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I think I sprained by wrist a long time ago. Even a year or two later, it still hurt when I put a lot of pressure on it. But after some very simple strength training, it has gotten a lot better. I'm not too sure if you have the same problem or not. I would think that if you sprained your wrist, you would know. Personally, I think that my wrists would give in after the muscle ups.

I don't know if this is my weekly update or not. I think that I got some progress done. Yesterday, I was benching 55 and 60 pounds consistently compared to 50 and 55 pounds only a week or two before. There really isn't anything notable other than that. But I just wasn't feeling into it yesterday at the gym. I think it was because I couldn't do my normal regiment as quickly as I would liked to. Other people were using the machines I wanted to or in the worst case, they were just sitting at the bench press and not using it at all. I just felt so blah. :(


Yeah not much got done this week... i managed to spar against a few people and ride my bike for about an hour a day... I had to work everyday this fricken week and that made it difficult to do anything... this week is clear though and ill do much better. anyways thats my check in. ttyl

P.S. Sorry about being late and all


Snuck away from camp to grab a couple songs from the internet, and to do work for auburn.edu/auband/ .

My summary for this week will be sad... I'm eating terrible and mostly sitting around making sure kids don't hurt themselves or others. Woo fun. It's over Saturday, so starting Sunday I'm back on track.

Okay, back to work for the BSA some more.


I got my training riiiiiings! :dance: My upper body was hurting too much today to begin though... so maybe tomorrow!

Today: 100 decline sit-ups, 75 knee raises, 200 floors on the StairMaster.

Nothing big, but good enough for my neglected core and cardio. :)


Late night lift session! This was actually really fun, i had to race the clock and crunched my sets of each down from three to two, cause i didn't have time but i enjoyed it a lot. Hell I didn't even get to do leg press, abs or incline bench. I started at 9:20, and the gym closed at 10 >'< Starting to ramp up for my official training next week.

Curls, 8 X 40s, 40s

Roman Chair w/ added weight, 8 X 60, 70

French Curls (triceps) 8 X 70, 75

Leg Curls, 8 X 200, 210

Leg Extension, 8 X 200, 220

Going off to do some abs now.


This week has been incredible. Painting every day, all day. Movement, water, formidable excercise. My shoulders are still aching from Monday's activities. Soon, we'll start stripping the entire school. That also means removing hundreds of pounds of school equipment from each room before and after. I'm in workout heaven.

I'm out 'till the weekend!

I wish I could play action games too, but this gives me a chance to go back and play all the old RPGs I never got around to finishing, so I'm not complaining about it.

Absolutely. Besides, I could see myself experiencing some cognitive dissonance with Twilight Princess. Like, I'd have Link walking along, and I'd be walking along on the treadmill. Suddenly, Link would have to stop for some reason and I'd probably stop walking on the treadmill and I can't imagine much good coming soon after that...

But yes, that is a very, very cool idea you have going there. I'd emulate ya, but I don't have a treadmill and my cardio comes from DDR. In the meantime, I think I'll go feed my cat.


Finally got my wrist looked at.

The good news: it's nothing too serious. Appears to be just some minor internal bruising.

The bad news is that with continued training, I'm likely to continue reinjuring it. Either way, it's going to take months to fully heal.

I might back off a bit for a little while and get a brace with a bit of padding to soften the impact, but I'm probably just going to say fuck it and deal with the pain and continue training.


Finally did some more hard core strength yesterday. Started with arms and shoulders and worked my way down. I didn't keep track of the exact numbers.

Today I did a bit of core and leg strength, as well as a bunch of trampoline.

Hopefully my wrist braces should be arriving in the mail in the next wee or so, and I should be able to get fully back into training.


I wasn't as active this week as I was last week since I had friends around the whole week, but I fit in some DDRing and such anyways. Also had a few unhealthy meals. Quite alright though, overall it was still way better than I was doing before we started!!

Next week I get to kick it back into full gear. I'm gonna try for 3 miles a day. What I can't finish running, I'll finish walking!


So, weekly check-in.

