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So, I am the manager of a video game retail shop and have the luxury of pumping my mp3 player onto the sales floor. Naturally one would have OCRs playing in a video game store, right? Helps you make it through the day. But the other day something cool and unexpected happened. An older gentleman easily in his 60s, if not 70s came in to look at some used PS2 games, presumably for his grandson/daughter. After a few minutes and tracks had passed, djpretzel's "Jethro and Vash at the Fair" from Chrono Trigger came on. A few moments passed before the gentleman popped his head up from the bin he was looking in and asked "Is this Chrono Trigger music? It sounds different than I remember." Upon further discussion it turns out that he was, in fact, shopping for himself, and was really longing for another game in the Chrono series to come out, and that djpretzel's arrangement rekindled a love for a game he hadn't played in over a decade.

How cool is that?

I proceeded to pimp the site, like y'do, and passed him a piece of receipt paper with the web address on it. Maybe he'll download some more?

Anyway, just an interesting OCR story I wanted to share.


That's really cool. :)

A story of a similar vein:

When I worked the electronics boat at Super Target a gentleman of the senior variety came in and bought the re-release of Zelda 2 for the GBA. I asked if it was for a grandchild and he said it was for himself. I thought, "cool" and figured that was the end of that. A few days later he came back, asking for help on how to get into the 6th palace. Taken aback, I regained my composure, verified with him the location of the palace and told him about the flute in level 5, and also where to get the thunder spell and the location of the secret village. One of the coolest conversations I've had with any customers, especially given the stereotype-breaking demographic of the man.

And stuff like Tentacle's story makes old age seem less bleak.


That's a beautiful story, man. That's actually one of the first songs that attracted me to the site as well. The first time I heard of OCR was in a video game mag some 3-4 years ago. ♪ Bum, bum, bum! ♪ ... I guess Game Informer is good for something after all, eh?

@Monobrow: Thanks for the link to Crono Crisis, man! That looks sweet! :D

I wonder how old the oldest OCR head is.

42? ... It's just a guess.

I turned thirty a few weeks ago. Does that count?

/didn't get a b-day thread, even after four years... :sad:

NO WAY. I was sure you were about 16, and have thought so for at least a year or two. I guess I must have been thrown off by the Pokemon sig and a little bit of the Nintendo Fanboyism a long time ago. I never would have guessed you were >6 years older than me.

Me = Ignorant, presumptuous goober.

So uh, happy birthday!

As for the thread, I get a lot of ~40-50-year-olds at work (GameStop) looking for good GBA and DS recommendations. I usually tell them, "Advance Wars or Fire Emblem," and they say, "Yeah those were great. Now what should I play?" But 70-year-olds, no, I don't really see that very often.

The first time I heard of OCR was in a video game mag some 3-4 years ago. ♪ Bum, bum, bum! ♪ ... I guess Game Informer is good for something after all, eh?

We were in Game Informer? Do you have any more info on that; can't say I've heard of it, but that sounds pretty cool!

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