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OCR01712 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Metamorphic Rock"


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I'm usually not too into purely rock songs like this, but damn if this is not the best 80s-ish rock song I've heard in a damn long time, if ever. It might help that I have a major soft-spot for the source(s), but this is just awesome. Great, GREAT interpretation of the source in such a way as to convert someone not real into the genre. Sixto and Darkesword are quite a dynamic duo.

BTW, absolutely amazing production as per the usual Sixto sound :).

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Classic Sixto with Shariq-infused melodic interpretation? I'll take it! Incredibly emotive lead-playing, wonderful arrangement and near-professional production. Only criticism I have is that the (brickwall) limiting might have been a bit too harsh, song feels a bit grungy in that department (if you listen to the cymbals and snare during the busier parts), but that's really nitpicking.

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This feels so real... Like I'm going back to the old game but at the same time it's A fresh remake of it. SO GOOD...MUST...SAVE... This one's going on my iPod, and I think it will be there for QUITE some time to come...

Now do Sonic 2. :)

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Wow, just wow. I love Sonic the Hedgehog - both the games and their soundtracks, and this is such a sweet interpretation. I LOVE the subtle movement in to S1's awesome boss theme.

Well done, best remix in awhile (and that's saying something, because there haven't been many I didn't like recently.)

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This song is definitely epic. While I'm going through my second playthrough of the song and have a tough time trying to find where the Green Hill Zone part is exactly, the whole thing is just awesome. The arrangement is really good too, not much to say about this because it's so good, you know something I could probably listen to for hours on end. It sounds like boss music, lol which is a good thing.

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This is pure awesomeness that was packed away in a box somewhere that suddenly exploded in our faces! Unbelievably amazing stuff! You could've easily got this song into Guitar Hero 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the next Sonic game, or all of the above! I just have one request:

Keep rocking out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The beginning doesn't hurt my ears, but it certainly doesn't do anything for me. Which is true for pretty much all of the first half, except for the breakdown from 1:00 on.

Where this song really shines is from 1:58 on, when it becomes really fast, and the absolutely insane guitar playing following that (~2:53 is amazing).

Also, I like what you did to the source and how you arranged it. Good job.

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