This whole week has been fantastic. I've been stripping floors now, and will continue with that for the next five weeks, I think. It's not as much of a workout for the arms, but for the legs, the under-the-thigh-muscles, since I do a lot of leaning down and bending to scrape wax off the edges of the floor. It's no cardio or anything, but it'll strengthen my legs.

CT and I have been doing a -lot- more cooking at home, so that's helping out with our nutrition. Egg sandwhiches are usually for breakfast, with loads of homemade faves for other meals, so we're on the road to better health.


Adding to my previous posts in the week...


100 decline sit-ups

100 barbell bicep curls @ 30 lbs (next time is 100 @ 40!)

... and then my first attempt at using the Elite Rings. I did like 30 deep ring dips and I was like OMG for the next few hours. I really wasn't expecting the rings to totally work me over like that but they did. AWESOME.

Friday (totally destroyed from the rings on Thursday)

100 decline sit-ups

40-50 ring push-ups

Several tricep push up holds on the rings (destroys the core the flatter the body is)

No 200 floors/5 miles on Thursday and Friday (gasp!) but I was just too jacked up from the rings to want to do cardio. Despite that, I still feel really great. The rings really are really challenging and that is what I enjoy the most.

Adding to my previous posts in the week...


100 decline sit-ups

100 barbell bicep curls @ 30 lbs (next time is 100 @ 40!)

... and then my first attempt at using the Elite Rings. I did like 30 deep ring dips and I was like OMG for the next few hours. I really wasn't expecting the rings to totally work me over like that but they did. AWESOME.

Friday (totally destroyed from the rings on Thursday)

100 decline sit-ups

40-50 ring push-ups

Several tricep push up holds on the rings (destroys the core the flatter the body is)

No 200 floors/5 miles on Thursday and Friday (gasp!) but I was just too jacked up from the rings to want to do cardio. Despite that, I still feel really great. The rings really are really challenging and that is what I enjoy the most.

Aren't they great? THere are so many ways to make any excercize really hard without doing huge nubmers; I rarely do more than 20 of ANYTHING in a row on rings.


Climbing update:

They replaced the crash mat floor with... a floor... Whats the point of a crash matt that fucking hurts to land on? Don't fuck with shit thats not broken. I feel like I'm gonna break my legs if i fall now. Great.

On the plus I'm on-sighting pretty much all V1's I come across. If they let us, I might have to take a video at some point, as V1 probably means nothing to you guys.


Weekly check in I guess. Didn't do squat as my thumb hurt too much to work out and the fact that I couldn't use it presented numerous problems in the changing and showering departments (I hurt my right thumb and I'm right handed. You don't realize how much you need it until you have to get help to button up pants that fit just fine). My thumb doesn't hurt anymore though so I can better use my fingers on that hand and I'm getting used to using my left hand for stuff more so I think I'll start running again either tomorrow or Tuesday. Now that showering and dressing myself aren't major challenges I think I should be fine. Hopefully I'll be able to stop wearing the splint they have me in on Friday.


I ran for 22 minutes yesterday. That's my entire checkin since I left last Friday.

I'm headed back to Auburn today, so the diet and exercise should return to a sense of normalcy. Much as I love working for the BSA, I was in charge of food for a lot of the week, and it was all unhealthy stuff too. Wives and girlfriends would bring goodies for the staffers too, which were delicious, but not nutritious. Combine that with no time to work out, and last week was terrible as far as OCR Fit is concerned.

At some point this week, before next weekend's checkin, I'm going to catch up on the bookkeeping for the standings, so make sure you all checkin if you haven't already!



Well, I've continued with the daily DDR, hitting 500+ calories a day and the weight training MWF, but last week I kind of faltered...for some reason...I can't remember. Didn't do anything on Monday, but I picked it up again Wednesday, I think... Well, by Friday I was definitely back on track, took Saturday off, did some DDR yesterday then today with the weights, and weighing in now at 188.

I'm feeling pretty good and fitting better into old clothes.




100 decline sit-ups

Then spent the rest of the gym time going back and forth between ring dips, ring pull-ups, ring push-ups, and ring tricep push-up holds.

I sadly won't be able to do much more exercising for the rest of the week. I have job training from 8 AM - 4 PM Tuesday - Friday and it's far away from home. :(

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