TFLthuG Posted April 1, 2003 Posted April 1, 2003 wow i cant believe i missed this remix, Rygar was my favorite, had all the cool tunes, this was the best one though, and although i hate jazz with a passion, i couldnt believe my ears when i heard it, it just hit me real quick, NES+JAZZ wow thats all i can say wow good work mazedude Quote
Dougzee Posted April 10, 2003 Posted April 10, 2003 Im inclined to agree with everyone on this. The jazzy feel really does the piece justice. Now im gonna go play Rygar. -Doug Quote
Atomic Dog Posted April 10, 2003 Posted April 10, 2003 I kept this one after I listened. I like the piano riff you use. Fits really well. Makes me want to make a martini. Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted April 4, 2004 Posted April 4, 2004 Whoa, I really like this. The "delayed acoustic bass" sounded almost like bongas or whatever you call them. The sax has the perfect tone to it, and you bring in the piano at a great time. Didn't even notice that it was a piano. At around 00:53 it sounds like you change the kinds of pianos you use... And then you go back down with the bass at 01:15, with some occasional sax. When the piano comes back again, things start coming back... And I know why they're calling it "industrial jazz" now, because of that industrial clap-like sound in the background that always seems to accompany the piano. At around 01:57, you can tell things are really get back up, and soon enough all the intruments are playing in unison, with the exception of the trumpet, which takes the place of the sax nicely, with the sax still playing a few notes occasionally. I like the fadeout you used at 3:30. This is another Mazedude classic, and I think it's his best work ever. Even if you don't normally like jazz, this mix has a great pace and a variety of instruments. Excellent work, Maze. Quote
jordex Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 Bloody Brilliant THis song needs to be heard by more people! Quote
OpenAmp Posted December 3, 2005 Posted December 3, 2005 savage beats! this is awesome! way to go, mazedude. Quote
Liontamer Posted October 5, 2007 Posted October 5, 2007 Yeah, wow. Just a weeeeeird piece. Chris was definitely trippin' on something when he made this. Not always my cup of tea with this one, but a very inspired and offbeat take on Rygar, much like Mazedude's Bayou Billy "Trippin' on Alligators" which I enjoy just for being so crazy. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Almost a little *too* packed in some sections, but this definitely has some serious power packed in! It sounds like a complete snail-trippingly fun party, with all the instruments invited. I really enjoyed the trombone and sax sparring, and the piano bits were good too. The part where the horns are playing the main melody in unison really clicked with me, and the various drum breakdowns beforehand were great too. Fun stuff with a lot of energy, even if it almost gets to be too much. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 This is very, very trippy. Me likey I can see why people are calling this 'Industrial Jazz', and I gotta say I'm liking what I'm hearing. The middle section I love in particular, where the trumpet and sax almost seem to be dueling it out and it gets even better and more packed towards the end. A highly fun and energetic piece by Mazedude. Quote
Bejack Posted September 7, 2013 Posted September 7, 2013 What's not to like about this ReMix? First off, this was my favorite area in Rygar because of the music. I particularly enjoy the piano and brass here. I never thought that 4 minutes could fly by so fast. Amazing work! Quote
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